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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. @dfishGlad your surgery went well and that you are home and hopefully can get some rest. I am taking today to rest although I had to go out to the shelter to sign checks..... the current Board does not have its act together and I am still on the accounts. Otherwise the only thing I have gotten accomplished is dog walking and hanging up the clothes I washed yesterday. Tomorrow I will have to get cracking on more house sorting. Susan
  2. Good morning. Sunny and cool this morning. Temperature is 44F and the dogs really enjoyed their nice long walk. Our high today will probably be in the low 70's unless rain rolls in. Looks as if we headed for drier weather and June which is rapidly approaching is our driest month. Got a call this morning to ask if I wanted to help out with a rattlesnake avoidance seminar. Since they asked if I wanted to ... I will give that a pass. No tiaras for me but I will take the escargot. I eat a fair amount of cabbage prepared various ways. Will have to try some of the roasting ideas. I am really getting very tired of my own cooking. That made the dog show out of town worth it .... the caterer was very good and I ate my largest meal for the day at noon at the show ... salads for supper. Gathering up a load for the Humane Society Thrift Store and will head out shortly. Some clothes that are now too large for me (I have lost weight) .... books .... and some shoes which now, for some reason, hurt my feet. Slowly but surely I am getting things cleared up. Should only take me about 10 years more. Take care all. Susan
  3. I have trouble handling luggage and I have used Luggage Forward from Boston. It is pricey but it worked well for me since handling bags not an option for me. Susan
  4. @57redbirdPrayers on the way. @dfishI am glad you have an early morning slot..... certainly much preferred for surgery. Windy here tonight and it feels much cooler than it actually is (61F). We have had showers off and on all day. I have the lawn sprinkler system turned off. The lawn mowing crew arrived and mowed even though it was wet in some places so the grass was pushed down rather than cut. Doesn't look very good. I will see what it looks like when it dries out .... and maybe have to call the company as some of the tenants may complain. They will be back in two weeks anyway - hopefully. Made the payment on the Grand Australia..... now to start looking at flights. The flights out of Durango are very limited, especially in the winter months and around the holidays. I am going to leave for San Diego with time to spare so I can get out if here by car if needed. It is a two day drive. Guess I could always chase to ship to Hawaii. Susan
  5. I have sailed solo on HAL many times. In the MDR I was asked if I wanted to share.
  6. Good morning all. Sunny here today with highs expected in the mid-60's. Possibly some rain but most of what had been forecast passed us by. Back from the dog shows and pretty darned tired. The shows went fairly smoothly although we had to replace one judge at the last minute - not easy to do out here. People behaved themselves and of course the dogs were great. Mine were very happy to be sprung from the kennel yesterday evening although they never object to going out there. Now I have to really work on the house. I came in last night and just tossed everything. So today laundry, clearing and...... (drum roll, please) set up my final payment for the Grand Australia in January. If I can survive a dog show I can certainly handle a cruise. @Superoma (no blue bubble for some reason) - I was so sorry to read about your Father when I got back. Take care all. Susan with a very happy Bandit and Monty
  7. Good morning. Off to the dog shows shortly. Weather is going to be pretty warm in Farmington today but things will cool a bit the rest of the week. Durango is always about 10 degrees cooler. I suspect I will feel the heat. Take care all. And I really understand what the those dealing with smoke are feeling. Fire is terribly scary and the smoke really triggers allergies and stress. Hope things get under control soon, but it takes awhile for the smoke and the stress to clear. Susan
  8. Good morning. Sunny today and it is going to be warm - up into the low 70's maybe. My job for today is to pack the car and get myself ready to head out to the dog show in Farmington tomorrow. After yesterday, I am feeling rather bummed about the whole thing. Will be back Sunday night. The dogs are boarding so I have to pack for them too. Have the painter coming in to do some work Thursday and Friday while I am gone. Hope Fluff is improving and Terri, that your DH gets some much needed rest. Off to start organizing as best I can.... my allergies are driving me nuts. Susan
  9. Good evening. Sending good wishes to little Fluff. Today has been a busy day as I get ready to go down to Farmington, NM for dog shows starting on Wednesday. Yes, the Farmington NM that is in the news tonight for a mass shooting with at least 3 dead. I just can't even begin to comment on my feelings right now. Susan
