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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Right, I patiently waited until I first posted, #180. All I did was post the policy as written and a quick summary of what it said, and then the debate started. And again, I don't believe the written policy leaves much to interpret. It's fairly straight forward like I wish so many other policies were.
  2. But, you aren't showing what you say it is in writing. I'm not calling you a liar, I'm saying that based on the written word that it is what it is. Not what you or others may have experienced for one minute or 10 years. If you can produce the written words to show me/us that points are granted, this all goes away.
  3. Fred, go away, your stalking is getting old! And I thought you were going to ignore me. Just another dream dashed.
  4. But, I'm talking about the written word/policy and you are going off of a couple of experiences and I've stated that I can't argue/debate experiences, what people have gotten away with, and I'm not trying to.
  5. Please please please, with a pointed/specific answer show exactly where I, if that comment was a backhanded way to accuse me of reading into something. Don't just say it, show it. The only thing I'm pointing out is that the policy says that you earn points and are granted tier/status. I think we totally agree that tier/status can change upon reaching 18. What I contend is that when a youngster gets into the C&A for the first time, he/she starts with 0 points until completion of the first cruise and then that person has earned the number of points that is commensurate with the completed cruise, period. If the parent has 140 points, the child doesn't get that, he/she gets what they earned, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8....... points. But, he/she is considered or shares their parent's status of D until they turn 18. Now, I'm fairly sure that many kids cruise with their parents all the time, in that case, they not only share their parent's tier/status, but they also earned enough points to actually be the same tier/status and wouldn't lose it at 18. They would not lose their tier/status just because they turned 18. I'm not infallible, that's for sure. However, when I'm engaged in a discussion, I'd like to SEE where I may be wrong. I don't see it right now. I don't have a problem being wrong if I am and I will be humble if I am.
  6. * I see where you are getting that, see below. But, that's interpreting the sentences as the points are at the parent's level, not earned level. I'm saying that the child only built up points that they actually earned will be carried over past the 18th birthday What verbiage says that an 18-year-old is granted their parents points? " Children will be removed from a loyalty relationship with a parent or guardian upon their 18th birthday. If it is found that a dependent or child is not immediately removed from a relationship upon their 18th birthday and accumulates a higher tier status outside of this time period, the dependent’s record will be adjusted back to the appropriate tier status without notice. Once again and again and again. I'm not disputing what has been done, I'm not disputing what people have gotten away with. I'm not doing anything other than providing the written black-and-white policy, in its entirety, the relevant entirety. I have not changed an official word of the policy other than highlighting certain words and sentences. Okay, I've said what I'm going to say for the night. Good night all!
  7. Ken, I'm not speculating on any post. I'm posting a cut and paste of the policy and it is in black and white, with little to no interpretation required. One paragraph falls under the "YOUTH BENEFIT", which basically explains what the benefit is for youths, under 18. For example: Children share the same tier (up to Diamond Plus) as their parent until age 18. The other paragraph falls under the heading of "GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS", which gets a little more into the down-and-dirty, ins and outs of the policy. For example: "A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status; however, Cruise Points will remain according to actual cruises taken and calculated using the Program level accrual system described above". Are you interpreting the policy that once a person turns 18, he or she gets unearned points? Are you saying that a first-time cruiser gets whatever points their parents have at the time of the first cruise? Are you saying that if the parent has 140 points and it's the youngster's first cruise, he/she gets 140 points, on their first cruise, on their permanent C&A account? I'm saying no to all of the above based on the written policy.
  8. As I stated much earlier, I can not explain or justify what others experience or got away with. I am only posting the policy that, to me, is straightforward if you read it in its entirety. I've read the same policy for a long time. Exactly how long, I don't remember. I never thought it would be an issue. All I can say for sure, it's been at least a year.
  9. "A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status; however, Cruise Points will remain according to actual cruises taken and calculated using the Program level accrual system described above" Yes, at 18, their status will be adjusted to their appropriate point level. Points are earned, not granted. When a person turns 18 and has 53 points and their parents are D. The 18-year-old reverts back to Emerald but keeps the 53 points because they were earned, not granted and 53 points are within the Emerald tier/status. Nowhere does RCCL grant unearned points, just tier/status? Even if RCCL has a promotion of double points, they're still earned by all who cruise during the promotion period. I'm not saying that points will be adjusted to the C&A tier/status. I'm saying that their C&A tier/status will be adjusted to their earned point level after reaching 18.
