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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. If you want a stack of 5s, for example, and they are running short, which is more than possible, you'd have to come back or go elsewhere. I don't see the difference. And many banks do carry them, it's usually a matter of timing. And I do agree that it's very unlikely that a bank is going to have a big run on $2.00. BTW, words mean things.
  2. I didn't say anything about "Special Order" them. It's part of their everyday cash order from their supplier, like Brinks. They order today what they want tomorrow, or whatever the time frame is. They order X amount of boxes of nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars, and dollar coins if wanted (minimum by the box, you can't order .75 cents in quarters). They also order the bills they want, it's not a special order, it's part of their routine order, I don't care what excuses a teller has told you for not wanting to get them for you. Yes, they may have to order a minimum amount, but that doesn't mean they can't get rid of the amount you don't want. All they have to do is make the excess a part of the deposit to their banking institution or give them out as change to their customers or both. As stated, as the Manager of the FLL parking facilities, we did as little as a hundred thousand dollars worth of CASH business a day to a few hundred thousand dollars worth of CASH business a day, depending on travel season, we were cash intense. It's probably changed a little by now. Or daily cash requirement was handled exactly like a bank does. We got our cash from the Armored Car Company, just like banks do. If I wanted, for example, $2.00 dollar bills, it was the Armored Car's responsibility to get them for us. Total transparency, we NEVER ordered two-dollar bills.
  3. Since you edited this, in. I don't go out of my way to go to the bank. I go often for many reasons. I don't even get out of my car. My current bank (which is actually a C.U.), depending on, which teller I talk to, will be happy to order them for me, while others won't. I either get them or I don't, I don't lose any sleep over it if I don't. But, the next time I have to go into the bank and talk about a loan or other interests I have with them, I'll discuss that with them, the loan officer is also the GM or AGM.
  4. I just did a little research into Pealmeal Bacon, just now, and am surprised to see that most sites attribute it to the Toronto area. I grew up in a superb of Montreal (Cartierville (Sp?)) and Peameal was a special treat for us on Saturday mornings. We'd have Peameal bacon, Blood Pudding with eggs, toast & Jam, and Corn relish. Man, now I'm hungry. LOL
  5. Sorry, but I find this childish. My opinion (period)!
  6. https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/coin_currency_orders.htm
  7. It's great stuff. Nothing like the bacon us U.S. types are used to.
  8. When I was stationed in Germany many years ago, all of the soldier support venues, example: Post Exchange, Commissary, Youth Activities, military banks, military pay offices, and so on, didn't receive any one-dollar bills, only Susan B. Anthony coins from the financial institutions servicing them. You couldn't refuse them as it was the only form of a one-dollar available. That was early in the issuance of the coins, and it was immediately understood by the treasury that the coins weren't popular and the easiest way to circulate them was by flooding the military overseas activities with them. I still have a few.
  9. Two-dollar bills are still in circulation! Currently, they aren't being printed. But, that's a temporary thing as the amount in circulation is still at acceptable levels. The two-dollar bills are not discontinued. They will be printed again, if or when they are needed to be printed again.
  10. Just one of many reasons I/we don't do the dinner time MDR, maybe once per cruise, is because of being locked into a specific time and/or the possibility of having to wait in long lines. There is usually, depending on the ship, too much going on and I'd hate to miss something just because of a dining time. So, we go to a specialty restaurant, the WJ, or something like the "Dog House", "JRs", whatever.
  11. Just to answer the question and not debate it anymore, because it is convenient for ME/US. My wife and I are joined at the hip as far as going places and purchasing drinks, etc etc. So, on a ship, I feel that $1.00 is a good additional tip for each drink we order (2 of them), so I reach into my pocket and pull out one bill, a two-dollar bill, without looking or fumbling around for the correct bill(s), my right pocket only has two-dollar bills in it. And, I like the look on the faces of many, if not most, of the crew that receives them. But, you are right, it is simple to pull out two one-dollar bills. But, that isn't the most convenient for ME/US. NOTE: This is mostly true for me/us while purchasing drinks or the like. If in the specialty restaurant(s), no, I don't leave 10 or 15 two-dollar bills. And I don't leave the Genie and/or cabin steward tips in two-dollar bills.
  12. That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. That doesn't mean you are right 100% of the time. As I explained, I do it because 1. It is very convenient for me and 2. many crew members look happy when they receive them, others just don't seem to care. And last, it is not necessary to pay or give tips with any specific demonization. If you chose one-dollar bills, fine. I won't criticize you for it. I just happen to like to do so with two-dollar bills. Why does such a benign action/issue that has absolutely NO effect on anyone criticizing the action/issue have to get so confrontational? If someone does something different and wants to explain why, fine. But, the vitriol is palpable. Having said that, I've said all I can say, and no one has changed my mind or provided proof that two-dollar bills are going to be the end of the earth. I'll continue doing what I said I have done or try to do in the past.
