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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. ?????????? I'd bet that if I told them that it was really thick candied bacon, they'd try it and love it. But, it's like many other things, it's "Optics" or presentation on paper.
  2. You'd be surprised at the service you get when you make initial contact with the Maitre d and give him/her a $20.00 +/- bill. It also doesn't hurt to mention that there is more to come. Again, initial contact, like before you even ask for something. It's like when you go into the casino or any other venue that serves food and/or drink and give the server/bartender a very good tip on the first visit, they will seek you out to provide you with extraordinary service (USUALLY) for the remainder of the cruise. JMHO/YMMV
  3. At Chops Grill, I absolutely love the (I call it) Candied Pork Belly. Not too many in my usual party like it or aren't willing to try it because it is "Pork Belly", so I get a few plates of it and I'm in heaven. BTW, I try to tell them that Bacon is "Pork Belly". It doesn't do any good but I benefit from it.
  4. Sol beer. Available on some ships at some bars. On the Allure, the only place I found it was at the bar just outside of Sabor.
  5. This is an attempt at humor but it may not be far from wrong: Schedule your embarkation date on the day of a launch. Chances are, it ain't gonna happen!
  6. Could be. I just can't remember. You're probably right though
  7. I was going to ask about a Canadian beer and if it is available on Royal Ship's. I grew up in and around Montreal, Canada. From the age of 16 until about 18, I drank Dow Ale. I then went into the U.S. Army for over 20 years and haven't been back to Canada except for a few days ever 5 or so years. And all my relative drink Labatt or Molson. So, Dow never came to mind. So, as said, I was going to ask about Dow being on Royal Ships. But, I did a little research before I went ahead and asked the question and found out that after it was discovered that Dow had an ingredient that caused heart problems and deaths resulted and eventually went out of production. So, I guess it's safe to assume that Royal doesn't have Dow Ale.
  8. I once tried a beer in Belize, it was highly recommended by the pilot of the tender we had to take to the port. It was also recommended by a few other locals. So, at the first bar I came to, I ordered it. I almost threw-up right then and there. Man it was bad and it wasn't even Cold, maybe cool at best. I just can't remember the name of it. Which only goes to show, at least for me, different cultures/different tastes. I'm terribly glad I've got my culture!
  9. Dark & Horney or ah ummm, I mean Dark & Stormy.
  10. Just an opinion - If you are paying, out of pocket, $145.00 or $218.00 for a routine office visit, you are under insured or your employer hasn't your best interest in mind and you might think of getting a supplement. Again, JMHO
  11. We all have our own opinions about things. Other than life changing events/ideologies/systems, etc etc, I don't see how anyone is more of or lessor of a person because of the brand/type of beer we drink. I've stated that I don't like IPAs, if you do, go for it. If this thread was about hamburgers, would I be less of a person because I like a Burger King Whopper better than a McDonald's Big Mac. I personally don't see the big deal with 5 Guys or In/Out Burger hamburgers but I won't think less of you because you do. Let's enjoy discussing what kind of beer we like and what is available on a Royal ship. Let's not turn this fun thread into a pissing contest, please. No, I'm not a moderator. I just would like to have some fun with this. Humor is great though. I like the "friends don't let friends ........" type of thing. BTW, I've already got some good ideas of some beers that I've got to try on my next cruise from you folks.
  12. On my next cruise, I'm going to see of they have Shock Top. Hope so! DIDN'T MEAN TO QUOTE @JamesEM. Sorry!
  13. I don't remember. But, it wasn't one of those $10.00 last day of cruise specials, I do remember that. I buy a lot of stuff from the shops on the Promenade, but jewelry will not be items that I will ever buy on a cruise ship. This is a good chance to verify or confirm a rumor I heard a few months ago. That is that the Cruise Lines, one or all, own, operates or otherwise has an interest in those international jewelry shops you see at just about every Port of Call you see in the Caribbean and some other locations as well. Anybody know about that?
  14. I ain't the Army it used to be. And it's a National Guard Base, it's not a full time post. It's just that the idiots that run the PX, which is much smaller than a 7-11, don't understand how to stock items that sell out!
  15. Probably not! I wish Royal had Ice House 8%. It's actually my favorite domestic beer. But, it's hard to find. My local Army Post Exchange has it on occasion. They only get a case or two in at a time. It's so popular, it's gone in minutes, here!
