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Ret MP

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  1. I've only actually booked cruises with the cruise lines or a big box/online TA. I've talked to a few independent/local, I'll call them "small", agencies. I can tell you that the few small agencies, I dealt with didn't seem to be very flexible or want to fully explain things and I especially don't like it when one of the underling agents tells you that they will take money out of their commission to offer OBCs or more than the company offers. I don't like attempted guilt trips and I would never accept such a thing, anyway. The cruise line "phone answerers" don't seem to be fully trained or are very lazy, and provide far too much false information. I've had a few issues with the big box/online TAs, but they are available 24/7 and my experience is that they get the job done, especially if you get the big box TA's agent's extension number that originally booked the cruise for you and call when they are scheduled to work or leave a voicemail. I've always got a call back on the same day or at the latest, the next morning. One small agency that is a huge Youtuber/vlogger, who does great vlogs but was arrogant and very argumentative on the phone, I actually talked to him and got very turned off by him. So, my decision, if I decide to cruise again and the costs come down to reasonable, I'll book the shorter cruises, 5 or fewer days, with the cruise line directly, and the longer ones (usually Star Class) with the big box TAs, better OBCs.
  2. Still waiting on a vacancy, and still #1 on the waitlist. But, when we do move in, no more utility bills and no grocery shopping except for goodies. Transportation to most desired activities (casino(s), shopping at civilian stores and at the Air Force and Navy PX and commissary(ies), medical appointments, and various other big-time activities like NASCAR races, NOLA celebrations, and so on. Very little need for a car except for travel. All of that and I'm conveniently located between many great cruise ports. However, Galveston will be my port of choice/home port if I return to cruising after my next cruise, January 2024, Harmony out of Galveston. I can't wait to experience the new terminal even if it is to walk into the Star Class entrance, quickly through the Star Class lounge, and then on to the gangway. Should be about a 10 or 15 minute experience of the terminal.
  3. I've said many times on this and other cruising social media sites that I mainly cruise for the ship experience and the ocean. I haven't done a TA so, I can't speak from experience. But, I have done a cruise or two that had 3 days in a row that were "at sea" and loved it. And I didn't need anything else to entertain me like Bingo, or Karaoki, or ............ I'm happy walking around the ship, people-watching, sitting at an outdoor bar, sitting on my balcony, watching the flying fish. As long as there is beer, tequila, vodka, and/or wine, a ship, and the ocean, I'm a happy camper.
  4. I don't understand the mentality of wanting to eliminate gratuities, not just cruising either. I'm not saying that that mentality is right or wrong, just I don't understand it. As an entry-level employee, many years ago, I worked hard, much harder than some/many others for my money, while others were complaining about not getting enough. Those of us who were okay with our gratuities (we were never satisfied and shouldn't be) would look around and see who was complaining. It was those that were doing just the bare minimum. As a Corporate officer for a Hospitality/Customer Service entity, I also saw who the complainers were. It wasn't hard to let those who did the very minimum or less, go. And, I would not want to make as much as the guy/gal next to me who didn't earn it. I don't think anyone can deny that that is what happens when gratuities are part of the admission/service/whatever, everybody gets the same. Mary works hard, she goes the extra mile, exceeds everyone's expectations, is never late, and offers to work late if needed. John complains about every little task assigned. John does just enough or less to get by. At the end of the week, they both get their paycheck and both are the same amount. Where is the incentive for Mary to work hard? Where is the incentive for John to improve?
  5. Ah ummmm, yaaaaa. That's what I said. Longshoremen are not called or considered "crew", in any way, shape, or form, at least not that the general public/passengers have contact with. They are porters and/or longshoremen, hence the name Long"shore"men.
  6. Or: Same basic result, just different but similar use in the same general location.
  7. No argument here. Yep, just differing opinions is all. The world won't change, at all. Nobody get me wrong if I don't/didn't feel like I received the service that I expected, I'd have no problem going to the Customer Care desk and having my gratuity reduced for that particular venue/service if that is even allowed, I think I read that it is all or nothing, nothing in between. I've never done it because I haven't experienced bad enough service to motivate me to do such a thing.
  8. I would also add: Many of the crew that come from 3rd world countries also support their entire family, some extended family (aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, and so on). Yes, some don't and some just make up sob stories to get your sympathy. But, I'd rather err on the side of helping. That is one of the many reasons that I take some personal satisfaction in tipping the crew generously and often.
  9. I just watched a YouTube video yesterday dealing with the porters and how much to tip them. The guy doing the video recommends tipping porters $5.00 PER BAG/PIECE OF LUGGAGE. WOW, our porter would be able to retire if I/we did that. The video guy apparently doesn't know how much my wife and I pack for a 7 - 8 night cruise. Now, if we only had two pieces of luggage total, I'd be happy to tip him/her $10.00. But, when you have 2 or 3 pieces of luggage per person, that's a little extreme, even for me, the over-tipper. I personally believe that $10.00 - $15.00 dollars total, regardless of # of bags, for just two people is plenty. I must admit that on our first Star Cruise (this is not a brag, just a fact), I really wasn't sure about how things operated upon arrival at the terminal. We pulled up to the terminal where the purple Star pennant was, I dropped off our luggage and my wife stayed with the luggage while I parked the car. So far, everything is as expected/normal. But, then our Genie came out accompanied by a crew member who quickly loaded our luggage on a cart and was gone, that moved a lot faster than I/we expected. We didn't have a chance to talk to him or hand him anything. Never saw him again and our luggage was in our room before we were, about 30 minutes later. So, our crew member/porter did not receive a tip from us. I really felt bad and I asked the Genie if he'd take the tip and give it to the crew member who brought our luggage up. He said that he didn't pay any attention to who the crew member was and that the job of getting Star Class passenger's luggage at the terminal was a sign-up/voluntary job and they got a little extra in their paycheck for it. So, at least, he got something for the effort, just not what I would have liked. Moral of the story: If you are a tipper and a Star Class passenger, make sure you communicate and tip the crew member/porter as soon as you see him/her as you may never see him/her again. Oh, and never give your luggage to a port employee/porter if you're Star Class.
