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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. I just don't get it. But then, I love hot sauces, very hot sauces. My wife cringes when I put on about a 1/4 bottle of Pete's on my meal.
  2. And I, for one, won't! Just like I didn't go into Canada on my last cruise in May and I'm not booking a cruise that stops in Bermuda. Do you or they care about my position? No! But, I feel pretty damn good about it.
  3. Yep. Unless it is a real long article, it might be better to take a "snip" or 'screen shot" of it and post it as a .jpg.
  4. As I've said many time in this forum/blog and others, countries (and individuals) can run their country as they feel they need to. BUT, it doesn't mean I can't dislike it, I can't speak out about it, I can't state the obvious faults with it.
  5. And allowing people to come into the country that haven't tested in about 4 or 5 days or longer will help that? I don't think so. People that haven't tested in about 4 or 5 days or longer that have been more socially active than usual, I must add. Again, it's all white wash. In Bermuda's case, it's a money grab for the none refundable $40.00 tax, entry fee that they already have one included in your cruise fare and personal information.
  6. Unless you are one of the 29 cases. USA = 332 million population - 7 day average of 131k = 0.39% Bermuda = 64,000 population - 7 day average of 29 = .045% So, the % in the U.S.A. is nothing, too. Even a better nothing!
  7. We'll have to see what happens if people are willing to put up with Bermuda's requirements or move on to other more reasonable destinations. I hope they become more reasonable, soon, I'd like to go back. As of about a minute ago, Bermuda has a 7 day average of 29 new cases and some of those days just weren't reported. It may seem small, but their populations is small. And their 7 day average of deaths is 0. So, as far as new cases are concerned, I wonder how they feel about their policy. Pre-cruise testing doesn't seem to be doing much as far as infections are concerned, people are still getting off of cruise ships (and tourism in general) with COVID. It also shows that the death rate is down, way down. We, not just us in the U.S., have learned to treat COVID and getting better. Unless something miraculous happens in the medical/Pharm industry, we are stuck with COVID in the long run. We need to move on just like we have with the flu, et al. NOTE: in this paragraph, we meaning the Global Community.
  8. I'm like you, I generally don't get sick and I never get the flu shot, even in the Army when it was mandated. I did get a flu shot (Why? I don't know) when I got my last jab because they did it at the same time (separate shot, just at the same time). I'm triple jabbed, got COVID after the jabs, once verified by the a Dr., once by home test and I'm guessing I had it. That 3 possible times. I believe I now have "LONG COVID" as my nose is continuously runny. Never had that pre-COVID.
  9. Yep, that's why I did ALMOST! And I said something about our current technology! Otherwise, we are on the same sheet of music.
  10. Exactly true! When I said/say, "communicable illness" I should have said, "severe communicable illness". No, no one should cancel or not go on a cruise because of a common cold or hay fever or what ever is minor in nature. Not only that, would the cruise line give a full refund or give a FCC to someone not going on a cruise for none COVID related illness? I don't think so. Maybe travel insurance would help, I don't know. We've just got to get back to life as we knew it.
  11. If they don't have passengers or not very full on the ships going to Bermuda, watch things change, watch the cruise lines put some serious pressure on the government of Bermuda. Bermuda is a very nice place, we loved it when we were there. But, if I can go to, say, Labadee or Grand Cayman, not have to give my personal info on the internet to a government that I really don't know anything about and don't know, for sure what they will do with that info, not pay a non-refundable fee of $40.00, I'd skip Bermuda in a heart beat. In fact, I have skipped it for a few reasons. Too bad, I really like the place. I'm very happy with options!
  12. I agree, if you are knowingly sick with a possible communicable illness, stay home. But, I haven't heard/read anybody else say (not that I remember reading) that they would knowingly travel/cruise with COVID, not in here, like you alluded to. AND, I didn't define realistic. I stated a fact, to be realistic, depending on a pre-cruise test that gives you up to almost 3 days before embarkation is just 'WHITE WASH" and not realistic to feel secure that you won't (or your chances are dramatically reduced) catch COVID on a cruise, never was and isn't realistic. Not only does it give some people a false sense of security, people will get on the ship and starts to feel sick, he/she can feel that it can't be COVID and continue with their everyday activities thinking that it has got to be a cold, not COVID because they tested negative, days earlier. Now, I would hate to see this happen but, the only way to be ALMOST certain that everyone is COVID free is to test everyone as they enter the ship. Wouldn't that be a cluster..... As long as there is a short period of time that COVID is not detectable by our current technology, there is no way we can stop COVID from spreading. Which is now no more serious than the common cold and flu, for the most part. I'm just being realistic. Happy cruising to you too.
  13. I would think that Royal would take care of that issue if/when it comes to being an issue. All they have to do is tell their crew to police up all the ducks and let it start all over again. I don't think Royal would prohibit it because it is such a joy for some (not me) folks and especially the kids, UNLESS it became a safety or systems hazard. You can count on some people screwing things up for other people though.
