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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Interesting. I really enjoyed the Amazon when I cruised it at the end of the Grand SA a number of years ago. It is very different, I will say that. As to the Vov, I loved that cruise. If I had a choice it would be the one.... but the Amazon is a whole different world. Susan
  2. Good morning with yet another sunny, dry and windy day ahead. At least the temps have moderated a bit and it was downright chilly when I walked the dogs.... 45F with wind. I'll take it although would prefer no wind. Our fire is under control. It was lightening caused (no rain) and in a remote area where it can burn out. Little new.... have not had cats for years although I do care for other people's at times. Need to check today on Duffy and Jiffy. Off to the store. More later. Susan
  3. I served on a grand jury many, many, many years ago when I was a graduate student at Univ. of Wisconsin. It was interesting, that is all I can say. I was called a number of times in Durango but never served. One time I sat through 2 days of jury selection before I was excused.... I think the judge was being a pain. I was exhausted and my doctor wrote me a letter be excused forever. It worked. Susan
  4. They have several styles including a smart watch but only one style or two have the fall detection. Remember I got mine after I did a nasty face plant in the dark late one night. Fortunately a neighbor came home late and found me while I was struggling to figure out how to get up without dropping the leases on the dogs. When I am alone, I wear it. Out with friends or in public.... I figure someone will help. Their smart watch is interesting, but I am not sure I am up to it. Susan
  5. I wear it at home and I wear it when I go out walking the dogs. I don't usually wear it when I do things like going to the store since I feel like someone would notice if I fell or needed help. It can be worn around neck with fall detection and it can also be carried in my pocket when I go somewhere where I want it but it not wanted around the neck. It flashes and can be very visible if I am wearing light clothes. I sometimes put it in the car with me but then leave it there when I join friends. Just my preference. If I push the button on it, I get a response that asks if I need help. I am testing, so I say "testing" but if I needed help they would send it. It does have GPS if I am unable to give them my location. Susan
  6. @rafinmdTo add to what I said.... I use Medical Guardian and it is available in several devices. I wear one around my neck. If you remember last Christmas I left it at home when I went to a friends house .... my dogs pulled it down....it registered a fall and they did start contacting people when I did not answer. Fortunately the house where I was visiting was called (it was #3 in my call list) and I got emergy dispatch stopped but I was impressed. It was good test of the system and now I know to keep it out of Bandit's reach. I test it now from time to time. And no matter where I have been, it works. Susan
  7. Roy, I used Medical Guardian and am very pleased with it. I can verify that it works and also you do not need any additional equipment. And I have tested it away from my house several times and again, it works. Susan
  8. And it is another dry sunny day in Durango. But cooler. The temperature when Bandit, Monty and I went out this morning was 45F. Felt good. High today forecast for the mid-80's but I think it will probably hit the 90 degree mark. I love moussaka but am way too lazy to make it. Would love to go back to today's port... it has been many years ago. I wound up taking it very easy yesterday despite my best intentions. So today I will throw myself back into the sorting and associated activities. Right now I am concentrating on what can go into the dumpster and be mailed to scottie rescue. I am holding off on the thrift store since they are having problems getting people to sort. Maybe I need to do that for awhile. Anyway.... my positive thoughts to all and especially hoping to hear good news of baby Murphy. Remember.... your feet belong firmly on the ground. My DS called yesterday to tell me that one of her neighbors had fallen and fractured her patella .... seems to be getting all too common these days. She (DS) is leaving for the beach with her son and daughter and other family in few days.... I will be relieved that she will be around other people for awhile. Susan
  9. Fingers crossed and most positive of thoughts on the way.
  10. Good morning. Am enjoying all the pictures. Makes me want to get traveling. I know I really enjoyed the VoV years ago. It was foggy at times but it lifted. I remember someone complaining loudly about the fog horn. And I love Ivan's lovely eyes. He looks so content. It was actually about 48F when the dogs and I went out and the current temp is only 60.... but it will get hot later. Haven't heard anything about the fires and can't see any smoke so I am hoping they got them beaten down pretty quickly. Today will be slow day with sorting and putting stuff in the trash or the recycle bin and again getting a couple light boxes for the shelter thrift store. I have my eye on the hall closet. I think tonight's meal will be a grilled pork chop and salad. Nothing really exciting. Take care all. Susan
  11. Bummer, Bummer, Bummer!!!! Fairly hot and windy. Fires to the east of us. So far they are not near any structures but worrisome. It is so dry here. And, to cap off my day - the woman who was found by the postal delivery has passed. She made it to her 90th birthday, but died 2 days late. She worked at the college with me for many years. And another friend who taught at the college with me, again for many years, has died of cancer. OK... with Diane that is 3. It can stop now. Off to run the dogs out and in.... it is too hot for them to walk on the sidewalks. Susan
  12. Am currently upgrading my phone because of exactly this issue. Old phone and real cheapie. It works great for just calling and messaging but I am going to have to bite the bullet. Susan
