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Everything posted by BennyandBo

  1. Yeah, so???? If you go and say you want to remove automatic gratuities to tip in person cash, they let you do it. Bottom line with Royal is you can remove for any reason. That's just a fact.
  2. I've talked to crew and they say they are Not requiredto turn over cash tips given to them personally. And others here have posted the same. That's just talk to try and stop people from tipping the servers they come in direct contact with.
  3. It felt important enough for me to put in both threads. Afraid you might miss it. LOL.
  4. Do you realize most people say mind your own business when it comes to how you spend your money (including tipping) and let other people mind their own spending. Works great. It's called freedom. God bless America. Also most cruisers don't understand this system. More importantly many don't feel it's their personal responsibility to supplement the salary of the entire ship and therfore don't care. The removal of automatic gratuities is an opinion that exists, created and maintained by the cruise lines themselves. That's currently life and a fact.
  5. Remember the automatic gratuities can be totally removed at guest services at any time for any reason. Yes, for those who don't want to tip at all. Or those who prefer to tip in cash to the servers they come in personal contact with only. (AKA Old school tipping). Always a tempting option. Face to face tipping those who directly served you. As for the rest of the crew, I never feel it's my personal responsibility to supplement their income. But everyone should do what they find is best for them.
  6. Yes, remember the automatic gratuities can be totally removed at guest services at any time for any reason. Yes, for those who don't want to tip at all. Or those who prefer to tip in cash to the servers they come in personal contact with only. (AKA Old school tipping). Always a tempting option. Face to face tipping those who directly served you. As for the rest of the crew, I never feel it's my personal responsibility to supplement their income. But everyone should do what they find is best for them.
  7. "You get the room done, sometime, by somebody". This will effect tips both auto gratuities and cash (regular & extra) a great deal. Many more will remove and reduce tips because they won't have as much face to face interaction and say why should I bother. This will create problems retaining crew, and as word gets out, finding replacement crew to hire. And to respond with how very very much you tip is pointless. People who are on here are not the norm or the masses. Those are the people I see tipping based on what they see Vs what they don't daily.
  8. According to someone who spoke with staff, that all changes in January. Once a day is coming.
  9. Crew could discover the source of the problem before bag is delivered to cabin. As well as the subsequent damage bags ready for delivery and notify all parties involved. I believe there is a posting on here about someone overhearing crew on a Disney ship talking to the owner of a bag with broken wine bottles in it. Giving passenger options of reimbursement to other parties for damage belongings or being asked to disembark ship. So once bags are on board but before delivery crew can easily play Columbo. Then notify all parties involved. No "wine DNA" needed. Reasonable proof would come by way of the crew members findings. The bottom line is it foolish and not wise to put yourself in a situation to be liable for others property over a wine bottle. I go back to carry it on or do without. And on that note I believe the horse has been sufficiently beaten to death. Lol. Have a Happy and safe holiday season one and all!
  10. Early Retirement for health reasons. Nuff said? LoL.
  11. I will leave this at my recommendation is always purchase travel insurance. Very few would go through a legal battle over this due to time and money. Limit of liability can be argued right out the window. Again, big stuff for small potatoes. I could squeeze the owner of the bag/wine bottle for compensation or completely drown them in time and fees, much easier than the cruise lines. But the argument for them is there.
  12. An argument can be made against both the cruise line for mishandling the bag and the owner of the bag for being negligent. The responsibility of the items when in cruise lines hands is very much real. Example: If your car is in a garage for repair and is damaged by a third party or stolen. The owners of the garage are liable as well as the third party, basically because it was in their care at the time. A heads up to those that do pack in checked in luggage. You can have legal action taken against you for the negligence that leads to the destruction of others properties. But the argument for the cruise lines being responsible for theft or damage while in their care is very much real. (Small potatoes) This is barely about Judge Judy money we are talking about here. Now, the automobile Example I referenced is a "larger" issue. One I have had personal success with. But valid arguments can be made for this as well.
  13. No. It's a legal argument. Columbia law. You?
  14. Again, my ideas are just my thoughts. Lol. I promise not to bring them up at the next board meeting.
  15. Perfect. Pay up or get off!!! Better yet don't be a stupid lazy #$%^ and carry your #$%^ on yourself.
  16. By the way, I love how mad some of you are getting with me. You do know my ideas I write on here are just my random thoughts? I'm not taking them to Royals next board meeting tomorrow. (Or am I???) LOL
  17. Maybe open every bag for an inspection before boarding?
  18. Poor poor people would actually have to pay for their alcohol on board. Lol. I'm crying. Having to walk up to a bar and pay for a drink instead of carrying booze around with you is hardly a punishment. What is it about a cruise ship that makes people so desperate for a drink?
  19. But it could and it stinks that you would put other people's belongings in a position to be ruined.
  20. While in Royals possession they become responsible for the bag and it's contents. One could even argue there rough mishandling of the bags caused contents to break. Buy my personal view is carry it on or do without. I will say though with alcohol being such an issue, maybe cruise lines need to be extra careful handling bags.
  21. Now that I've had time to think about it I have my answer. No alcohol allowed on board. Solves the broken bottle question. People are told to carry on only. Apparently that is too complicated for some. So make it a no go period. You can't bring irons for fire safety, foods for health safety, etc. Plus the endless we need to make money off of you, times have been hard for the industry issue. It's sold on board every five feet. I can't bring Diet Coke to the movies. They will stop me. Must buy a $9 cup from them. (Yes, that's what they charge here). I don't bring a 2 litter bottle into a restaurant with me. So stop it altogether and buy on board only. No wine stains. Don't drink, don't care. (Toiletries I still consider a need not a want, so that's different. Stuck with that problem I guess). Just an idea. 😁
  22. I stand by the rest. They may be from small countries, but still are adults. They know what they are getting into and agreed to it. They are not stupid or simple and deserve privacy and dignity. And unless we pour over the books 52 weeks a year we are never going to be sure who is getting what.
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