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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. My thinking too. At least I am flying through Phoenix, not Denver but getting out of Durango is always a toss of the dice in December/January. Susan
  2. I have looked at that 28 day Alaska cruise and it looks good. Thinking, thinking. Susan
  3. Good morning. Fall is here. Current temp is 37 with a high predicted of 68 although I think it may do a bit better and get into the low 70's. I need to start prepping my heaters for winter. Usually turn them on about the 15th. Food and drink does not appeal today - think I am getting fussy. I have been to Albany on the final world cruise of the QE2. Did not see much of it as I, in common with most people on the ship, had an awful cold. The shuttle drove us from the ship to a pharmacy which did a real rush business that day. Look forward going back on the GA and hopefully enjoying the town and countryside. Since I no longer have to go out the Humane Society, I have been leading a very quiet life. I do some dog walking and that is it - both my dogs daily and the shelter dogs twice a week. I am getting a lot of reading done and many books out of the back bedroom which doubles as a library. And today's big project is to mop the floors..... whoopeeeeee!!! My best wishes to all, both skin and fur. My pups are full recovered from their dentals and seem ready to take on the world. @kazuI envy you the time in Amsterdam. Counting down the days until the GA.... and beginning to panic a bit on clothes. Susan
  4. Visited my nephew several times when he was living in Amsterdam. He had an apartment in a house on the canal within walking distance of the center of the city. He loved it and when the building came up for sale he wanted to buy it. His wife was against it due to the upkeep and the fact that the each had a widowed mother living in the States. They now live in Ohio and he still talks about that apartment and the building. I used to love visiting him on the canal and watching the boats go past. Susan
  5. I got the RSV on the day I went in for the flu shot as an "add on" - no problem. And no one asked if I had discussed it with my doctor. Susan
  6. Good morning. Sunny, chilly and no rain in forecast. High expected around 67F. Same for the rest of the week and then some. But I notice a bit of white on the mountain peaks. Deb.... I have the same thing with Social security.... really reduced due to state pension. It is not like we are asking for our salaries for Colorado to be eligible.... but I contributed for years for work in Maryland, New Mexico and Wisconsin. Oh well. My Medicare is covered. Little new here. The dogs are fully recovered from the dental work yesterday when they both lost some teeth. Gave them meds this morning in case they were needed but I think not. Both were ready to chow down as soon as we got home yesterday. Monty gets his in liquid form since he is so tiny (5 lbs) and I find it is very hard to squirt liquid into a fighting chihuahua mouth. Fortunately premeasured. Only have to do it one more time. Pulled out some more cruise clothes to try on and none of them fit to off the thrift store with them and I am going to have to do some shopping after I finish the closet cull. Susan
  7. Picked up the doggies and my bank account is now much lighter. Both needed extractions (dental issues are so common with the Toy breeds). Both came home and demanded something to eat since they had no breakfast.... I gave them a few pieces of kibble which they wolfed right down. Will give the a little more with a bit of soft food at their regular feeding time. Now they are out for count on the sofa. Susan
  8. Just a quick addition..... I got my flu and RSV shots yesterday. My only reaction is a bit of soreness in one arm.... the flu side. Will probably try for the Covid jab later this month since I still have time. The pharmacy tells me they ran out of them on Monday. So I have 2 of 3. Off now to figure out lunch and supper. The soup really looks good but will probably have a hamburger (no bun) with veggies of some type as a side. I am not feeling very original these days. Oh to have someone cooking for me. All the menus and pictures being posted make me drool and also realize what a lazy cook I have become. Susan
  9. Whoops!!! Just got kicked off. OK... late today and have only read about 1/2 of the list.... will read the rest later. It is chilly today, some frost on the north facing roofs. But the sun is shinning. I took the dogs in early this morning to the vet for dental checks and cleaning. I am going to be broke. @JazzyVHappy Birthday!! @Cruzin TerriHappy Anniversary!!! All of you know I will celebrate anything to do with the happiness of animals. On the other hand, my dogs are probably not celebrating. Back later after I have finished reading, get some lunch and probably after I pick up some very groggy dogs who will less than happy with me. Susan
  10. Good afternoon to all. Coolish here with current temp at 56F. It is supposed to warm up a bit the rest of the week. Little news from here except that I got 2 of 3 recommended shots this morning.... covid vax not available here at this time. They expect more in sometime in the next week.... just have to keep watching. Will keep working on finding it. At least I have a start. So far no reaction but plan to be in most of the afternoon just slowly working on clearing out "stuff". A trip to the Humane Society Thrift store is in my immediate future. They are limiting what they take, so I have to plan it out carefully. Bon Voyage to all getting read to board ships or on their way to do so. I envy you. Hopefully my time is coming. Have allowed time to get from Durango to San Diego in the winter.... at least I think I have. Susan