  13. Good morning. Cool here this morning with a high today around 90. Not too bad. Dogs and I need to get a second walk in shortly as when we went out a Mama deer and her twins were between us and the road. I did not want to startle them into the road, so we cut our first outing short. Babies still have their spots. Lots of deer around right now - I guess hunting season is not that far off and my yard gets crowded. The deer are pretty smart. I love oysters fried or in stew. Not fond of the raw. And I wait for the "R" months. Try to limit my pasta and have never been much of beer drinker except when wandering around England and Scotland. I do like a good pub lunch. Prayers are continuing for baby Murphy and others who are struggling with health and happiness issues just now. I have been feeling a bit on the "blah" side the last few days. I think it is reaction to Diane's passing so suddenly and the uneasy feeling that many of us had that maybe we could have helped more. And I have a number of health appointments coming up.... all routine but I always worry a bit (doesn't everyone?). Dogs and I are headed out for a picnic lunch today with a few other people and dogs and that should help my outlook. I know I will feel better if I could just get more stuff sorted and tossed. Mary Kay has set a good example of what can be done. I just need to pick up the pace. Take care all. Am watching one of the condos next me get visitors since it is for sale. Will be interested to see what it sells for - but with the home prices here I would not even think about moving unless I really had to.... I could not afford it. Besides, I would rather cruise. Susan
  14. I am so sorry to hear this..... Hugs and prayers and lots of positive thoughts. Susan
  15. Good morning. Sunny here and fairly cool. High today maybe high 80's and it gets down into the mid-50's at night. Feels good. Unfortunately no rain in sight but that can always change. I will take the ice cream sandwiches and potato salad although I really should not. I am realizing I will have to be careful about the food on the cruise in January. Well... as long as I don't have fix the food or clean up the kitchen I will be happy. Had a really weird thing happen yesterday. Phone rang...number I did not recognize... said "station dispatch". I answered and it Life Alert telling me that they had an alert for Diane and that they were dispatching medical assistance. I told them What? Wait! and then told them she had passed. After some back and forth I think we figured out what happened. When her brother was clearing out some stuff in the house he or someone tossed her unit and pendant into the trash which was collected yesterday which probably set off the alarm. They said they needed to get the unit back to close the account. I said "good luck" and talk to her brother. On the more pressing side as I see it, I will talk to the foster care who has Duffy. Again my prayers for little Murphy. Congratulations on the adoption of canine Oliver and to Ivan as he celebrates his 3 month anniversary in his caring home. Off to sort and toss. My foot feels so much better this morning. I should have changed podiatrists awhile ago. I may have to get a couple pairs of new shoes when all toe work is complete but at least I will be able to walk much more easily. Cheers all.... Remember head to sky, feet on the ground.... not the other way around. Susan
  16. I am so terribly sad to hear this. Prayers for her and for her family. Susan
  17. Good morning all.... late as I had my appointment with the new podiatrist this morning. She evaluated and snipped away and looked at what was done before. I go back in a month for whatever final (?) action she wants to take. It was relatively painless. Anyway, the foot feels better. But I know I am going to have to invest in new walking shoes. And my dress shoes for cruise will not be very dressy.It re Diane's service was yesterday and was very nice and low key. It was also crowded .... mainly us grey haired ladies. I talked with her brother afterwards and he confirmed what I suspected about cause of death. I did find out that one of the workers at the humane society took the older cat home with her. Not sure it will stay there (her husband will not be best pleased and he is away right now) but it makes the cat much more comfortable for now and gives the younger one a better chance at adoption as it will not be as stressed and acting out trying to beat up the older one. And all of this reminds me that I have to update my paperwork, especially as Diane was my local contact in case of emergency. I will take the eggplant parm.... one of my favorite dishes if someone else makes it. Better get back to work. I have a little list. Best wishes to all including baby Murphy, Barb and all others heading into hospitals, doctor's offices, vet offices and other stressful situations. Susan
  18. The walking down was what convinced me to not walk up that type of path again. Fortunately I got some assistance. Otherwise I really enjoyed that port. Susan
  19. I climbed the same mountain and one thing that I found out was that I am not in condition to climb anything with loose gravel on the paths. Susan
  20. Good morning a bit late. I have been up for about 4 hours, but just now getting to take a break. Temps are a bit more comfortable... it was 54F when dogs and I walked very early and highs today are forecast for high 80's. We did get one really good hard rain yesterday evening.... it did not last long but was very welcome. Food all sounds good.... and I have been to Recifie twice. First time on the Amsterdam, second time on the Princendam. Nice pictures. I went to Olinda on the first cruise. Don't remember what happened on the second... I may have stayed on board with a cold. Diane's service is this afternoon and I have to find something to wear. My wardrobe is pretty limited since I have lost weight. Will also check on the cats later this afternoon. My downstairs neighbor reminded me rather firmly that I can not handle a cat. I know she is right. I am hoping I can get them moved to a more comfortable situation.... the shelter is just over full at the present time, both dogs and cats. There are 2 really cute dachshunds there... fairly young ... and no takers. Shows how slow adoptions are just now. Need to get myself organized. I have a podiatrist appointment early tomorrow morning with a new doctor and they want a list of my current meds. I am really having trouble getting comfortable shoes and need to get the problem with a couple toes straightened out. And I would like to be able to walk comfortable on the Grand Australia. Take care all. Best wishes to baby Murphy. Hugs to all who need them and keep your feet down and your head up. Susan
  21. He is a little doll. And I hear you on the concern with hawks.... my Monty Chihuahua is only 5 pounds. I stick very close. Love to Ollie from Monty.
  22. Rain!!!! We are having rain!!! And also lightening and thunder. Hope no fires start but this is the first really measurable rain in some time. Got the dogs out and in just in time. Temps feel good and there is a nice breeze. Just sort of plodded along today. Not much done but some stuff out to the trash and another box ready for the thrift store. Susan
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