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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Also, get wait listed. I missed out on an excursion I really wanted but went on the wait list and it popped up about 2 weeks later. You can always not accept it if you have made other plans.
  2. Yes the dogs get treats at the bank although often she does not see the Chihuahua since he is such a little guy. I break the treat in half (HORRORS!!!). Susan
  3. Good morning from sunny, dry and chilly Durango. Temp was 37 when dogs and I walked this morning and I could see some light frost on the roof of the building next to me. High today expected in the low 70's. The sprinkler system is due to be turned off and of course it looks like we will go into a long dry spell, but the grass is too long anyway. Days are falling into the same daily routine. I am getting things out of here. Today I will take some pictures of some items and post them to family to ask if anyone wants them before I send them off to thrift store. A couple are "family heirlooms" but are pretty awful....at least I think so. And dogs and I have to make a run to the bank. The dogs will love the car ride - they don't get to go during the summer. Take care all and best wishes to all. Susan
  4. Good afternoon!!! I am late and no real reason. Just have the slows today and there is no reason to hustle. Weather is sunny.... lows are starting to dip into the high 30's and the highs are in the low 70's. Nice Fall weather. I am continuing to try to work on downsizing and also beginning to organize for the GA in that I am culling some clothes. Also got some info today on shipping of luggage. Will deal with that later in October. And I am reading and trying to get some books out of here so that a couple of book cases can follow them out the door. I will probably start to panic in late November. Off to pick up dog food (critical) and check laptops at a couple of stores. Not sure what communication devices will make the trip with me. My phone for sure.... but then?????? Take care all and positive thoughts and prayers to all. Susan
  5. Mad Bones Silver here. I am sure the students I had in physical anthropology would agree with the mad bones part. Off to give the dogs one final outing for the night.... I had to wait for bear to finish trying to open our dumpster (the bear bar really works). He tipped it over but the bar held and he has wandered on. Hopefully someone from one of the other units will put it upright but if not several of us will wrestle it up tomorrow morning. Susan
  6. Roy, I hope you can make the cruise. As to what happens if you can't... I had a friend whose luggage did an Mediterranean cruise without her after she had to cancel the day of departure. She said it had a wonderful time. Susan
  7. For me the trip itself up the Amazon was amazing....spent a lot of time during the day just watching the shore slip by. Susan
  8. Good morning. Crisp and clear this morning. Current temp is 47F.... high today will be mid-70's. We may or may not get some showers later. I am fine with that. I love cheeseburgers but tonight's meal will be left over meatloaf. Guess I could add cheese. Have not been to today's destination and will skip the drinks simply because I rarely drink. I am feeling better. The "whatever that was" seems to have passed although I am a bit tired. But I slept well last night and the dogs were cooperative about allowing me a few minutes more this morning. I think today I will spend sorting through my clothes closet and looking at some things I may take with me on the GA in January. Mix and match time. I have to be sure I have what I think I have since I discarded a bunch of clothes when I lost weight. And of course, need to be things still fit. @smitty34877Your sad message just came through while I was writing this. I am so very sorry to hear that Lou has passed but am glad he could be at home and that he got a last visit with family. My condolences to you all. Susan
  9. Good afternoon to all. I am very late this morning because like others I seem to have picked up a "bug" of some sort.... not covid. Did not sleep well last night and just as I thought about getting up a 5 this morning I finally went back to sleep and slept until 8:30. The dogs were very good but a bit desperate to get out when I did get up. Am feeling a bit better and hopefully whatever this is will pass shortly but at least I don't have anything pressing to do. @sailingdutchySepp is the headline around here and I am sure there is a lot of celebrating going on in the local cycling groups. The meal of the day sounds great, but tonight will be "Mexican meatloaf" which is basically taco filling without the tacos made into...what else?... a meatloaf. Should last me a couple of days and makes great sandwiches if I feel like the carbs. Sending positive thoughts to all needing them and I hope that those of you with storm damage find it is not too bad. Living close along or close to the coasts is great much of the time but certainly seems to have it drawbacks. Take care all. Off to give the pups another quick walk and then settle in to read. Susan
