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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I'm glad the Zuiderdam made it to Qaqortoq this week. I was there last year and thought the town looked like it had boomed since my previous visit. These sunny day visits make the colors really stand out don't they?
  2. I've just informed her to take her meds exactly as prescribed and not to stretch it out. I told her she must listen to her older (by 6 minutes) sister!!
  3. I just spoke (text) with twin and she's in pain since about 2 am. She dealing with it the best she can and takes the meds but not as often as they are allowed. Right now I think she should though. She's hot and wants her hair up in a scrunchie but her DH has no idea how to do that! She's thinking of calling a neighbor! She must be very, very hot!🥵 That is inexcusable behavior by a gate agent! Sometimes you get some really bad ones like that, other times they are quite nice. Shame on the airline telling you it was your fault for gate checking it!! Are you kidding me?
  4. Laura, having just flown this week I can certainly agree about the blatant disregard of the carry on limits. I saw luggage that resembled bean bag chairs, plus the couple had 3 other fairly large bags. What the heck? We decided to check a bag instead of me carrying one on just because there's rarely enough overhead space by our seat for the two of us to put one up there. I hope your luggage arrives safely and you have a wonderful trip.
  5. Interesting. My twin's wedding anniversary is Nov. 28 and she has had it fall on Thanksgiving quite often. My wedding date is Sept. 6 so we have a Labor Day anniversary every once in a while (first Monday in September holiday in U.S.) 2021, 2027, etc.
  6. They were shiitake. DH was looking at them because he's allergic to wild mushrooms. I thought the ginger looked "healthy" too!
  7. We walked to the Farmer's Market, only 1/10th of a mile away. Sticky out there. Anyway, we saw the biggest carrots and ears of sweet corn I've ever seen. Grow 'em big down here! The BBQ place sure smelled good. Have you ever seen oyster mushrooms? I haven't. Bon Voyage wishes to Tina @0106
  8. Good morning friends! The temp this morning is 85 and is expected to be a whopping 102F with sunny skies. There is a Farmer’s Market a short walk away this morning and perhaps we will go over for a look. Then when Ren wakes up he and DH may go to the downstairs gym for a bit. Ren is still working on keeping his legs strong. Last night we sat and chatted for a long time. We told him all the fun stories of the good old days and he seemed to enjoy it a lot. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Fleet Report and Daily as well as today’s ship location maps. Black cats are popular here. Feet appreciation? They’re pretty important so I guess the better we treat them the better they treat us. Let’s just pass right on by The Meaning of “Is” Day! I’m sure the broccoli salad and Midsummer Night’s Dream will be very good, but I can’t decipher the wine to determine that. A good day in Pulitzer Prize and Michael Phelps histories. Michael Phelps was from Baltimore but he trained at the University of Michigan for four years and attended classes but did not pursue a degree. I hope his life has worked out well for him. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your great reporting. Prayers for our group here in great need of them. Tana and Terry, Chuck and Annie, Melisa and DH, Ann and Pat, Joy’s DS Bonnie, Nancy’s DB, Jacqui, Debbie, Elizabeth, Roy, Terri and Jim. More prayers for DB, twin sister who is doing okay, DD who is on her feet too much causing pain in that one foot, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the poor hostages still held, and our troops over there in harm’s way. Congrats to all celebrating special occasions and cruising! Enjoy your celebrations. Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV once again for helping everyone out here by handling the Care and Celebration lists. Hope you are still feeling less dizzy. The port today is Ringaskiddy (Cork), Ireland. This is a first time showing for Ringaskiddy which sounds like a very cool place to visit. Of course we’ve seen Cobh (Cork) four times already so I think I will try to encourage any visitors to Ringaskiddy to post photo and experiences there for us today. No links will be posted for Cobh. Show us what you’ve got! I would love this port on an itinerary I had booked. DS and DDIL had a layover of several hours in Seoul and hopefully left there for Singapore to continue on. They will arrive in Singapore at 11:40 pm local time. He was shocked there was no Wi-Fi on the first flight! Have a superb Saturday everybody. Stay safe and keep well!
