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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I have an update on refunds for the flight cancellation July 20 in Boston (Delta). Last night we each received an email from Delta that a refund of about 80% of the price we paid for our seats was being refunded, but not to us. We don't know what it referred to but it must be the form of payment Flight Ease used. Lots of asterisks and ending in numbers 0015. Not our credit card of course since we paid Holland America for our flights with our final payment. No mention yet of reimbursement for our expenses actually getting home either. We have heard zero from Flight Ease or Holland America guest relations. I guess we're supposed to go scavenging for our reimbursement. This reminds me of 2020 when everyone waited and waited for refunds of our cancelled cruises.😒
  2. Good morning friends! Another very warm day – 74F and we expect a high of 93 with sunny skies again. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps. A widely divergent group of days to recognize, and a quote I don’t really agree with. I enjoy a pasta salad and would probably pass on the Sangria and definitely the Cabernet Sauvignon. This was a sobering day in 1945. Where would the trucking industry be without diesel engines? Yay for Betty Boop! Thanks ladies, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard, for your food and beverage reports. Prayers for our Care list group especially Tana and Terry, Annie and Chuck, Jacqui, Ann’s DH Pat, Joy’s DS Bonnie, Nancy’s DB, Elizabeth, Roy, Debbie and Terri. Also for my DB, twin sister, DD, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our men and women serving in war zones. 🙏 Meanwhile, a salute to everyone cruising, preparing to cruise and celebrating your special occasions. 🚢 🎂 Thank you so much Vanessa @JazzyV for your updated lists every day. The port today is Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana (Dominican Republic). We had this port before on April 18, 2022, Jan. 3, 2023, and April 8, 2023. I haven’t been to the Dominican Republic before. I’ll post the links here for your convenience in retrieving your photos. I’m making some progress now on my counted cross stitch Christmas stocking. Finally! I hope you all enjoy a safe, well and productive day!
  3. I have been to Corfu three times (2012 Crown Princess, 2017 Westerdam and 2018 Pacific Princess). Pictures from the 2017 visit below since we had the best weather that trip. We arrived in Kerkira on the island of Corfu, Greece on Aug. 20, 2017 on Westerdam. It was a pretty day for a change. We hadn't had good luck weather-wise there before. But it would be worse on the next visit after this one. In 2018 we were there on Pacific Princess on Nov. 27 and got totally drenched down to our socks walking back to the ship. I thought this was a pretty little carriage to take a ride in. I hope the horse is given numerous breaks though. We walked past the New Fortress built in 1577. Not a wide street but it gets the job done. Protecting the beautiful produce from the morning sunshine. I've never seen that done before at a market. But look how perfect it is. The Old Fortress of Kerkira, on the sea, built around 6 A.D. We enjoyed this sunny, not wet day in Kerkira. Here is a photo of a rainbow as we left Kerkira, Corfu in Nov. 2018 after heavy rainfall.
  4. Good morning friends! Today’s morning temp is 72 which shall rise to 94 with sunny skies. I’m looking forward to fall cooler temps. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps for 8/8/2024. Wow, International Cat Day should be a popular one here on the Daily. I forecast lots of cat memes! Digital Nomad Day is okay, but the Date to Create is important. It’s a day to stop making excuses and get started on that project we’ve been putting off. I’m not sure what Oscar Wilde is saying is absolutely necessary. The kebabs meal suggestion sounds okay. No thanks to the Rob Roy and red wine. I’m sure people were fascinated with Galileo’s telescope. Love the Beatles! Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reporting today. Prayers for my DB, my twin sister, DD, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our troops in that volatile region. Many prayers for our friends here on the Daily Care list. Tana and Terry, Annie and Chuck, Joy’s DS Bonnie, Nancy’s DB, Jacqui, Elizabeth, Carol, Roy, Debbie, Terri and Jim. Cheers to all cruising, preparing to cruise, and celebrating special occasions! Hoping for “Wonderful” for you all. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the excellent work maintaining the lists for us. The port today is Kerkira, Nisos Kerkira (Corfu), Greece. We’ve seen it here two times previously on Oct. 2, 2022 and Oct. 13, 2023. I’ve enjoyed that port a few times and have some photos to re-post. Here are the links. DH was able to easily get his driver’s license renewed yesterday. He didn’t use his glasses to pass the eye exam with 20-20 vision! Lucky man! The glasses are mainly for distance and I rarely see him wear them. Meanwhile my arm is still red from the shingles shot, still tender but less swollen. I’ve used a little ice on it but I think it just takes time to settle down. I feel fine so that’s good. Hope you all enjoy a fabulous day, and please, stay safe and keep well.
