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    I'd tell ya' but I'd have to kill ya'!

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  1. And we have yet another OPINION. 🙂
  2. You are talking about the Daily Service Charge, not tips. While may claim to know who gets what wile others swear that"NCL keeps it all for added profit", no one outside of NCL knows how the DSC funds are distributed.
  3. So you have interviewed EVERYONE, guest and staff, and can speak for them all? The rule dos not say a thing about being rude or disruptive (those are both highly subjective terms so who would decide anyway), it states a specific age limit and should be enforced with no exceptions. If a family wants to be together, simply go elsewhere on the ship. Is it really that hard to follow rules?
  4. I wish I could have liked this 1000 times. Finally someone posts a well thought out cogent post,. Kudos to you Beamco!
  5. So it is OK for him to break the rule but it is not OK for someone else to call him out on it. LOL that has to be of of the most absurd things I have ever read on the internet.
  6. Terrible advice. You are basically saying "go ahead and break the rules and make others have to complain to have you follow them or force the staff into the uncomfortable situation of letting you know that he has to leave" It is not OK to beak rules until someone calls you on it. .
  7. If that is how you feel, consider the deal broken. The rule is in place and teaching your son that it is OK to break rules is not something a good parent would do. The rule does not say only well behaved children are allowed on the sun deck, and for good reason. "well behaved" is highly subjective whereas setting an age limit is a firm parameter with that has no room for subjectivity. Having said all of that, teh sun deck in question is a very small portion of the ship and there many Haven areas that you son can join you as a family. Quit worrying about a small sundeck, go on your cruise with your family and have a great time.
  8. If I just checked my bids and one of them changed from Pending to Processing then the rest are al now marked Expired, is that a good thing?
  9. That's only because in many parts of the world they don't have any real sports, just this kickball junk! 🙂
  10. If you have only sailed CCL you are in for a real treat going with NCL. CCL is FAR inferior to NCL especially in the areas of food, crew members, ship cleanliness, and many other things. Do yourself a favor and go to the NCL site had read about their 'freestyle' dining. Enjoy your cruise!
  11. Chances are it will be on. NCL is famous for showing a lot of kickball (a.k.a. soccer - lamest and most boring sport ever invented might I add)on their cruises.
  12. I seriously doubt that they are "permanently" closed. That is a little drastic and melodramatic. The assumption you are making is unrealistic as are most assumptiosn. This is how most rumors are started! 🙂
  13. I have a total blast and spend very little. Having fun is a state of mind!
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