  14. I may have missed something but I don't remember anybody saying that they would cruise while sick with COVID. Well, I did say that I would test myself but I don't like useless mandates. But, I'd like to ask, how do you feel about people cruising with the flu? There is NO test for that and even though you may not feel too bad, you could be carrying the flu and pass it on to dozens/hundreds of your fellow cruisers. I don't see any difference between cruising and testing up to almost 3 days before embarkation, that's almost 3 days of exposure. As stated, that time from testing to embarkation is for many people a time where there is more contact with the general public than if they weren't going on a cruise at all. I'm just saying that we need to be realistic. Testing protocol as it is then and now really really isn't protecting anybody. It's white wash.
  15. While I agree that it is capitalism at work, and I love capitalism, I believe it is also political. Why? The CDC has shown its colors when it comes to the cruise industry. Therefore, I believe the American cruise industry will do what ever to white wash things to make it look like they are working hard and sacrificing to limit COVID on their ships. Regardless if it makes sense or not, regardless if it works or not. YMMV!
  16. I don't like food or drink served piping hot. It drives my wife crazy with I don't touch my coffee for over an hour and then drink it like it is a soda. Food, I'm happy if it is just a little above warm. Hence, I do like a good buffet. My dad would almost throw his food and/or drink at the server if it wasn't hot enough to burn asbestos.
  17. Or let my feelings be known, hope for the best and still cruise. I don't believe in turning the other cheek.
  18. Nobody asked, I understand that, but I'm going to give my opinion about something, anyway LOL: Success vs. quality beer! As much as I love beer, I'm not a student of it. What I do know about beer and it's brewing process come strictly from listening/reading other people's conversations. I would never pass a double blind test of just about any different types of beer. But, I know what I like. So, I'm fine with the selection of beer on Royal's cruise ships. Would I like some other options? Sure! But, just about everything in life's experience can be upgraded, expanded, larger selection, better service, etc etc etc. But, I find that I'm just as happy with a Miller Lite as I am with the world's best Hefeweizen Bier, which I really really like. Back to the point: It is my opinion that success of a brewing company speaks to its quality. If the quality wasn't there, there wouldn't be success. HOWEVER, one must define success, as well. If I open a craft brewery and I just barely make ends meet and a small group of people are very loyal to my brand and that was my goal all along, am I successful? To me I am, if that's my goal! To others, maybe not. On the other hand, if I open a brewery and millions of people over the world purchase and enjoy my brand and I become a multi-(b)millionaire, Am I successfully brewing a quality beer? I believe that it is undeniable that I'm brewing a quality beer, at least for millions of people that drink the beer that I brew in great quantities! The success says everything about the quality, in my opinion. The beer I'm brewing is liked/loved by millions. Some may say it's caddy piss, others may say it's the best beer in the world. That is true about any product. Some people love iPhone, others hate them (that's me). Is the phone a quality phone? Measuring by success, I'd say it has to be a quality phone because of the shear quantity of the phone's sales and millions will actually fight over their loyalty to it's brand (definitely not me). Some may say that many beer breweries are successful because they brew beer cheaply and sell it cheaply. Maybe so, but it is a quality inexpensive beer to millions and I don't think millions of people would buy and consume it if it was all that bad. BTW, there are some craft beers out there that I wouldn't touch, again, with a 10 foot pole. Others may love it. Now, I fully understand that there are exceptions to everything. The above is just my opinion, period. Oh, I also believe that if we don't express our desires to companies like Royal, nothing will improve. So, I don't blame anybody for complaining about the lack of selection onboard. Keep on, keep'in on!
  19. This has always been a part of cruising, long before COVID, it isn't a cruise line/governmental self imposed stress, though. So, adding or continuing another self (cruise industry or governmental) imposed stress is Okay with you? Not me! Look, I am a citizen of the world, I will test at home before I do a lot of things. I test before traveling to visit with my kids/grandkids, I'll test before going to a lot of things, including cruising. But, I don't think it should be mandated, anymore! I fully understand that not everybody is as responsible as your or I. But, I also don't think COVID is the issue it used to be. I've been jabbed 3 times, no more! And I've had COVID at least twice, I think maybe 3 times. All after the 3 jabs. All of my bouts with COVID have been nothing more than the common cold or less. As someone already said, it's time for all of this pre-cruise testing nonsense to end.
  20. I believe we are discussing pre-cruise testing. All you have mentioned if discussed/debated will be removed from this site. So, I'll stick to pre-cruise testing.
  21. And all it take is one to be negative until he/she gets on the ship and infect XXX others. I'd be willing to bet that the many many people that are becoming sick/coming up positive while on the ship or shortly after getting off of it from those that came up negative pre embarkation. I've said my what I want to say, we can go around and around but I have no desire to do so. Enough is enough. I think the dead horse is dead!
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