  10. I have a similar picture..... same cruise.... and same Captain. One of my favorites .... picture, ship and Captain.
  11. Sunny here. Supposed to be in the mid-70's today but I doubt that it will make it. Was 38F when I walked the pooches and rain showers are supposed to move in. Who knows. On the disappointment side, my hair did not get trimmed yesterday as my gal forgot we had rescheduled the appointment. She will try for Tuesday. I may head out to the dog shows looking shaggier than any of the dogs. However, it may have been a good thing since I was available to run a neighbor to the ER and then pick her up a few hours later..... she fell. A reminder to me to watch where I am putting my feet. They kept fussing about her due to her age and she is much younger than I am. I suspect it was a slow day at the ER. @rafinmdThanks for letting us know about Scrapnana. Hope she makes it to the GWC next year. Looking forward to cruises really helps with ones outlook on life. Am off to toss, file, and shred. Susan
  12. I went out for BBQ.... was sure I was going to miss sail away. I'm back.... they can leave any time now. Susan
  13. Good morning to all. I am a bit earlier as I am getting my hair trimmed this morning and not before time. Weather here is sunny but showers are due to move in later.... we shall see. I will not turn off the sprinkler system until the raindrops actually fall. A note on history... Berengaria is the only English Queen who never saw England. Welcome back to the World Cruisers. Like others I am going to have to find something else to fill my time. There is next year of course. And other cruises to follow. I really appreciate the blogs. Susan
  14. On your cruising air tag..... I would guess it is caught up attached to the bed or bed frame some way. I hope it is enjoying its cruise. A friend of mine had to cancel a cruise just before she was to board.... her luggage was delivered as scheduled and evidently did the entire cruise without her. Was returned to her when the ship returned to U.S. Susan
  15. I am so sorry. I know the swollen nose issue all too well.... and the inability to get glasses on. Take care. Susan
  16. Good morning. Sunny here. We may get some rain later in the week. Temp here was 29F when dogs and I walked. High today forecast for the mid-60's today and tomorrow, then due to drop into the mid-50's for a high. "They" are saying a wet end to May and into June. We will see. Our ski area is still open on weekends and they may get more snow showers. They will have to close down some time. Those sweet potatoes look really good. Will have to try at some point. Little news from here. My Sister called to tell me she had taken a fall similar to the one I took that broke my glasses and nose and gave me a black eye. She has the black eye and she is due to go to a memorial for our step-Mother on Saturday. She is not pleased with how she is going to look... but says it is what it is. In her mid-90's she was so lucky not to have broken any bones and her glasses flew off but did not break. We are both swearing to walk carefully. Ivan, you handsome dog, you. He has very expressive eyes. Take care all.... and watch where you put your feet. Susan
  17. That last meme is really me. I am sure Ivan is much more comfortable now. Hope your elbow improves.... probably moving Ivan around did not help but hey.... what we do for the canine companions. Susan
  18. Good morning. Sunny here, high today supposedly up to the high 60's. It was 37F when dogs and I walked but felt warmer. My Iris are getting ready to bloom. They are the only flower the deer do not eat. They look much happier than they did last year. Our very wet winter evidently agreed with them. Will celebrate nurses and Harry T. Dad attended several meetings with him and said that Truman was always listening carefully and always asked questions that seemed to focus on what you did not say.... a very interesting approach. He seemed able to read between the lines. I think I would like the chili ... but tonight will be salad with some whitefish I found in the freezer that needs to be eaten. Have heard from a couple of the Board members (already!!!). One was asking that since I was eligible, would I stay on as an appointment for one year.... the answer was a firm "no". But I found out the rationale behind that request. Another Board member who is supposed to be continuing is going to leave the Board the end of this month. There were 3 of us who did most of the work and we will all be gone including a lot of research on various issues. Sorry, but not sorry... I am tired and I think they can manage. I do feel sorry for the new Executive Director. So..... off to clear. Today's focus is going to be on my file cabinet. I have cleaned up the shredder in anticipation of it seeing lots of action today. Cheers to all. @Kazu (no blue bubble for some reason) - Don't you and Ivan overdo today. Susan
  19. Hope the swelling and any discomfort go down quickly. Believe me I know exactly how you feel..... and it ain't fun. Take care and hope you can get some rest. Susan
  20. Home again, home again. The Annual meeting was short and sweet. I think nearly everyone there had gotten up early to watch the coronation and they were all still sleepy so they did not ask many questions and no one raised any issues. Until my name comes off the checking account I may have to go into sign a couple of checks but that will be it. Feel like the world is off my shoulders. Will call my cousin tomorrow and tell her that I watched everything. I will probably talk to my sister this evening as I suspect she has gone back to bed this afternoon.... don't blame her. Susan
  21. Well, I will post more later but I know why I was called. Both my cousin and my Sister were present at the procession of the coronation of George VI. My uncle took them to his office overlooking Whitehall. I caused my Mother to miss it as I was did not arrive in the world until June and she could not attend because she was too uncomfortable..... something she told me about over the years. She and I and my Sister were in London for Queen Elizabeth's coronation as we were visiting an elderly relative who was ill. We watched from the office. A really spectacular front row seat. I was there for Charles and Diana's wedding also although I watched the festivities from a less advantageous spot .... so I guess Viv really thought we all should be there now. Unfortunately none of us made it. She did not feel like going into London (she is the same age as my sister - mid 90's). Thank you TV. So..... I have been up since 3 .... I have the Annual meeting to get through.... and I think it will be nap time when I get home. By the way.... speaking of doings of the Royal family.... I was at Braemar the night Prince William was born. I had students on a tour around the U.K. The hotel was holding a dance and musicians were from Balmoral. They (the muscians) got more than a little tipsy celebrating his birth and my students were laughingly impressed. They talked about that celebration for several years afterward. Think it was the thing that the remembered most about the tour. There was some strange music that night. Susan
  22. I am on page 1 because my cousin called me from London to see if I was going to watch the coronation. Yes, Vivian, I am now. More later from Durango 7 hours behind London!!! Susan
  23. Good morning. I am early today as Monty decided he needed an early morning walk (he did and evidently was rather desperate). At least he told me about it. And it was chilly... only 29F when we went out. High today is forecast at 55. Maybe the cooler temps will reduce the pollen.... my allergies are really kicking up. Have been to Rio a number of times and once was at Carnival. I saw some of the floats during the day but it poured while we were there - especially at night. While many people went to see the parade, I stayed on the ship (Princendam) where we had entertainers brought on. As I watched the rain fall, I was so glad I was inside and warm and dry. I was probably showing my age and that was a few years ago. Off to work on what I am going to say tomorrow at the Annual Meeting for the Humane Society. Not much. I want to the meeting to be short and over. Another retiring board member and I are headed out for a celebratory lunch immediately after. I just hope we have a quorum..... would hate to see me lingering on. But there is a lot going on in town tomorrow. I remember in the past when we did not have a quorum and I was calling friends to see if I could round up a few more members. Not fun. Susan
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