  5. I bet little Poppy is just as cute as her name. Congrats to the family!
  6. Jacqui @kazu sending another prayer that you begin to feel more like yourself and put an end to this queasiness. Sleep can't hurt! Love the photos of the flowers! DD sent me some photos of her latest celebration tree, Back to School, but a couple disappeared from my phone. Here's what I have left. I love the decorations...the pencils, rulers, books, scissors, school bus, and the darling ABC garland which looks like a ribbon. I can't see her closeup photo of the blackboard decoration anymore so cropped it from the first photo. Not a great pic but maybe you can read it. DD is busy preparing for the school year which begins next week. Unfortunately she's been having more foot pain and was just diagnosed with Capsulitis. She will have to wear a boot and take steroids (a big weight gainer for her and it's only 51/2 weeks until her daughter's wedding) 😢. Next will probably be cortisone shots and orthotics. What a bummer!
  7. That is true. We had a problem with fog in Tampa and the ship couldn't leave port until the following noon. We missed Key West because of it. But once I babysat for DD and her husband while they cruised to and from Galveston. Their Princess ship was not able to get into Galveston on time and the cruise had to be extended a day. The people on the next cruise lost a day of their cruise. DD had to make 3 different changes to their flights. And I needed to get home to my home state to get ready for my cruise the following weekend. She and her DH were supposed to be at work and didn't get back in time. It was a mess. 🙁
  8. Good morning friends! This morning it’s 72F and we expect a high of 93 and mostly sunny. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps. Today we can all agree that packaging can get out of control sometimes. So frustrating! Professional speakers and Purple Heart recipients deserve a day of recognition. I’m confused by the quote this early in the morning. The soup sounds good but it’s not time for hot soups so that will have to wait. I think I will pass on the drink and wine. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today. Prayers for my DB, twin sister, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held and our men and women in our military in harm’s way in that war zone. Prayers as well for our group of Care list individuals here on the Daily with pain and suffering. I’m hoping we can pare that list down considerably in the coming weeks and months. Congrats to all celebrating special occasions and cruising! And thanks go to Vanessa @JazzyV for her upkeep of the lists for us every day. The port today is Portimao, Portugal. Let’s hear it for another brand new port here. I am fairly certain I haven’t been there before. No links, no photos again. Please enlighten us if you’ve had the pleasure of visiting Portimao. My shingles shot arm is sore, appears slightly swollen, and is red and warm to the touch. I believe I recall this happening last March when I had the first dose. Hopefully it will be better by tomorrow. DS says Ren is getting his appetite back after having his wisdom teeth removed last Thursday. He’s lost a little weight but I’m sure he will gain some back again. He will see a doctor in Dallas next Monday and they will hopefully determine he can lose the sling and start PT. He and his Mom are flying to Dallas Sunday. DS is driving Ren’s car back to Dallas Saturday and Sunday. It’s been in Michigan with the family since June. And DH and I fly to Dallas next Wednesday to begin our visit there, staying with Ren while his parents go to Singapore for an event. Life is sure complicated! I hope we all have a great day! Stay safe and keep well!
