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Everything posted by Kate-in-Canada

  1. Were you able to ask someone at celebrity who told you only bars, or did that come from the community? I was hoping so,e one from the special requests dept would contact me after I sent in my form so I could ask what it is allowed to bring with me to be prepared.
  2. Yes, I’m sure lots of place may have things thier staff consider gluten free. But a kitchen safe from cross contamination isn’t not so easy. put would be one thing if I was just walking around town. but having a gluten attack while on a canoe trip or river rafting trip where there’s no bathrooms is not something I want to risk. At all. and my kenai fjords tour is 8 hours. Though I suppose I might be able to pop into a convenience store and grab some chips and candy. I hate junk food, but if it’s between that and 8 hours of nothing but watching others chow down thier lobster roll.
  3. Hmmm. So if I hit up a grocery store in Vancouver before boarding and got say a bunch of bags of Doritos and potato chip, protein bars and rice crackers, those would be fine? no fruit. No nuts either? Peanut snacks packages?
  4. Hi all, I am celiac and need to eat gluten free. I’ve checked the dr menu and I feel confident I will fine onboard. Also sent I the special request form and reserved the same time each night for dinner. however, I am worried about lunch when in port (Alaska) I don’t trust the busy touristy restaurants in high traffic Areas and don’t want to searching for one somewhere that has a gf menu. I would feel much safer taking a packed lunch on my excursions. all inclusives have done this for me, but there was no border issue about taking fruits or whatever from a ship. has anyone ever gotten a packed lunch to go ashore before? is there a spot where I can find all the restricted foods, so that if I can’t get a takeaway lunch, I could grocery shop before boarding and bring packaged snacks with me? normally a typical packed day activity lunch for me would be apple or banana, peanut butter and rice crackers, almonds, granola bar, maybe he’s boiled egg or cheese slices and pepperoni. do you think I could make my own packed lunch from the buffet In The morning if I brought containers? Some of my tours like kenai fjords provide lunch, but it’s a wrap or roll I won’t be able to eat… any advice on how to stay in-glutened on shore? cheers!
  5. I have 8 AirTags. purse, purse, beach bag, gym bag, keys, lunch bag, bike, luggage. I use them frequently. My dad borrowed my truck one day but the. Couldn’t remember what he did keys afterward. Ping the sound and I found the. In seconds. No stress. I intend to get more for my other piece of carryon luggage, one to leave in vehicle, One for hiking bag and one for school keys. and a four pack for my father for his things as he seems to be getting g a little forgetful. so many uses.
  6. I consider it all user fees with a misleading name. Gratuity is supposed to be a thanks in gratitude for excellent service, and would be at the users choice of when and how much. I dislike the policy but so many places in upscale service industry do it, and the only way to escape is either not participate or complain excessively to claw back some dollars which puts blame on employees. Neither is okay with me, so I just call it fee and accept if I want the service, i need to be okay with the total price. those it does still bug me when places that have handed you a bill with the fee/gratuity added on, and still have an extra tip line. Nope.
  7. If you are vaccinated I don’t see how being selected for a random test would disrupt you at all, unless you are positive. If you were positive, wouldn’t you want to know so you didn’t continue unaware and spread? I hope not. anyway, depends on your stops for must see. If you stop in Halifax, and any other tall ships are in doing tours, a harbour cruise on a sailing vessel is amazing. Or a day trip out to Peggy’s cove especially if it’s a bit stormy. if you stop in Sydney, fortresse louisbourg is one of the best historical sites in Canada.
  8. Use it to tip the crew on board, but use either credit card or get Canadian dollars for ports.
  9. I would tip if you eat meals in the dining car. Since you aren’t getting a bill, 5$ per evening meals would be reasonable I think. Probably not for breakfasts and lunches. bring some reading material. I’ve done that trip. There’s not a lot to see through Ontario and Manitoba.
  10. Telus has similar easyroam. But it’s $15 for everyday you use it. On a 12 day trip that’s 180 bucks. I’d much rather just find a SIM card that works in alaska. Unfortunately all the descriptions says check t mobile map, which shows alaska coverage, only to find out when asking the company that they don’t work in alaska after all.
  11. Thank you all. not printing any additional pages. Didn’t want to waste ink. Ink is expensive. Cheers!
  12. I printed the luggage tag page, but do I need to print any of the others? I have them saved to phone…
  13. So update, after buying it, days after inquiring with company, I find out even though they said it runs on everywhere on the T-Mobile map in the product description, it won’t work in Alaska. Hopefully Amazon will let me send it back. has anyone had any luck with getting SIM cards in the ports? I feel like tag may ne the only to know for sure they work in alaska is to buy in alaska.
  14. I don’t need a Telus sim. I just need one that works in alaska. Have you used that one in alaska?
  15. Actually first sign of symptom is when it’s most effective for the people it’s appropriate for. it won’t help me talking to my doc if it’s not available on board. and I’ve already taken a course of it once, so my comments are based on actually experiencing it as a high risk cancer survivor. In all my comments I never suggested passing it out to everyone like OTC. My point was availability and what could be done to make sure those who need it snd it’s appropriate for have the option. people who aren’t interested in taking it can just not take it without commenting on how it should be limited for those who need it.
  16. Oh , lots of what ifs. I still wanted to know if this was an option.
  17. Which is irrelevant to my point about how they could safely implement if there was a desire to. Want paxkovid in case of positive test. Get blood work before going. This is not complicated.
