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Cheshire Blue

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Everything posted by Cheshire Blue

  1. Apologies if this is answered elsewhere (but lots of posts appear historic). We are sailing from Southampton on Celebrity Silhouette in late September. I understand as well as covid vax status (NHS app) we will need to do some form of test prior to boarding. What is the current thinking as to where we get these tests done ? In Southampton or at home (NW) the day before departure and where exactly - Boots / Lloyds or somewhere else ? Appreciate past experiences
  2. Thank you - that's very helpful. We will order from the a la carte menu and then "pair" our own wine choices from the premium drinks package
  3. Sailing on Silhouette out of Southampton in a couple of months. We will have speciality dining package (several nights) . if we eat in Murano - am not sure what we can order / is included in our package ? I understand they have an a la carte menu and also a five course menu ? Can we have either on our package or are we limited in some way ? We also have premium drinks package.
  4. Thanks for coming back on this. I thought I was going mad ! I was sure I had read elsewhere on this forum that the premium limit was now $15 (excluding the gratuity). If the gratuity is then added this would amount to $18 in total (if the prices are shown on the menu inclusive of the gratuity). This begs the question as to whether the price list above (stated to be current as at July 22) is simply an old one as its does show $13 as the limit !
  5. Thanks for posting this I note the Cattier champagne (which I understood is in the Premium package) is listed at $15 (plus the 20% service charge - so making a total cost per glass of $18). How does this fit in with the premium package limit (which I understood was $ 13 + SC = circa $16) ? Apologies if I am missing something here ? I will be sailing out of Southampton and so understand the pricing will be shown inclusive of the service charge. Is that correct ? In this case - the champagne would probably be listed at $18. hence is this within the Premium package ?
  6. Thanks - so on this basis Move Up really only works if you are travelling as a couple (i.e. not with close friends / family)
  7. We are 73 days out from our cruise from Southampton (Silhouette) and have received details of Move Up opportunities Assume this doesn't work when we have travelling companions in cabin next door ? Although we could both apply for a move up (say to a suite) the danger would be that only one of us is successful - so leaving one couple to eat in Luminae and one in MDR. Likewise I assume its highly unlikely we would get a move up whereby we still end up next / close to each other ? Am I overthinking this ?
  8. Curious as to how this works (menus in Murano) with a pre paid dining package ? If I have a dining package and choose to eat in Murano - what can I have within the package ? Note I also have a premium drinks package
  9. Is the figure of $13 shown for premium package correct ? Assume this is exclusive of the included service charge ? - so making $16 overall ?
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