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Francesca 7667

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Everything posted by Francesca 7667

  1. Please look further down. I’m also in Seminole and I gave you my email
  2. BTW, I also live in Seminole! Email me if you have questions about the TA. Ours was on Marina Miami-Barcelona last month. Please put an identifier in the Subject area though. I get lots of spam that I just ignore and delete. Fkt7667@aol.com.
  3. It’s rather small, say, size of notebook paper? Maybe a bit larger. On easel board. Very easy to transport. I brought 3 out of 4 home. The one I left in the trash can when my husband asked if it was a butt-it was supposed to be an orchid 😫. The other 3 turned out quite nice.
  4. Absolutely! Their search function is awful. I find it extremely difficult to use.
  5. Our butler was useless when it came to reserving specialty restaurants. We asked him several days in advance, and he replied that he had to wait until the same day. When the day came, he said he could only place us on a waiting list for 8:30! By 8:30, if we never got in, all restaurants were closed, and we would have missed dinner completely. We told him to forget it. He wasn’t very swift in other regards as well. We are booked for a PH for our 2025 cruise. Hopefully we’ll get a butler who is useful and/or not doing his apprenticeship.
  6. I think I will order half portions. I love tapas, where I can try many things in small portions.
  7. I’ll try that, because I really don’t see the reason why not to, I get “doggie bags” all of the time in restaurants because I can’t eat a lot at one time. I once had someone ask if I’d had gastric bypass. No, I haven’t. I’d be a lot thinner if I’d had! But that is just the way I eat. Not on purpose; it’s just the way my body works.
  8. That just seems so wasteful not to finish my plate, leaving perfectly good food which I could gladly eat later on only to then order from room service. I guess I’m just a product of being raised by a depression-era mother, but I hate to be wasteful.
  9. I would Never think of doing a leftover baggie at a buffet. But, I was thinking that the restaurants would be like the restaurants at home where I always request a “doggie bag”
  10. That sounds like a wonderful idea
  11. I fully intend to take leftovers back to my cabin in a baggie. Is it really a “ no no”? I’m a grazer I can’t eat a lot at once, but after an hour or two, I want to eat again
  12. We willbe on the Marina TA in April. Just weeks away!
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