  9. We're booked on this one that doesn't go back to Ft. Lauderdale for 21 days. Volendam Jan. 4-25, 2025.
  10. Hi all, well I heard from twin sis and she is home now, still numb from her block. She has pain medication to take when needed but will try to stay ahead of it. She can't move her left arm for three weeks which she says will be really hard. She has a DH to help her out so I hope he makes her listen to the doctor's instructions on not doing anything. Hopefully she will heal well and be back to her old self very soon. Thanks everyone for your good wishes for her. Jacqui @kazu your hydrangeas are really lovely! Thanks for sharing with the Garden Club! Vanessa @JazzyV I'm glad you didn't have the vertigo problems last night and today. Nice you get to book an Alaska cruise for next year. Enjoy your evening! Annie @marshhawk sounds like a much better visit than last time. I hope you continue on a good path, and don't worry...many of us have an ice cream addiction like you do. 😉 Bruno @atexsix yes Busch Gardens Tampa is still open. I have never been to it. Busch Gardens Williamsburg consistently won annual awards for the most beautiful amusement park. When he worked next door to it at the brewery DH was given a dozen free tickets a year for us, family and friends to use. It was always a big hit. I loved the stable you could walk through to see the gorgeous Clydesdales in their stalls. Jane @lazey1 good to hear Tony is doing better and is going on Arizona insurance. I hope things continue to improve now. Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're helping him.
  11. Thank you Bruno. I know you are seriously aware of the challenges of watching over someone. I have a long time friend who lives not far from here, about 40 miles and once she and her DH are back home from spending time in Minnesota we plan on getting together. She was vague as to the exact date they get back to Texas but it will be before we leave a week from Monday. I haven't seen her in ages! I haven't but I bet my grandkids in Cincinnati have! Years ago we went to Six Flags over Mid-America outside St. Louis and rode the roller coasters. And of course, we went to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia quite a few times while living there. I'm not afraid of them but try not to go too many times in one day.
  12. Bruno, we're in Frisco, TX with family. DS and DDIL are being dropped at the airport right now by DH to fly to Singapore. DH and I are staying with our DGS Ren because he's healing from a broken collarbone. I've just picked him up from PT and he's showering so I can drop him off at high school. He said the therapist would like him to begin driving again so once he texts his Dad and Mom to inform them, will probably begin driving himself again by Monday. We will be here for another week and a half. Got to keep him fed and safe during that time. Easier said than done sometimes! He said when he begins soccer workouts again they will have a no contact rule for him. We need some extra large bubble wrap for this growing boy!!
  13. That is such good news! Hoping for the same result with the second surgery. Everyone must be excited! On our cruise, any large chunk of ice in the water caused a rush to a window or out of doors.
  14. Melisa @HAL Sailer it's too late to edit but I meant to put you and your DH on my prayers list comment. In no way did I forget you! My DD DS Nancy had lymphoma and was successfully treated for it and lived years afterward. She later passed of complications from her heart valve procedure but nothing to do with the lymphoma. I do hope your treatment is successful and you can continue on with a long life.🙏
  15. You and Pauline should enjoy the city a lot. I hope there's good shopping there! I didn't look. Good luck today at the endocrinologist. I hope your tummy feels better soon otherwise it will be a long day for you!
  16. This looks like your roll call to me, right on the front page of Holland America Roll calls, Volendam. Sorry Jacqui for interrupting!
  17. Leixoes (Porto), Portugal On April 30, 2019 The Prinsendam stopped in Leixoes, Portugal. We walked to a nearby tram stop, bought tickets to Porto and quickly made our way there. I start out with the train station in Porto. Besides the beautiful tiles inside the train station I remember everyone just standing inside with their heads tilted back gazing upward at all the tile murals. These people weren't looking at the train schedule, just the tile work. Walking up to the beautiful Porto Cathedral. This monument was on the terrace in front of the church. View of the river from the terrace and the city A boat on that river The architecture around the city was beautiful. Congregados Church Porto City Hall I would easily go back to Porto for another look. It was a beautiful place. Unfortunately this was our final cruise on the Prinsendam because Holland America sold the Elegant Explorer to Phoenix Reisen as of July 1, 2019. Such great memories.