  10. For those that are having a hard time proving that one or more of your party/family isn't getting credit for any or some cruises. I had somewhat the same problem with my wife's history. I called the C&A line, which apparently now is the same as the main RCCL customer service #, and told them that I couldn't see any of my wife's cruises or anything about her in the C&A section of their site. I was asked if she had her own royalcaribbean.com login name and password. She did not. So, we registered her, got her own login and password. Looked into past cruises and there they were, all of them. So, my thinking is that every cruiser needs to have his/her own login and password to see his/her C&A status/history. Once you get that squared away, copy the past cruises and show it to the LA.
  11. Edited: On second thought. I'm not too sure. Technically, no one is a member of the Crown & Anchor Society until AFTER their first cruise. So, I'm not sure.
  12. Sorry to keep butting in. But, although the Spousal/decease/divorce thing isn't addressed specifically, I believe that once the "in the same household" is lost, the rule kicks in. So, only the actual points earned stay and the tier/status reverts to the status of the actually earned points. But, with RCCL, anything is possible.
  13. I think the point that needs to be made is that NOBODY loses anything they EARNED <POINTS. What happens when someone turns 18 or gets divorced (I'm assuming the divorced part) they lose their "tier Status", that they were granted, not earned.
  14. The policy on the divorced and/or remarried is not too clear. I'm only assuming that points are only given for actually completed cruises, they must be earned. However, the Status is given, up to Pinnacle, the same as the primary cruiser until the relationship ends and/or not under the same household. A remarriage is the same as the first, again, an assumption.
  15. I don't know how they would know otherwise. But, the policy: "A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status". I would assume that the divorced person would retain the points actually earned and the tier commensurate with those points. I guess if the divorced person booked a cruise and their address didn't match up with the primary cruiser's address, it would spark interest. And, I'm fairly sure that CBP, and they get a manifest, pre-cruise, would know the current/correct address and I'm sure they are looking for inconsistencies.
  16. I haven't been able to find anything that says the C&A points expire. Has anybody seen the policy, if any?
  17. We probably were typing at the same time. My post above basically says what yours does and it's RCCL's policy!
  18. Yes, I've posted this a few times in here many months ago and as recently as a few weeks ago. I also posted it on another cruise social media site at least a year ago. I'll post the link to it after I type, the policy is part of the graph that shows the different benefits for the different C&A classes. www.royalcaribbean.com/content/dam/royal/resources/pdf/crown-and-anchor-society-benefit-grid.pdf 46 Children share the same tier (up to Diamond Plus) as their parent until age 18. Children of Pinnacle Club members enjoy select onboard benefits of their parents, however, not the tier. Children will be removed from a loyalty relationship with a parent or guardian upon their 18th birthday. If it is found that a dependent or child is not immediately removed from a relationship upon their 18th birthday and accumulates a higher tier status outside of this time period, the dependent’s record will be adjusted back to the appropriate tier status without notice......... ..........49 A Crown & Anchor Society member can be added into a relationship with other family members in the same household and receive equivalent tier status; however, Cruise Points will remain according to actual cruises taken and calculated using the Program level accrual system described above. Pinnacle Club member tier status will not be awarded to dependents if earned by their parent and/or guardian. Pinnacle Club member tier status can only be earned by an individual, spouse or significant other* by one of them accumulating 700 Cruise Points or more in the Crown & Anchor Society program. For all tiers except Pinnacle Club, a relationship is defined as a spouse or significant other* and children less than 18 years old. For Pinnacle Club a relationship is considered a spouse and/or significant other*. *In all instances, a “significant other” is defined as someone in a similar relationship to an individual as a spouse. In short: 1. Children under 18 enjoy the same C&A tier status as their parents, except Pinnacle. But, not the points, they earn their own points. 2. Once the child(ren) reaches the age of 18, the C&A tier status is adjusted to the level that is commensurate with the actual points earned. I'm only posting the policy. I can't defend or explain why some people get something other than what the policy dictates.
  19. No worries, they're all 100% clean. .
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