  9. Sounds wonderful! I can certainly tell you are excited, and hope you have a wonderful 70th celebration!
  10. Well, we were partly successful today. First we stopped and purchased several crackers that we were out of for 5 p.m. happy hour. Then I got shingles shot #2, then went across to the eye doctor office. First time there and I doubt we go back. The waiting room was full with at least 25 people waiting. The interior was dark wood and gloomy with not enough lighting. Then we waited 90 minutes for our appointment (I heard they had computers down when they went in to work this morning). The exams and scans went very well, but even though DH mentioned he was going to the DMV to renew his driver's license today, the young lady dilated his eyes! The young lady who waited on me asked first, but his did not. Therefore he couldn't go to the DMV. Once we finally got out of there 🥴 I drove us over to the license tag office to renew the license plates. Then we just headed straight home. We will have to go out again tomorrow or Thursday for the DMV. Both of us have good eyesight with eyeglass correction and good eye health so we are set for the next year. Congrats on the huge weight loss RNB! That's amazing! Glad to see you back posting. Jack, I know how difficult this decision has been to make. Sam has had a good last few years with you. I'm so sorry though. So glad you two are doing okay. I hope the power remains on and the W-Fi and phone continue to work. 🤞
  11. Good morning friends! Today it is 73F and we should see a high temp of 88 with cloudy skies today. Always a chance of some rain with a tropical storm/hurricane nearby. Yesterday it suddenly began to rain hard, then slowed and stopped all within 5 minutes. That was all! Today we have some errands to run as well as eye appointments. If the primary physician doctor’s office isn’t too slow I will go in and request my second shingles shot since it is across the street from the eye doctor. We have to renew our license plates, and DH needs to get to the DMV right away to renew his driver’s license. It expires on his birthday next week. Hopefully we get everything done quickly with no long delays or waits. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report, Daily and the ship location maps. I’ll make sure I have fresh breath today. I wish I could have a root beer float like we used to when I was a kid. I like lighthouses, take many pictures of them, and agree they are necessary for ship safety. A nice quote by the Dalai Lama. The menu suggestion sounds healthy. I wish I liked fish more! For the drink and wine I will pass. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for the F&B reports. Prayers for our citizens in danger from tropical storm/hurricane Debby. Please evacuate if you can! I also said prayers for our Daily Care list including Tana, Chuck and Annie, Ann’s DH Pat, Joy’s DS Bonnie, Nancy’s DB, Jacqui, Elizabeth, Roy, Debbie, Terri and Jim. Sad to have to pray for the poor soldiers struck by a rocket at the base in Iraq, but I will and for all the others in danger over there. Prayers for the people in Israel and Ukraine fighting for their lives and countries, and the hostages still remaining. And finally prayers for my DB and twin sister. Thank you very much Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping the lists for our group each day. The port of the day is Farsund, Norway, a totally new port for us here on the Daily. I can’t recall ever going there so no photos or links today. I hope someone here has some photos and experience there to share with us. I hope all of us stay safe and keep well today. Especially those in the path of Debby!
  12. Melanie @puppycanducruise very happy belated birthday wishes to you. I'm glad you enjoyed it with your family. and happy birthday to you too @lobsternight Thanks for letting me know that. I'm sure it was a beautiful piece with excellent work. I've been trying to catch up all week on my stocking project!
  13. Happy 46th today Charlene @cunnorl and DH! Annie @marshhawk here is your daily hug! 🤗 You deserve some.
  14. I can understand the aide's comments and feelings, but I would be worried too. You really need the help so I hope she decides to continue caring for Tana. Praying for you all!🙏
  15. Good morning friends! It’s 72F and partly cloudy this morning with a humidity of 95%. High will be 87 and there’s a chance of some showers this afternoon. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps. Hmm, interesting days to recognize. Traffic lights and underwear are very necessary. Hiroshima Day is August 6 to be honest so we can recognize that tomorrow. The quote by Richard Lewis is quite true. The soup sounds good but it’s still too hot for it. A strawberry margarita would be refreshing, but pass on the wine. I’m sure the Vikings were surprised by the English defeat way back in 910. It was good to institute the nuclear test ban treaty. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your excellent reports each day! Prayers for my DB and twin, those affected by Hurricane Debby, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the poor hostages still being held, and our military members in the region in increasingly dangerous times. Many prayers for our Care list group especially Tana and Terry, Chuck and Annie, Ann’s DH Pat, Joy’s DS Bonnie, Nancy’s DB, Jacqui, Debbie, Elizabeth, Carol, Roy, Terri and Jim. A salute to those cruising and everyone celebrating special occasions in their life. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the list updates every day. The port of the day of Cap-aux-Meules, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec Canada. Wow, another new port and it sounds delightful! I have not been there before unfortunately so today we have no links or photos from me. I hope if you were lucky enough to go there you will show us some photos of this lovely town. Please, everyone in Hurricane Debby’s path, stay safe and be on the alert at all times. I heard DGD Morgan in Clearwater, Florida is okay but I haven’t heard back from her since I texted her yesterday. She couldn’t take extra time off work to attend her big sister’s bridal shower unfortunately. I heard the shower was beautiful though. Hoping we all have a great day!