  10. Just a little bragging from this non-techical elderly lady. I managed to get my Australia eTA this morning. My techie friend and I tried yesterday and were successful with New Zealand, but Australia kept refusing my photo (I don't think I look that awful). We gave up. This morning I got up early and thought I would just give it a try and it went straight through with a confirmation in about 15 minutes. I think yesterday it was them, not me. Anyway.... that is one major hurdle out of the way. Bet my hair was a mess. On another issue, the airline has changed my flight time for departure to 5:30 in the morning!!! Come on.... no one flies out of Durango at that hour in December. I am sure there will be several more changes. Fortunately I have a good deal of time in Phoenix before my connecting flight.... even with my original schedule. Ah the joys of travel. I must be sure to carry some good reading with me. Susan
  11. Sorry to hear that your Dad has passed. It does take awhile to adjust. Take it as it comes, and hopefully a cruise will be in your future before too long. Susan
  12. Good afternoon. Very brisk here. The temp is 57F and there is a bit of wind with rain moving in. Supposedly the rainy weather will move out this evening and it will warm up into the 70's the next week. Glad I turned off the sprinkler system and it is supposed to be turned off for the winter on the 22nd. Since it is now getting into the low 40's and upper 30's at night I think there timing is right. I think when the clouds lift I will see some white on our mountain peaks. Have been working on hauling stuff out of the house this morning and now waiting for a friend to come by and help me deal with the Australia and New Zealand ETAs. I could probably handle everything but the photos. Travel is getting more and more difficult for us older, single, non-tech types. Little gong on here. Search and rescue has given out maps to the volunteers still looking for our missing hiker. They are going to expand into some areas not as well searched. Hunting season will start shortly and that will put more people into the field. His family is saying they hope he can be brought home, but they know he is where he loved to be. Not much else going on. My best wishes to all.... @mamaofamiI hope all goes well with DH and his surgery. Take care. Susan
  13. Good morning. Cool weather has moved in here. It was 42F when we walked this morning and high is predicted at 67 although I think it may sneak up a bit more. Rain is a possible but more likely tomorrow. Fall is in the air. If I were back in Maryland I would happily take crab anything. I love donuts of any type but someone should slap my hand if I reach for one. We have a wonderful local shop with loads of tasty donuts which I avoid. Off to change clothes and head out for the dermatologist shortly with a few stops on my way. Take care all. Susan
  14. @sailingdutchyI am indeed keeping a close eye on Sepp Kuss.... and I have to say that usually I don't follow cycling events too closely. This is a real exception although I have watched some of his events previously and have been very impressed. On a sad note, the search and rescue attempt for our most recent missing hiker (age 79) is now, after 8 days, being refocused as search and recovery. A team has set up camp near where he left his vehicle and will spread out from there. Recent weather has impacted the search and will for the next couple of days. So sad for his wife and family. Prior to his disappearance he was in radio contact with his wife, but he was not carrying his cell phone although coverage in that area is spotty to say the least. He told his wife he was about 20 minutes away from finishing the hike which was only to be 90 minutes total. The search to date has involved a lifeline helicopter, people on foot and horseback, two bloodhounds and some Hotshot firefighters. At one point gunshots were reported heard by the Hotshots and that area was searched by the Hotshots and nothing found ....but no one seems to know if he was carrying a gun so the shots could be unrelated. That is bear and mountain lion country. All in all a terribly sad situation. We seem to go through this at least once year. This man was a very experience hiker who has hiked that area for over 20 years. Susan
  15. Good morning. Sunny here and temp is 53F but thunder storms are forecast for the afternoon and the high will be about 65. I will keep the dogs well walked while it is dry. Monty (Chihuahua) is not always reliable. I think I would like shrimp tacos and I know I would love to be in Scotland again. Have been to Invergordon but by land on my wanderings of many years ago in the predigital age. Little new from here... today is finally getting one of most complex of the files sorted and lots of stuff shredded. The shredding takes time as my shredder is not very large but it works and the confetti generated goes out to recycling. Tomorrow is a dermatologist appointment in the afternoon for a routine check and Friday a friend is coming over to help me get the necessary visas for Australia and New Zealand. I am more than a little intimidated by my new phone. I think it is a lot smarter than I am. Best wishes to all.... Susan
  16. I am sorry to hear this. Sending strongest most positive thoughts and prayers. Susan
  17. Rain, wind, thunder, lightening, hail (sounds like the opening of MacBeth). It all rolled in this afternoon and will last through this evening at least with a possible encore tomorrow and the day after. The rain we like, the thunder is ok. The hail I am not fond of and the lightening is not appreciated as even with the rain there is a chance of fire. But I am sure my grass (and the weeds) will love all of it. The dogs and I dash out between the storms and I am getting a fair amount done sorting the files. That is going to take awhile. The situation with that escaped murderer is really scary. Hope he is caught soon. I would much rather deal with the bear. Susan
