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Everything posted by CanHardlyWait4NextYear

  1. Thank you! That was a great idea! Might not be my Sunday morning, but a Sunday morning from there. So volume/surge should be similar in theory anyway. I didn't know about the prebook 30days out stuff. Something to look into and think about. At this point it's rental car going and shuttle service or uber going back to airport. Not gonna risk car rental lines for return. Shuttle service suggests anyone?
  2. We know we want to rent a car since we are coming in a day early. Didn't really think about a shuttle just for the return. Think that's possible? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  3. Was also considering walking over to enterprise if shuttle line is too long. They say 9 min and I mapped it out. Don't look to bad. And I guess short taxi ride is possible. But I would do the 9min if I felt I needed to. I would also offer a taxi $25 to take me 3 blocks if needed. Won't let shuttle be plan A without a plan B & C. (Just in case of shuttle crowds)
  4. I've been looking at an 11:45am. Anything after that will cost me $400 more per person. Several people have said after 11am is possible. Think?
  5. This would be for Wonder next May. Plan is to rent car at port back to MCO. I'm ok with self assist if it gets me down the street to enterprise faster. Just want to make sure I can make 11:45 departure work. Otherwise it's another $400 each for later flight.
  6. What's the earliest you have gotten off in Port Canaveral? Is an 11:45am flight out of MCO possible?
  7. Planning on rental car from Port Canaveral to MCO on a Sunday morning. Hoping to be off ship by 730-800am (basically as soon as I can). What would be the earliest flight I could make out of Orlando?
  8. Have a big decision to make and not much time to do it. I know zero about Wonder except it's new, big, and pics look nice. Oasis I have studied for months. Wonder is way more $$$ but the dates, time, temp, and itinerary is really cool. Thoughts, opinions, trip reports, crazy rants, let me have it.
  9. Any thoughts on how early a flight you can take home from MCO doing this?
  10. Anyone ever do this? Was looking at renting car at airport and driving to port, staying overnight, and returning car before boarding ship. Then same in reverse. Crazy? Help.
  11. So many posts talk about staying by airport and going to Port in morning. I thought everyone stayed by the port. And I'm not clear at all on the transportation part. Need help folks!
  12. Ok, would like as many options for transportation to and from Orlando International Airport to a hotel in the Port Canaveral area. Need hotel recommendations as well. Coming in the day before boarding the Wonder of the Seas. Never did this before, needs lots of help.
  13. Lol. I knew that would happen. I use to live around there many many years ago. I'm gonna have to repost I think.
  14. Ok, would like as many options for transportation to and from Orlando International Airport to a hotel in the Port Canaveral area. Need hotel recommendations as well. Coming in the day before boarding the Wonder of the Seas. Never did this before, needs lots of help.
  15. While I feel some people here all but nominate cruise ship employees for sainthood (extra trips, get to know them, bring them treats etc) and I'm on a vacation, not there to set the world to rights. I do feel they have a crazy amount to do during turn over and very little time to do it. I say drag your junk around till 1pm and stay out if there way. It's not a big ask on there part. And if a fire door is closed, it's not your place to open it. I get it only takes a second, but if everyone does it the time adds up. And ultimately slows them down.
  16. There is a formal night in name only. People from tux to tee's and everything in between is what you will see. Many split the difference with polo shirts and long pants. It's sooo very up to each his own. I think most who are really done up do it for a nice professional photo. And really have never seen more then 2 tux per 4 to 6 thousand guest on any trip. We personally only did it because of the photo. But Airlines didn't use to charge extra per bag back then. You will see everything on formal night. Dress to make yourself happy.
  17. Not a fan of paying extra for food on ships. Only use to do JR as a novelty. But back then it was a little extra surcharge, now it's just full retail.
  18. I remember when it was first on Voyager the "additional surcharge" was $3. I really think $14 is over the top. With burgers and hot dogs elsewhere on board I just can't see paying that much. I've paid a buck or two less at the one in Mall of America. And they over charge for everything. Lol.
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