  16. Ummmmmm, let me think........................ No, I don't think so. But, I like how you think. I like me a Harvey Wallbanger.
  17. There's a thread going on right now that talks about Foster's Beer. That made me think that it might be a good idea to see what people drink on a Royal Ship. Might give me some ideas for future choices. Here's mine: Domestic = Yuengling Lager, Ice Cold Draft, if not available on draft, in the bottle will do Import = German Weissenbier (any brand will do) I love beer, did I mention that I love beer. If not, I love beer. Really dislike IPA though.
  18. Oh, sorry if I mislead you, I got the patches for a "just in case" reason. I've never taken anything for motion sickness. I have intermittent vertigo and think it's a good idea to have something like that around, "just in case". What's funny, I have less of a problem with vertigo on a ship than on land. But, the next time I have a BAD bout with vertigo, I'm going to try the patches I have on hand, now!
  19. The point was "why quote me" for that? But, I understand, it's kewl. We're good.
  20. Okaaaaaay. Did I say/type anything that you disagree with or is incorrect? I just don't understand the point of your post.
  21. As mentioned, the motion sickness patches were very expensive. I don't remember exactly how much now because it was a long time ago but I know it was well over $50.00 (makes me wonder how much now) to see the doctor (which they charge you for before just issuing you the patches because the patches are a prescription) and then get two or three patches. I just got, a few months ago, a prescription from MY doctor, which Medicare paid for the visit along with my Supplement the visit cost me $00.00. The prescription at my local pharmacy came to $12.00, my Copay, and that was for about dozen patches. AND I didn't have to submit any claim after I got home or worry about paying the Cruise Line before getting off the ship. So, if I wanted to get a patch or two while on the ship, it would have cost me $50.00 or more. Here, on land, at home, it cost me $12.00. Big difference both in cost and convenience.
  22. I have no first hand knowledge of the level of care in the ship's medical facilities. However, I have seen a price list for items like the motion sickness patch(s) and it ain't cheap. As stated, bring your own stuff. And drink lots of fluids, often. Maybe even some non-alcoholic beverages.
  23. Oh, make sure you let the Genie know about any celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries, divorces, whatever) and what you want. My wife's birthday on our last cruise, the Genie did a great job of getting a birthday cake in the suite and the room was all decorated. She was almost in tears, she was that happy with it all.
  24. I, usually, don't like to make a public spectacle of myself, either. BUT, I paid a lot of money for the Star Class experience and I want to experience it to it's fullest. We've done Star Class many times and have gotten used to the extra service that is provided, to include the overtly obvious presence of the Genie and the reserved seating in a few venues. I cruise Star Class, but I'm far from a Star Class personality. One thing I like to do, pre-embarkation day is, as mentioned, communicate with the Genie, let him/her know exactly what your expectations are and any special requests. I've, after my first Star Class cruise, always let him/her know that I'm an experienced Star Class guest (which they probably already know) and I know what I want and what I expect from the Genie. On one cruise, I requested a full Ice Cream Sundae bar be set-up in our suite. It was perfect. Our grandkids loved it. On our last Star Class Cruise, I told the genie that I wanted a Cold-Cut/Deli Platter and Fruit Platter with Chocolate covered Strawberries in our cabin daily. It was good but you have to make sure you tell them everything, which I didn't think I'd have to, like condiments for the Cold-Cut/Deli Platter and bread(s), they just brough an amazing selection of assorted sliced meats, nothing else. What I'm trying to say is: Don't be shy! If you want it, ask for it but be thorough. All they can do is tell you that they can't do it. But, the Genie is not in the habit of telling you, NO! Also, I make a point of telling my Genie(s) that we want to be escorted into/through any line into any venue that we would have special access to. This helps with moving through a line(s) that you are trying to excuse your way through and avoid comments from those that ask what do you think you are doing or other rude comments. I'm not to receptive to rude/ignorant comments. Let the Genie do that for you. During your pre-embarkation day communication(s), make sure you tell your Genie exactly what specialty restaurants you want to go to and how many times you want to go. I just told the Genie that I wanted to experience every specialty restaurant and Chops twice. Oh, and that we only wanted to do dessert in Wonderland. So, on our second visit to Chops, for dessert we went to Wonderland. Wonderland knew in advance and it was amazing what they had set-up for us. Just enjoy yourself, use your imagination, let the Genie do his/her job and don't worry about anything.
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