  18. Good morning friends! I’m up before everyone (not surprising). It is 83 outside with a high of 102 expected and sunny skies. DS and DDIL will be dropped at the DFW airport this morning for their 24 hour journey to Singapore through Seoul. I will be taking Ren to PT and picking up from there to go to school. He might get a ride home from school in late afternoon and then we won’t have to go sit in a long line of cars waiting to pick him up. Funny how high schoolers all want a car ride home and heaven forbid you step foot on a school bus!! Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the ship location maps. All good days to recognize. Funny quote. Good food, drink and who knows on the wine. Two exciting days in history with gold being discovered, and Sports Illustrated beginning publishing. Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your contributions to the Daily. Prayers for all on the Care list – Tana and Terry, Chuck and Annie, Melisa’s DH, Joy’s DS, Nancy’s DB, Jane’s DS, Ann and Pat, Elizabeth, Jacqui, Roy, Debbie, my DB, my twin sister having that shoulder replaced this morning, DD, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages still held, and our military men and women in war zones. Dixie @summer slope how are your eyes adjusting since your cataract surgery? Hurray for all celebrating special occasions and cruising! A big pat on the back to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Care and Celebration list keeping! The destination today is Leixoes (Porto), Portugal. I have two links for you on May 9, 2021 and July 30, 2022. We went there once on Prinsendam and enjoyed our day spent exploring. Photos will be reconstructed and posted (since they disappeared from the original posting). Please share your own if you can. Hoping you enjoy your Friday August 16. Please stay well and keep safe. We will miss DS and DDIL! I hope they and everyone else traveling today have good, safe journeys.
  19. I just discovered this summer that the Dive In hot dogs are fantastic! I would only get burgers there before. I wanted a hot dog every time we ate lunch there by the end of our cruise!
  20. Great to hear you arrived safely and with no problems. We appreciate you taking the time to do your "Live From". Love, love, love Norway!
  21. Good news from Delta today regarding our expenses being reimbursed from our July 20 cancellation. We had no hotel to claim, but did ask for rental car reimbursement, gasoline, and 2 meager meals. This morning we got an email telling us all our charges were being refunded and told us how they would do that. Praise be! Now we are wondering if we will ever hear from Flight Ease about reimbursing us. Delta paid them back, and I guess they are sitting on that money. In addition I'd like the upcharge that FE charges over the actual cost of the tickets they purchased for us. In other words, the entire cost of our never used tickets, through no fault of our own of course. Looks like we're going to have to start calling them. Only problem is last time I called some young man on the other side of the earth answered and he had no clue what to tell me. We will have to demand to speak to some higher ups in Seattle so we can get some answers.
  22. Melisa @HAL Sailer my prayers are sent for you, DH and your medical team. So sorry to hear the news.🙏
  23. Good morning friends! It’s early morning here in Frisco, TX and we have a temp currently of 81F. It will be sunny today and 101 degrees. I posted last night of our experience arriving here yesterday in case anyone wants to read it. At least we made it safely and on time which is most important. Thanks to Rich @richwmn and the other helpers, Vanessa @JazzyV, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for getting the Daily published! Prayers for all the Care list group and any others that may need them. 🙏 I'll also include my DB, twin sister whose shoulder surgery is tomorrow, and DD. Never forget the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages there and our military members overseas. Congrats to all celebrating and cruising.🎂🥂 Today's port is a new one, Amami (Naze), Amami Oshima, Japan. I haven't been there before and also have no links to provide of course. Thanks in advance to any and all who post photos and tell us of their experience there. Hoping everyone has a wonderful day today. Stay safe, well and hopefully cool.
  24. It's been a busy day of travel and enjoying visiting with family. 🤗 Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you know we arrived on time today. The only problem was since we arrived a bit early for the flight, someone decided our checked bag should go on an earlier flight to Dallas rather than our own. No matter that the luggage tag should have notified them of which flight to put it on. During our flight Delta emailed us that they had "expedited" our luggage. Nice. Thankfully no one decided to walk off with it and it was kept outside the baggage office in Dallas. We easily picked it up and were on our way. The baggage folks behind the desk didn't ask for I.D., just smiled and waved as we left with it.😟 Have a good night, all!
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