  18. Good morning to all. Cloudy this morning and looking like rain. We can but hope. The high today is forecast to be 62F. I think it will be a day of indoor work. The dogs have moved from their usual summer spot near the patio door to the sofa where they are burrowed down into the doggie blankets. I think they know something. And a up in the very high country... Trail Ridge Road is closed due to snow. So it begins. Have always wanted to go to Morocco but have never made it. Love the pictures. I think I would like the meal today but I will be eating up some salads and probably coupling them with scrambled eggs for supper tonight in an effort to clear the frig. Just don't feel very creative. My best thoughts to all on the cares list. And I hope the weather does not disrupt those who are scheduled to cruise. Mother Nature does like to do her thing. Looks like some disruptions already. Off to load up the dish washer, do a load of laundry and then back to sorting file drawers. Takes a long time since I inspect all pieces of paper carefully before it goes into recycling or the shredder- or back into the files. Take care. Susan
  19. Oh yes, we are all watching Sepp closely and are very proud of him both as a cyclist and as a person. His Grandfather was a colleague of mine years ago at the local college. Looks like Sepp takes after him in his personal life as well as his athletic abilities. This town, as you may know, is cycling crazy with our big local event being the Memorial Day ride against the narrow gauge train from Durango to Silverton. Susan
  20. Good morning. Cooler here today. High forecast at about 72F. We did have some rain last night and showers and T-storms are forecast for now (off and on) through Thursday. And the "S" word was mentioned for the higher elevations. I have turned off the sprinkler system as I can always turn it back on if needed. I was teaching on 9-11 and I cancelled my classes (college level and mainly freshman that day). I turned on the TV in my lab and I had students coming and going all day. Some sat for hours just staring. Many came and went... mainly leaving to call home and then returning to sit with friends. My score for Port Stanley is 2 out of 3. Missed with the QE2 which would have been her final call there. I am a great fan of penguins in their natural habitat so I really enjoyed both times we did get in. The 2nd time it got very rough on the tender ride back to the Amsterdam and Captain Mercer who was sitting just ahead to me on the tender got soaked. I was so glad he blocked me. We are still looking for our most recent disappeared hiker but without much hope. I have several friends who with the Search team and they feel pretty helpless. The area, which is east of our local ski resort, is very rugged and it would be easy to fall into one of the ravines or gullies and not be visible. They are using search dogs which should help. And drones. Best wishes to all. Susan
  21. Good morning to all. Sending prayers and best wishes to all needing them. And cheers for those with celebrations and cruises. Life is certainly full of ups and downs for all of us. It seems more and more like it is a roll of the dice whether you are up or down. Or maybe it just feels that way to me. I do Sudoku from time to time... am not terribly good at it. Need more practice. I have several Teddy Bears, a few of which are headed to new homes. Have not been to today's destination(s). Looks interesting. Weather here is sunny and high today will be mid-eighties. Same tomorrow and then we are due for cooler temperatures and possibly some rain. We can but hope. Our sad news is that the body of the missing hiker from last June has just been found. It was in the Mancos River in an area that had been extensively searched when he first disappeared but the river was running very high (3-4 feet above current levels) in June and he was under water. At least he has been found (there is another man who disappeared a few years before this who is still not located). And we now have another hiker missing.... he disappeared in different area just a two days ago. Again, someone hiking by himself. As appealing as the solitude may be, hiking alone is not recommended. All of these men were experienced hikers. Nothing much on the agenda today. I plan to load up the car with thrift store donations today and tomorrow. And my goal is to get another file drawer sorted and one bathroom cabinet sorted and a significant amount of stuff in the trash or recycling. Then Monday will make a thrift store run. Take care all. Susan
  22. Good morning to all. I slept fairly well last night, but was awake by 6. Got up and after dog walking hustled to the Post Office to mail a package of stuff for scottie rescue. If you don't go early the lines get very long as they have cut way back on staff. There were only 2 people ahead of me but the lot was filling up as I left. Was home by 8:30 and got breakfast and read through the Daily. Now off to package up more stuff for the thrift store. Am trying to empty out some cabinets and bookcases which will then be hauled to the dump.... they look terrible and are starting to fall apart. Very slow going. Haven't been to today's destination which looks really lovely and interesting. Tonight it will cheeseburger (without the bun) and salad. Lunch? who knows. My frig is looking a bit bare. Sending positive thoughts for baby Murphy and Lou and all others needing them. Hope we can all stay healthy and upright and many cruises lie ahead. Susan
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