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Everything posted by CanHardlyWait4NextYear

  1. If there is one thing If I've learned from watching politics in this country alone over the past few years. The more you try and tell people to do something, or go on about why they should, because of what you believe, the more they will do the opposite, just for the hell of it. I don't think the pro tippers, extra tippers, everyone else is a low life people are helping the workers on the ships at all. If anything I think people think about you guys when deciding to tip or not to tip, and not the performance of the workers on the ship that week. I don't think pushing people to believe and see things as you do is ever the way. I just have gut feeling you cause the opposite effect.
  2. Even late I would just rent the car when you land and get it over with. Less lines at the counter and you can start your day fresh with the car at your disposal.
  3. I booked next May Oasis first week of August GTY and had cabin assignment by end of August. 9 months out.
  4. Nice review. Very helpful. I did have to look up dinks, that's a new one for me. Lol. Rent the movie it's a classic.
  5. But most just don't. And they are determined to make the most out of it in there own way.
  6. It's yet another argument for printed cruise compass for everyone. I think the information is much more clear about everything and you can't miss it because it's in your face and on your bed everyday. (Also, it's less stress on the eyes compared to what im doing right now) I know it's available if you ask. But I can see how people might not know about a lot of common things like the nights theme etc, because they didn't go to the app that day. You can't miss the things on the front page when it's in your face each day. Note: I plan on NOT being chained to my phone all week. Lol.
  7. See I cannot see anyone stopping you. Let alone asking to see the bottle if you say it's reef safe. And if you hold the front up with reef safe on, I really really cannot see anyone taking the bottle from you to turn over and read the ingredients. Let alone have there own knowledge of every ingredient and chemical on it, and where those technically stand. So I really think you would be safe with most. But certainly with all natural one's. And if anyone did ask I would start by just telling them, then the front of the bottle, if it came to it at that point I would then reluctantly let them read the ingredients or tell them to #!*& off. Lol. Depending on my mood that day. 😊 But I really think anything with a label reef safe should be good enough. I've done Discovery Cove in there kabuki makeup. No biggie. Relax and enjoy.
  8. I disagree. It has more pasta dishes. Much more "Italian American" flavor. Most U.S. residents think pasta and pizza as Italian, then Ahi Tuna. I find some of the specialty restaurant menus to be a bit poncy.
  9. They have never been called rules. Just suggested attire. Suggestion being the operative word.
  10. Well ingredients aside (not spending any more time on that). For Mexico it just says reef safe. The list I posted earlier from the magazine article of the top 10 sounds good enough for me. If it says reef safe on front of bottle, what more can you do. It's a good article and talks about how each will effect different skin types etc. I say that's effort made and you have the words on the front of bottle to hold up and show if needed. What more can anyone ask of you really.
  11. I found this article https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/g32236332/best-reef-safe-sunscreen/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_cos_md_pmx_us_urlx&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuu6SscyP-gIVPxitBh3D-gNxEAAYASAAEgKZJfD_BwE
  12. So I'm lost. Which brands if any can be used in places that require reef safe sunscreen? Also, do any places actually check in your bags? I noticed it mentioned for almost every excursion in Cozumel. Most in national park reserve something or other like that.
  13. First....Thank you very much!!!! Second....Wow!!!! I'm so hoping for some good black friday deals. I know they are sailing full again so they might not be as motivated to give good deals, but I can still hope. Again, really thank you for all the details. It helps paint a fuller picture.
  14. I will try checking real time rates on a few Sunday mornings with Uber to see how surge effects rates. I looked into some shuttle companies that offer private. As many on here know from my other postings I need to be early off and on my way to unfortunately catch an 11:45am flight. But you have to pick a time and pre pay. One said if I pick 7:45 they will wait till 830 (I asked in case there is a problem getting off early). So it's between Uber and them. They want $110. Just want to see what the average Sunday morning Uber rate from port is before I decided between them.
  15. But I'm curious as to what that individual I quoted paid per person. Hopefully, they will respond with the specifics.
  16. "I'd like to be part of assisting with a better life than find ways to do nothing." This is where the tipping / auto gratuities thing always gets to deep for me. Too many people here talk about how hard working these people are. Many people in America are hard working as well. My Mother worked like a dog for peanuts and we had nothing. Paid for groceries with loose change at times. No paper money. So I don't see this subject the same. I tip as I would on land. No more. I'm not there to set the world to rights. Just have a good time and treat service works the same as I would at home.
  17. Knowing what the 7 night UDP is currently averaging per ship, I'm curious what did it cost per person at 55% off? Hoping for good black friday deals myself this year.
  18. Ok, so what have you all been paying on a busy Sunday morning from Port Canaveral to airport? (Trying to get the averaged out cost based on multiple answers). Thanks!
  19. Ask for a tip and get NOTHING! Bea Arthur as Dorothy: "A Tip...a tip...Walk away now and no one gets hurt".
  20. Yes, i unfortunately am going for the record. We changed ships, flights, cities, and states for that week. From Oasis in NJ to Wonder in FL. In order to recycle some (unfortunately not all) of our money for airfare, we were limited to a flight that leaves at 11:45am that day. If we miss it we will have to buy something right there on the spot. Either way looking at bet $500 to a thousand each. So the plan is to try hard to make this flight. Many say 11:45am is doable if self disembark and move quick. Also decided to get TSA pre check. That will help cut airport time by a great deal. And if we still miss it, then we will spend the extra $500 to a thousand each. But i think with all this research and information everyone has been so incredibly kind with, we will have a real shot. It's not something I would ever recommend you do if just starting to plan, but we decided to take advantage of all the refundable fares we had to make for a warmer trip. Bayonne NJ in May is 60 to 65 degrees and Florida is 85 to 95. About to have another bad Minnesota winter and decided starting in NJ and going down coast and back up at weeks end just wasn't warm enough. It's been a long time since i felt tropical. Need to feel it when i step off the plane. Lol. Oasis was an incredible rate, but Wonder looks even more amazing. So we will "amazing race" it to airport to (Try) and save money. Kids, Don't try this at home!!!! LOL.
  21. Was starting to think about a private shuttle $110 just for us. But they make you pick 715, 730, 745, 800am etc. Would be stuck at which to pick. I assume if it was pre paid they would wait for me if I'm a little late? So it's down to that or Uber. Just concerned might not be enough Uber's around? Which sounds better?
  22. Ok, so if i get up and down early (with all my bags all in hand) ready to jump ship first chance and want to pre book private transportation. Would booking 745am be a crazy goal? Or would I have to book something for 8am? Think I could be free and clear outside by 745am?
  23. Did you pre book an Uber? How did you know what time to tell them you would be off? Or did you order it the second you got off? If so how long to get one to show up? I like how early, fast, and on your way this can be. Just curious about how to set up. Thanks in advance.
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