  16. We used the internet on Zuiderdam in May, June and July; the first week and last week of our cruise were transatlantics. WiFi worked great. First transatlantic was premium and last transatlantic was surf. Same speed.
  17. Sharon @Sharon in AZ I'm sorry. I don't know how you got missed on my post. I wanted to wish your DGD Summer a happy 17th birthday! She is lucky to have such loving grandparents. Enjoy your cake and ice cream celebration this evening. 🎂 Thank you also for your comments about the photo of DH and I. Your photo of Galleria Umberto reminded me of the Dec. 2018 Pacific Princess stop in Naples when we took a nice walk around Naples. The weather wasn't bad at all! I took this nice photo of Mt. Vesuvius during our long walk around Naples. The area where we took the photo was called le Port de Plaisance, a marina for smaller boats. I believe I mistakenly mentioned Portofino this morning as a place we visited from Naples. That was Genoa.
  18. For some reason this seems like a very long day. We both did some extra housekeeping chores today and perhaps that's why. Terry @smitty34877 thanks for your comments on our photo together taken along the Amalfi coast. I liked it too and thus the framed copy in our house! It's incredible how your dogs knew that you were needed last night to help Tana. They've had plenty of evidence of you assisting her in the past. They need an extra treat for being such good dogs! @jodi58 congratulations on the upcoming birth of your grandson. Those are some lucky babies getting a blanket made by you with love.👶 Paul @kochleffel, I'm very sorry to hear you've been feeling ill. I do hope the Covid tests remain negative and you are feeling better already. Bruce @aliaschief it sounds like you've both had a great time visiting your DS. I hope you enjoy safe travels tomorrow. Annie @marshhawk I hope you were able to get out to the store for some groceries and found someone to stay with Chuck. You could use a little time off here and there. And a nap... Graham @grapau27 thank you for your kind remarks on my photo with DH. Your Lake district getaway photos look wonderful. So pretty! Terri @Cruzin Terri if you can't absolutely can't leave, please be careful. I really hope things aren't as bad as predicted.
  19. Today the port is Naples, Italy. That is a great stopping point to head to so many interesting places on the Italian coast. Below is my report on one of our stops in Naples when we headed via a ferry to nearby Capri. In October 2013 we took a maiden transatlantic cruise on the lovely Royal Princess. We flew to Venice and stayed a night in an old monastery before we boarded the recently launched ship. A few days later we arrived in Naples where we decided to take a tour of Capri. We were led out to the marina to board a hydrofoil. That was a very rough ride to the island of Capri! I’m so glad I took my meclizine well in advance just in case! One woman was so sick I offered her some meclizine for her ride back to Naples later on. It was already too late for the ride over. Here’s the vessel in question. A slightly blurry photo in Capri of the mountain top site we would visit later - Anacapri First we were led around the shopping area near the marina area. It’s called Capri Town. Then they took us by minibus up to Anacapri. There they showed us the shops including a place that sold very expensive inlaid marquetry tables. Not buying! Then we went to see the beautiful Villa San Michele. From up there you could see views of Naples, Capri Town, Sorrento and even Mt. Vesuvius. After wandering through the gardens and given some shopping time, we walked to our lunch restaurant. Finally! Lunch was at the Hotel Laresidenza The patio overlooking the beautiful scenery around Capri After our lunch inside, we were free to wander around the Gardens of Augustus for some amazing views of the cliffs, seas and gardens The famous viewpoint showing the rock formations named Faraglioni Time to head back to Naples In 2014 we did a Holy Land cruise on the Prinsendam. I had set up a private tour of the Amalfi coast so we set out with our driver and had a wonderful day there. Our driver actually took our picture for us and did a fine job. I keep a copy of this photo which is in a frame and sitting in our family room. I'm either standing in a hole or DH is standing on a rock - he is only 1 inch taller than me!😄
  20. Good morning friends! It’s 71F and will rise to 90 with mostly sunny skies. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the location maps. Today I think I’ll enjoy chocolate chips and white wine. I don’t have much to do with clouded leopards but I wish them long lives and safety in our world. Today’s quote is appropriate. The meal suggestion sounds pretty good but I wouldn’t enjoy the drink and I’m not sure about the wine. It was a tragic day for Anne Frank in 1944. Thanks Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your F&B reports! Prayers today for my DB, twin sister, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and the troops in harm's way. Many prayers for my friends here on the Daily in need of them, especially Tana and Chuck/Annie @marshhawk. Praying for better health and improvement in everyone's conditions and mental health. 🙏 Three cheers for our cruisers and those having special events! Today is my DGD's wedding shower in Ohio and I unfortunately cannot attend. I know they will have a beautiful day! 🥂 Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up with us all! The port this morning is Naples (Pompeii/Amalfi), Italy. We’ve had this port before on Feb. 23, 2022 and Nov. 28, 2023. Naples is a popular port because there is so much to do there. I’ve counted 7 visits there in our past. We've seen everything from Pompeii, Herculaneum, the Amalfi coast, Positano, Sorrento, Capri, Cinque Terre, Portofino, etc. Here are the links. Have a very good Sunday, and try to stay safe and keep well.
