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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. But, you have the HMS Belfast. Just doesn't go too far and no luxury at all. LOL
  2. I sure hope they clean their Scuttlebutt properly, otherwise, it would stink.
  3. Honest question: Does that work if I use a TA? I usually use a TA if the OBCs are significant. Otherwise, I do book through RCCL's site and will keep that in mind.
  4. Hummmmm! I've never seen a Military, Senior, or Weekend discount on any of my cruise invoices. Or I just didn't notice. But, for sure, I have never heard of them. Maybe one of these days I will. And yes, all the above are annotated with my big box TA and I think the C&A system has it too.
  5. Gives new meaning to "Poop Deck", eh!
  6. Someone else talked about relationship points. I clarified it. My points have not evolved. I've been on point throughout, as far as the written policy is concerned, period.
  7. Does that have anything to do with the policy that I've been discussing? The premise of this whole discussion is about YOUTH BENEFITS. As I've quoted and cut and pasted. Is it possible that you turn 18 soon?
  8. And before texting was a thing, text was a noun. If I post a lot, am I considered a whore? That's offensive to some. I've got thick skin. However, I will point out the wrongs when I see them. I don't care how you or anybody else justifies it, it doesn't belong here.
  9. Okay, someone that tried to answer. You are misunderstanding what I've been saying all along. That is exactly what I'm saying, Points and Tier/Status aren't the same. They are two different things. The policy under "YOUTH BENEFITS" doesn't say one word about "CRUISE POINTS". Under "GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS" it does. Two separate paragraphs, one explains the Youth Status benefits and the other articulates the "Cruise Points" and how they are handled. Again, this is only a debate, at least as far as I'm concerned, about RCCL's written policy. Not how it is applied, instituted, or whatever.
  10. Okay, I'm going to say this one last time, I just can't say it any more clearly. Points are earned, not granted. I'll add, C&A points, not relationship points. Tier/status is granted based upon relationship. Tier/status, after 18 is based upon points earned points, not what the parents earned pre-18, not relationships. Again, if someone comes up with a RCCL policy, written, that says differently, I'll be humble. This has, for the most part, been a very cordial discussion and I haven't not been disagreeable just to disagree. I've not name called or made false accusations. I'm only pointing out, by cut and paste, exactly what the policy says. I'l be monitoring but I'm done unless someone provides provable evidence that the policy that I've quoted is in contravention of other written RCCL policies.
  11. Where is that from? Link? It doesn't change what I'm saying though. I'm saying what the written policy says, nothing else.
  12. Okay, I understand. But, if it wasn't deleted and you find it, please link to it. LOL
  13. Ya, right! I've seen a lot of posts that are not "only answering questions". But, I'm not going to start a whole different debate. The gang mentality has kicked in, on this thread.
  14. You keep saying so but you don't follow your own advice or what you say you are going to do. Please ignore me.
  15. I did, slow, fast, sideways, upside down. It says, and the post quoted me: (unless they want to post whore some more).
  16. I remember that discussion. But, I don't remember it as stated. Please link to it.
  17. Once again, what does this mean: "A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status; However, cruise points will remain according to actual cruises taken and calculated using the Program level accrual system described above".
  18. Don't need to. I'm discussing/debating the written word/policy as written, not what they, you, or me are doing. I've acknowledged that policies aren't always followed as intended. If I come to a policy that effects me, and I believe it is inconsistent, I'll call, believe me.
  19. 42K posts in 9 years vs. 3K in just less than 1 year. Average it out and see who the post whore is, we're not that different in the average # of posts. I thought this was a civil board. I didn't think we got into name-calling on CC. I actually thought that post #180 was a helpful one, and that was my intent, not a contentious one. But, this is CC. And I don't care about 1, 2, or 3. I'm just pointing out the policy, as written. I don't care if it's followed by you, me, or anything else. It's funny how only a few come out with word salad but don't provide or quote written word(s), from policy to discuss or debate. And again, that's all I'm discussing, the written word/written policy.
  20. And I keep saying over and over again. I can't and won't defend what is actually being done. I'm only pointing out the policy. We all know that there is a limit to how many bottles of wine are, by policy, allowed to be brought onboard. But we all know that RCCL looks the other way in MANY cases, employees too lazy to enforce, weak management, whatever. I can't help any of that but I do know that there is a policy is. Again, I don't think I'm interpreting the policy, it's straightforward.
  21. "A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status; however, Cruise Points will remain according to actual cruises taken and calculated using the Program level accrual system described above" Someone, please explain to me how I'm misinterpreting the above.
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