  13. There are tactful ways of doing it, anything actually. "I'm sorry sir, there is no place on this ship that will take two dollar bills and my bank at home won't accept them, do you have other denominations, please". That's never happened to me but I'd be happy to honor a request like that, if it did happen. For other critics of mine, as I said in an earlier post, there are ways of complaining and walking out of a business WITHOUT BEING AN "UGLY AMERICAN". "I'm sorry, I don't speak your language and you aren't willing or can't speak mine". "I'm sorry, this/these two-dollar bill(S) is all I have on my person, if you don't accept it, I guess I can't buy your product/service". Again, I'm only talking about those countries and/or businesses that realize most of their revenue from Americans.
  14. I believe they have an overflow lot. However, I'd call to find out for sure when/if the lot will be open: 305-347-4800. I'd bend over backward to park IN the Port of Miami, for many reasons. I'm sure that many people have parked in the off-site parking facilities without problems. But, I still wouldn't roll the dice on it.
  15. BTW, no way of knowing what the availability of parking, in general, will be like AND there is no guarantee that a ADA parking space will be available. If you arrive too early, the people haven't disembarked, yet. Too late, and, well, you are too late. Timing is the key. I've only cruised out of Miami once and it was pre-pandemic. We had no problem at all finding a parking space. But, we aren't ADA either.
  16. As a retired general manager of the FLL and Port Everglades Parking Facilities, you'd be surprised how many people are surprised when exiting parking facilities and didn't/don't know the following: Just a word about ADA parking in FL. Government own/operated parking facilities (which the Port of Miami is) can and do charge ADA for parking. An ADA placard only entitles you to park in a parking slot. It doesn't automatically give the vehicle a free ADA parking space. So, if you want to get free parking at the Miami or any other government parking facility, the vehicle must be equipped with a wheelchair ramp or lift, hand or foot controls, specialized equipment, and/or a Florida Turnpike Toll Exempt Permit. Disabled Vets have benefits, too. Here's the Port of Miami policy on that: https://www.miamidade.gov/portmiami/parking-information.asp For Disabled Persons Miami-Dade County Ordinance requires all guests with a disabled parking permit or license tag to pay standard parking rates except as provided by Florida State Law. However, two hours of complimentary parking will be provided to vehicles displaying a disabled parking permit or license tag. In accordance with Florida Statute 316.1964, ONLY vehicles with specialized equipment such as ramps, lifts, or foot or hand controls, for use by a person who has a disability, or any vehicle displaying a State of Florida license plate for disabled veterans issued under s. 320.084, s. 320.0842, or s. 320.0845 or displaying the Florida Toll Exemption permit, is exempt from parking charges.
  17. Duh! Really? Again, I don't think you actually read posts.
  18. It is legal tender, for sure. However, there are some ignorant people and businesses that won't accept them, apparently. Not that I've experienced. The bill is not widely used and therefore the ignorant may not accept them.
  19. Laughable! However, I'll ask you, let's say you are an easygoing guy and you go into a business and they don't provide you a service that you know that they can and should provide, they don't at least try to meet you halfway with communications, do you just turn the other cheek and purchase an item or service not knowing anything about the item or service or do you take issue with the business, the employee or the manager/owner? It doesn't matter where the business is. Have you ever complained about a service or product? Have you ever walked out of a business because you didn't feel you were receiving the product(s) or service(s) you expected? BTW, you can do that without being ugly about it. I like to know what I'm purchasing and if they want my money, they should want my money.
  20. Yep, we can not control what foreign financial institutions do or don't do unless coerced. However in the U.S. all U.S. bills are "Legal Tender". It says on each bill, "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE". What does that mean? Not much, unfortunately. Why? What are you going to do if a business doesn't accept it? Call the Treasury? They'll laugh and hang up. But, most of the businesses that don't accept the bill in the U.S. don't accept it out of ignorance.
  21. I don't use $2.00 bills when not on a cruise very often. But, there are many still in circulation and that's a bold statement that "no one wants them". I've used them in my local stores on occasion/when I had them and I know lots of folks that don't mind getting them, not just grandkids. I'll take them anytime. The bills are still in circulation, obviously. There is no order to print any right now but that doesn't mean they won't be if needed in the future. There is no order to do away with the bill, permanently.
  22. From North Port at Port Everglades, there is a Walgreen or CVS and many other convenience stores/gas stations within an easy walk on 17th Street Causeway. Cashing in a lottery for the crew that docks at North Port is an easy thing to do. If they can't leave the ship, they can ask another crew member who is allowed and trustworthy to cash it in for them. Mid Port/South Port is a completely different story.
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