  10. We almost always see eye to eye on things in here, with very small variations. However, when it comes to gratuities/tipping, I completely and totally disagree. However, we have the right to do our own thing and I'll not criticize you personally for your opinions/actions on this.
  11. AMERICAN-BASED SHIPS Other than the 18% gratuity added to the bar/restaurant tab, there is NO mandatory gratuity with U.S.-based cruising. RCCL, et al, will allow you to prepay the gratuity of whatever the daily gratuity amount is, or you can decline to prepay and have it taken daily while on the ship. However, the daily gratuity charge on the ship can be canceled or credited back to your account if you don't want to pay it. The current $16.00 or $18.50 pp/pd is not mandatory, period. It's just automatically added to your account daily if you don't prepay and it can be reduced or entirely credited back to your account, if requested. It is my opinion that the system is a good and acceptable one as I do believe in my signature below, I overtip a lot. I did not know that there are some folks who work 100% for tips on a ship. But, I also like that it has the potential to weed out the paycheck collectors <if you know what I mean. People who work for tips should be motivated, hard-working, and caring people. If they aren't, they need to find other means of collecting a paycheck. I also keep in mind that no one who works on an American-based ship has had a gun put up against their head and told to work and/or stay working on a ship. On the other hand, the cruise line is not obligated, morally or legally, to keep someone employed who is a substandard worker.
  12. I don't know how RCCL can do so well with bread/rolls/buns and really suck with desserts. Some of the pies are okay, I haven't been impressed with any of their cakes though. I got the Keylime Pie once, which I usually love, and it was Keylime jello in a pie shell with cool whip on top. Not kewl! As much as I'm not a fan of Rustbucke Cruise Lines (which has nothing to do with rust), I think their cakes and pies are sooo soooo sooo much better than RCCL. My favorite pie is Pecan. Neither lines does it well.
  13. I don't know, I never heard of the Savory Bites until a few months ago and while on this site. Still not sure what they are.
  14. I called the German rolls Botchen rolls earlier. It's actually spelled Brotchen! Fat fingers and speed kills. LOL
  15. Man, that's going to be one big meal - LOL Is the 67B Army MOS related (crew chief)?
  16. <SMH> I view the so-called" complaints in this thread as "Public Service Announcements" and they are much appreciated, at least by me.
  17. I lived in Germany for a total of 6 years, I loved the German Botchen rolls. They were crispy on the outside and thick on the inside. It was a task of strength to bite down on the roll and tear it apart. That is what the Pumpkin Seed Roll reminded me of on RCCL. If you can't tell, I'm/we're bread people. BTW, I use the descriptor of Pumpkin Seed as a means of identification. I could do without the Pumpkin Seeds, though, but they are fine, I don't brush them off. Now, if RCCl would make a real NY-style cheesecake (I eat what they have but it ain't the real deal) and double chocolate cake (milk chocolate icing), I'd be a happy camper.
  18. Dazzles is one that I was thinking about. Also, Schooner Bar in the morning, is quiet and won't feel like you are closed in. Both are good options for various reasons.
  19. Damn, is there anything safe from cutbacks? What did they save, a quarter per cake? Man, it's getting bad.
  20. I too like Heidi. But, she doesn't like me much. She suckered me in the first time we interacted with a few hundred $$ payout and it's been downhill since. But, those eyes! LOL
  21. Buns/Rolls, the ones with the pumpkin seeds on them are beyond fantastic. They are also available in just about every other dining venue.
  22. I have absolutely ZERO faith in any online purchases, surveys, and questionnaires of RCCL's. As a retired hospitality/customer service executive, I feel that the business that is supporting me, servicing me and so on should strive to exceed my expectations. Well, with RCCL, et al, I've come to feel like just doing what I ask is exceeding my expectations. If my bed is separated when I ask them to do so on a survey or questionnaire, unfortunately, that's exceeding my expectations. However, I am always impressed with my face-to-face interactions with the crew. The mothership and all its bells and whistles are hit-and-miss at best. Like others, I've asked via online forms/questionnaires/surveys for things to be done that I wanted/needed and they weren't done on embarkation day, I had to ask and the crew came through. Only once have they "exceeded my expectations" when I did fill out the online form for distilled water and extension cord and it was there before I got to the stateroom. DISCLAIMER: When cruising Star Class, our pre-cruise communications (email) with our Genie(s) always met with positive results. Genies are great, at least for us they have been. After all, Genies are part of the crew. I have nothing but respect for the crew and ship, not so much, the mothership.
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