  11. @Quartzsite CruiserJust got back on the computer. Lenda, I am sorry to hear that Steve is back in hospital. Positive thoughts and prayers on the way. It finally has gotten around to raining. Fortunately dogs went out about 10 minutes ago and it does not look like it will last long. Back to cleaning out the area below the sink in my 2nd bathroom. Lots to be tossed there. Susan
  12. Good morning. A little late as I slept in a bit this morning and then took the dogs for a longer walk than usual as we are supposed to have thunder storms during the day. Right now it is dark and gloomy looking. I love mac and cheese but don't eat it often but I am going to try some of those various ways of making it. And I appreciate the pictures of Brisbane.... looking forward to that stop on the GA. I probably will visit the koalas. I tend to hang out with the furry ones. My car has a bumper sticker that says "My friends are real animals... support wildlife rehab"... and of course I also have my local Humane Society decal. I can always find my car. It is getting really dark.... better run the dogs out again. More later. Take care all. @lindalerThanks for the great picture of the Volendam. Susan
  13. Prayers for Scott. I am so glad that Steve is seeing such improvement in a short time. Weather here is weird. Right now the sun is shinning and hail stones are falling. Temps are taking a real drop. Fortunately dogs and I came in just a few minutes ago so they will not have to go out for awhile. Susan
  14. Good morning!!!! Cool here with high predicted up to 71 this afternoon then then temps are due to drop and the next 10 days highs will be in the low to mid-60's and it looks like a hard freeze is on the way. What we need is some rain. Will probably come mid-October (see below). @sailingdutchyThanks for the pictures of Fiji. Hopefully I will get there on the Grand Australia. The big thing on my agenda in the immediate future falls mid-October when Sepp Kuss will be coming home and the town is planning to throw a really big party. @Quartzsite CruiserGlad you were both able to get more rest last night. Being home really makes a difference. I hope things begin to improve for those with health and weather issues.... and happy sailing to those who are lucky enough to be cruising. So far my preparations for January are pretty limited. I have got to get my lists compiled and then, even more importantly, some things crossed off of them. I am just not organized. Susan
  15. Prayers and best wishes are on the way. It sounds like he is getting good care. Susan
  16. I second this, Lenda. I am sure it has been a very long day. Susan
  17. Since both Australia and New Zealand have sent me emails welcoming me I think I am all set. Susan
  18. I got my visa for the cruise using my cell phone without any of that. I think those rules are for people planning to stay for a period of time - or permanently. The eta (electronic travel authorization) is not easy to do with the photo requirement, but if I can do it - anyone can. Susan
  19. @Quartzsite CruiserMy most positive thoughts are with you both today. I know you both will be relieved when this is over. Good morning to all. As usual we are chilly, sunny and dry. There is a suggestion of rain by the weekend. Our trees are turning rapidly. Otherwise things here are very quiet which is a good thing. I continue to plod along with the house clearing at a very, very slow pace. A sloth could keep up easily. I need to arrange for pickup for luggage for the Grand Australia and am thinking about clothes. I don't have many choices. Need to sort, try on, sort and then mix and match. Not my favorite occupation. Here in Durango you just select your jeans and top. Hope those who have been feeling under the weather are feeling better.... there seems to be a lot of "its" going around. The covid shot is not available here yet but I have scheduled my flu shot and will talk with the pharmacist when I go in for that. I am not in a real rush but will try to get it done this month. Susan
  20. @aliaschiefI can identify with the bear issues. I don't have to worry much about the garbage since our dumpster has a "bear bar" on it.... which means I have trouble putting trash in. But I get to "pooper scooper" bear leavings out of the yard most mornings in the Fall. I think they had a party the other night. As long as I don't meet them face to face, I am good.
  21. Taking a few minutes off from laundry to sit so I thought I would check in again. @cruising sisterI am sorry to hear the news of little Murphy. What a terrible thing for her and her family to be going through. @CruiserclI am very over whelmed with GA activity but it should sort itself out if I can stay calm and not try to rush things. I think I am just overthinking what I have to do. And the realization that I can't control the weather when it is time to get to San Diego is intimidating .... I have had the same problem with other winter cruises, but for some reason it is stressing me more this year. Maybe that is because I am older. Back to work. And maybe I will treat myself to a short nap. Susan
  22. Good morning. It certainly feels like autumn here. Cool and cloudy this morning. Yesterday when I ventured out I could spot lots of color in some of the trees. Temp right now is 55 with a high predicted at 67. I am not sure if the sprinkler system was turned off yesterday since I was gone part of the afternoon. Hope so. I think in another day or so I may be ready to make today's meal. It is good to see and follow along with others cruising. I am putting together my "to do" list and it is getting pretty long. Today is tackling the spare bathroom and its associated cabinets which seem to have been accumulating odds and ends (often outdated) over the past year. And I need to try to continue the clothes culling. The back of the walk-in closet seems to hold some real surprises. I hate trying on clothes to see if they still fit. Take care all and my best wishes to all. Susan
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