  18. Most regular folks don’t. But it’s not regular folks in need of pax. High risk people need it, and chances are, whatever causes thier high risk probably means they get fairly regular blood work. and that’s fine. If celebrity decided thier ships docs could prescribe and they carried a supply on board, they could easily put out a notice saying for any high risk travellers who would like to be considered for pax if testing positive while on board should have a recent set of bloodwork and medication list with them in order to be considered, easy. Those who are serious about it will. Those who aren’t serious and don’t bring those things don’t get considered for it. Easy. It would show they care about offering the best for thier high risk travellers and willing to take steps. my point was denying everyone and high risk folks because some can’t get it is silly. We don’t do or shouldn’t medicine like that.
  19. I think there are two in accuracies in this. First, calling it a small benefit. When it has shown to reduce hospitalizations and severe outcome in 98% of people who take, most of which are all high risk patients, that is the opposite of small benefit. That’s fact. And anecdotally as someone who took it after watching thier pulse ox levels drop steadily in the 24 hours from testing positive to getting my hands in the pills, it was a huge lifesaver for me. also, saying the screening process will take all sounds like an alarmist exaggeration. It took me a10 minute phone call appointment with a pre-screening admin to confirm my high risk status and possible eligibility, who then passed my number onto the tele doc who called me for a 20 minute consult where she looked up my recent bloodwork online and my medication list online and Determined was little risk of interaction, and went through the how to use directions with me. This is possible for a pharmacist who isn’t looking for an excuse to be stubborn about paxlovid. if your pharmacist is basing opinions on inaccuracies, I would suggest a new one who has peoples best interest, including the high risk for Covid complications people at heart. obviously there would be some folks who wouldn’t be able to do this. Those who don’t have digital records available, for example, who would have to wait it out if it stays mild or end up in hospital if it gets bad, but there are a lot of people it could help and who could easily show they meet eligibility. It is crazy to me for a blanket statement of refusing a drug to everyone only because there are some it would be not appropriate for.
  20. ya. I’ve been wavering myself between thinking I’m crazy for taking the risk to thinking it’s silly to sit home waiting for this to enjoy before I start enjoying life again. but I got diagnosed with cancer during Covid, and did all my treatment during Covid and went no where at all except medical appointments for a year and saw almost no one for my whole treatment time to avoid infection. Once I got my all clear, after a year of isolation, I wanted to enjoy what kind of feels like a bonus. But with caution. I’m the only person in my family or at my job who still masks. I sanitize and keep my distance indoors. I don’t want to get a severe Covid infection but I also didn’t go through treatment to stay on my couch. it’s hard. Especially when there isn’t a date to look forward of when things if ever will be “safe”. Could wait years for the risk to go away, and in meantime, have a cancer recurrence. im going, with hopes my hard core masking, 4 vaccines and precautions will be enough. and the hopes that if I contract Covid again, I can get paxlovid at a port.. I read the reports that it’s more wider availability in the states. I’m going to get a docs note to say I already took it once successfully, and I have my recent bloodwork digitally to show kidney and liver function good, so hopefully I can’t get it if I need it. I wish it was available on board though for those who meet a criteria..
  21. I wish they did have paxlovid on board. I’m I muncompromised, and while I have avoided a lot of exposure, I didn’t want to stay home from my cruise. Yes, Pax does have interaction,S but I would be happy to get a letter from my family doc saying we had already consulted and was fine to take of testing positive. I tested positive for the first time this spring after the gov ended masking in schools. O still was wearing my mask, but I couldn’t go all day without eating or drinking, and bingo, tested positive. having gone through radiation for cancer, my lungs are shitty. They started filling with fluid scary quick. Luckily I got paxlovid 24 hours after my positive test. Stopped Covid I. It’s tracks. Lungs cleared, negative on day 7. And the only side effect was bad taste. And bad taste is nothing when you feel your lungs drowning. if I could get my hands on a preventative set of doses to take with me I would, and pay whatever, but it’s super hard to get here and def can’t get a just in case dose. im risking it because it seems like Covid will never go away and I don’t want to pause life forever. But I would feel a lot better if ships had it. I will still be masking and distancing as much as possible, but I know the risk is there.
  22. formal wear isn’t required, but I would like to dress up for chic nights. After 2 years of events being cancelled, I was looking forward to it. Plus, in my pre cruise stay at the Fairmont in van, I have a formal events as well. Part of the packing dilemma is that I am doing more than just the 7 day cruise. well, cheap pair picked up after flights may be the best solution.
  23. thank you. Good to know. I’m in ocean view hoping for a move up bid accepted for aqua class. So I guess no slippers for now.. plan B I guess might buying some cHeap flip flops on arrival in Vancouver. Anyone else struggle with reasonable packing when doing a land and cruise tour, 14 days in both hot and cold and rainy climate with both outdoor active excursions, causal and formal wear needed on a ship with no self service laundry?! I feel like I will be facing an overweight bag or spending a small fortune on ships Service laundry.. 🙃
  24. Hi all, fine tuning my packing list for Alaska in a couple weeks. normally for travel I would pack a pair of light slides to wear back and forth to pool and spa. However, I don’t foresee using the pool a lot. Maybe hot tub once or twice. And only one spa trip as the spa prices are quite high. id like to save space and not take and pool footwear…but if I do go to hot tub I don’t want to be clinking down in my hiking shoes. does celebrity provide in room slippers and if so, would that would be sufficient for to and from hot tub? also, are robes provided in all classes of rooms? Again for purpose of back and forth to hot tub…
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