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Everything posted by CajunOyster

  1. How about ALWAYS touch the railings, instead? "One hand for yourself and one for the ship". The railings are there for a reason - especially since it's her first cruise and she may not be used to walking on a moving ship.
  2. This. The body does not detect speed or constant motion, only acceleration. If the ship is moving at a constant speed, you can't tell which direction. Just like being on an airplane at ~450 knots. If you're not accelerating in SOME direction, you don't feel motion.
  3. They ARE available to the public. I see them and I know others that see them. Like Elaine said, they are pack and go offers on last-minute notice. I've actually seen them as low as $10 a few months ago. And while you're right that the $50 doesn't pay expenses, an empty cabin doesn't spend money on drinks, food, excursions, fun shops, casinos, etc. So yeah, they DO sometimes basically "give away" cabins in exchange for on-board spending.
  4. You should have brought Carnival's attention to their own published policy.
  5. Eastern was a hot mess of financial malfeasance for a decade before it went under. It also suffered from deregulation and the oil embargo just like TWA and Pan Am. The commonality between all of these failures is they all played out over two decades of industry-wide problems. Comparing them to SWA's current problem is a bit disingenuous. Apples and oranges.
  6. That's not policy either. Kids can be in a cabin alone, but there are rules regarding how far away they can be. And under 13 can't be in a balcony cabin without an adult.
  7. I'm old enough to remember. I'm also old enough to remember both TWA and Pan Am going through multiple bankruptcies, Carter deregulation, the oil embargo, and unspeakable disasters (TWA 800, Pan Am Lockerbie). Southwest's current troubles don't hold a candle to what those two went through.
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Everyone has to book an adult with the kids. Kids can never sail unaccompanied.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Everyone has to book an adult with the kids. Kids can never sail unaccompanied.
  10. What a unique topic. Never seen that one here before.
  11. No, but many agencies still charge an underage surcharge for 22-24yos.
  12. There were about a million of them on Spirit a few weeks ago. Our adult children found three of them. In one night. Just in the piano bar.
  13. Probably not, but I'll bet his casino gives way better odds than the horrible ones given to you by the casino that gives you "free" drinks and rooms.
  14. No it doesn't. In fact, it states the exact opposite: Guests Under the Age of 21 MUST travel with a relative or guardian of 25 years of age or older The guardian does not need to be a legal guardian. Source: https://help.carnival.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2544/~/minor-guest-policy
  15. I think we just figured out why they don't just put them in every closet...
  16. Oh well hell, you should probably tell Carnival that so the OP doesn't have to go through the trouble.
  17. The value plan will not allow Spotify. You can wait until you're onboard, but it's 15% less in advance.
  18. If you don't mind me asking, where were you able to get a one-way rental without a mileage or drop charge?
  19. Having done it as much as six times a year since 1993, there is no place in Maryland that will take you 24 hours to drive to Miami. Drive smart, use Waze, and consider alternate routes south (like 81/77/26 to avoid most of 95) and you can reliably get from anywhere in Maryland to Miami in 17-18 hours. Less if you're in central or southern Maryland. Seriously, if you're not using Waze, get it. And I'm not joking about 81 - it eliminates hundreds of I-95 miles including DC, all of Virginia and North Carolina, and half of South Carolina.
  20. Pretty cheap here by comparison. OP is in Maryland (as we are). We have the luxury of three major airports all within about an hour to choose from.
  21. We were parked right next to y'all in San Juan that week. The Spirit looked like a row boat next to MG.
  22. Depends on what you're counting. You're right that they're fourth in most categories like fleet size and daily departures. I think they're still third in passenger count though. Either way I still think they're TBTF though.
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