  21. @bdrcole thank you for your fascinating photos of Harstad, Norway. I'm sure it would be a worthwhile stop on any Norway cruise. I was wondering if Volendam and Zaandam would fit under the bridge so was glad to see Roy's @rafinmd comment. There's still hope HAL could go back to some of the smaller Norway ports. Bon Voyage @ski ww, and @MISTER 67!! Be careful today Annie @marshhawk! That sounds like a lot of running around today, however I'm aware you have to make those stops, just go slowly! I'm glad you're in charge of the medications now. It's an important job and you are the person for the job. I hope you get that nap!
  22. Good morning friends! It’s still dark out but should be partly cloudy and 73 outside. Our day will be mixed with both sun and clouds with the possibility of some showers and a high of 89. Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps. Of the three days to recognize I’ll skip the hair gloss, would love a little watermelon and honor our Coast Guard. Always a good quote (or two) by Mark Twain. The slow cooker baby back ribs sound good. I love the name of the cocktail so let’s have a look at it before making any decisions. I’m sure the merlot will be popular here but I’ll pass on a red wine. Christopher Columbus had no clue in 1492 how big his discovery would be. I know where Santa Claus, Indiana is and didn’t know they had a theme park there. A big thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their reports to us today. Prayers for our dear friends Chuck @catmando and Annie @marshhawk. We’re grateful he is home and they have come to some conclusions as to how much medication he should be on. Take care of that hip Annie and get medical help if it’s not better. More prayers for our other Care list individuals including Tana and Terry @smitty34877, Jacqui @kazu, Joy’s @Seasick Sailor DS Bonnie and Nancy’s @ottahand7 DB. The list is even longer with Ann's @Vict0riann DH Pat, Terri @Cruzin Terri, Debbie @dish, Roy @rafinmd, Elizabeth @Haljo1935, Carol @mamaofami, Vanessa @JazzyV and probably a few more I've missed. Extra prayers for my DB and twin sister. Continued prayers for the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages remaining, and our soldiers and sailors in the war zones. Cheers to all celebrating special occasions and enjoying their cruises! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for continuing to update the lists each day. It’s a big job! Today Rich @richwmn has shown us another new port, Harstad, Norway. No links to post but I hope someone here has spent a little time there. I looked up the location because it didn’t sound familiar and see the closest I’ve come to Harstad is Narvik in 2016 on Prinsendam. I wonder if that port will ever show up? I’m not sure HAL can make it to some of these smaller ports anymore without our beloved Prinsendam. Thanks in advance to anyone posting photos today of Harstad. I hope all here have a wonderful Saturday. Try to stay safe and keep well.
  23. That's awesome Linda! A Daily cruise for several of you to enjoy. It will be here soon.
  24. By the way, when I posted the photos of Keelung and Taipei this morning it reminded me of the fact that the day following our visit in 2010, there was a huge landslide in Taiwan. The landslide covered the main highway between Taipei and Keelung. We were on that highway just 24 hours before the landslide caused death and destruction on the road. Three cars were completely covered and 4 people died. There was no earthquake or rains to cause the landslide so it was quite a shock. I'm so glad we weren't there when it happened. Can you imagine the ship trying to leave with everyone stuck on the road coming back from Taipei? Or the possibility of losing passengers in that tragedy? Photo from the internet
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