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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a quiet day for the most part.... the kind I really enjoy. Today things will be as near normal as they ever get. Dog walks, laundry, downsizing and reading. I have not been to Rotterdam. Maybe in a year or so. And I have to pass on the meal since I do have a sensitivity to soy.... evidently not uncommon. I can take it in very small amounts but I am careful...and that it really too bad since I do like Asian foods. or I did like Asian foods. Terri.... hope your bags made a speedy appearance. Years ago when I did the Central Kingdom Express train trip from Hong Kong to London, the entire group's bags disappeared in China for a couple of days. To say we were stressed is putting it mildly. They finally caught up with us in the middle of night at a hotel when they were delivered by hotel staff who took them up to our floor in the elevator and just tossed them out into the hall. The noise woke of them hitting the walls woke us (and everyone else on that floor) and at 2 in the morning we were sorting and dragging our bags into our rooms. But we were so glad to see them.... it was going to be long and very strange trip otherwise. Susan
  2. Good afternoon. Late today for no reason other than I just really had trouble getting started with anything today. Dogs and I were out early which is a good thing. While it was chilly - only 38 with a forecast high of 68 today, we had a good walk and went further than usual. As we were headed home the sky began to darken and just as we hit the front of condo the sky opened up. A very cold rain. The sun did reappear about noon but our temps are still below average. That will change in the next couple of days with highs headed into the mid to upper 80's. Nights will still be chilly.... but in the 40's rather than the 30's. I have to agree that HAL seems to keep the veggies to a minimum. I sometimes request an extra veggie plate to be shared at the table. And I nearly always eat salads at lunch since I usually eat in the Lido and can piece together what I want. I am happy to eat mushrooms any time. Have not been to Colon and think I could skip it from the sound of it. Like Mary Kay, I am down sizing with the thought of moving and while I am not planning to move soon, I know I will have to eventually. I am no spring chicken by any means.... actually "celebrating" my 86th birthday today. Had a celebratory breakfast at lunch time at Dennys with a couple of friends (not fancy but it was the only place with room when we went). I know my nephew would not be happy if he has to sort through all the "treasures" in this condo. It is amazing what you can accumulate over time. I am going to be very frugal with shopping on the cruise this winter. I have enough T-shirts to last me. I am past dragging awkward things home on the plane. So.... I had better get ready to give the boys their afternoon walk and I really should go the store although I will probably put that off until tomorrow. I also need to schedule a appointment for a service appointment for the car .... the dogs have a vet appointment coming up and I have a doctor's appointment coming up too. That means scheduling a lab-work appointment as the lab I used to go to is no long functioning. Staffing problems they say. Take care all. Susan
  3. I know that a couple near here do too. The problem is that most allow only one and I have two. I realized that would be a problem when I took in the Chihuahua. But he needed me. Susan
  4. Mary Kay, I have thought about doing the same thing but the 2 dogs are going to keep me in this condo longer. I have looked into a place in Grand Junction since Durango has little to offer. But the doggies...... Susan
  5. Good morning. I am happy to report that Bandit seems recovered from the "whatever it was". Both dogs enjoyed an early morning walk - early thanks to the dawn chorus in the tree just outside my window. It was a brisk 37F, but it will warm up later although I see some clouds rolling in so maybe not as much as they forecast. Next week it is supposed to climb into the mid-80's for a high which is much more seasonable. We are getting light showers on and off this week which is good. I do need to do some more weeding on the Iris bed in front. Salmon sounds good and Lerwick and the Shetlands is a favorite location for me. Although it can be mightily cold as I found out when I was there in October one year. Still have the sweater I acquired when I got off the ferry from Aberdeen. That damp cold goes right through you. I have some boxes out to be packed for shipping to one of the scottie rescue groups with items for auction. I am trying to find someone driving to Denver area who will take some breakables up for me. I am very slowly making a dent in the stuff in the condo. And another bag of paperback books is ready to go the thrift store along with some clothes that no longer fit. The process would go fast if I did not stop to reread some of the books. And I am researching some tours for the Grand Australia/New Zealand. Keeps me busy/ Best wishes to all.... take care. Susan
  6. Good morning (just barely). I have actually been up for hours .... this time voluntarily. Bandit is doing much better. He must have eaten something that disagreed with his little tummy. He is still on a light diet. I was up at 5:30 this morning and walked the dogs. Temperature was 36F but we did a fairly long walk since I was due to have my annual eye exam at 7:40.... and why I booked that time I really can't explain. Passed the exam with flying colors so will not see that doctor again for a year. Would eat the meal of the day if it was set before me but would not go out the way for it. I like the components on their own. Have been to today's destination....don't remember bugs as a problem and usually I get bitten if there are any bugs around. I am still washing rugs. Yesterday was supposed to be sunny but showers rolled in mid-morning and lasted on and off all day. Some were really heavy. Not a time to be hanging rugs out to dry so cleaning continues today. Lorraine @cruising sisterThe woman's behavior reminds me of an incident that happened to my Mother years ago. She lived in a retirement community and there was a couple there that had been college with her many years before. The were now leaving in the D.C area... but college had been in Portland< Oregon so they had lots of memories just shared between them. Unfortunately the woman passed away. Mom had dinner with the widower a couple of times afterward when they again talked about those old memories. Several women in the community were very nasty to Mom after that and Mom said the man was the subject of lots of attention from various widows. Eventually he moved out of the community and back to Portland to be with his daughter.... Mom said probably for peace and quiet. Susan
  7. Good morning. I thought I was going to make page 1 this morning, but I keep getting interrupted. I am more than half asleep. Bandit doggie was sick last night and I was up and down with him from 1:30 on. I finally got up for good at 6:30 after several trips out to the yard and several other trips to various parts of the house to deal with the mess he was making. He seems to feel a bit better now and wants breakfast, but that is a firm "No". I will spend the rest of this morning washing rugs and mopping floors. So much for any plans for this day. Don't know if he got into something although I keep a close eye on him and he is always on leash when we go out due to wildlife in our area. And maybe I will try to sneak in a nap later in the day. More later. Susan
  8. I have not done it, but years ago I was on a Cunard cruise with a man who was doing it. I know he sent his and his daughter's belonging out early. Susan
  9. @kazuI hate to possibly jinx myself, but please add me to the Volendam, January 3 - Grand Australia. Thinking very positive.
  10. I hear you on trying to keep up with Grand Australia. I am getting a bit rattled and am going to have to organize myself both for the excursions and for what I have to get done before leaving. I find I don't manage things as well as I did in the past. Susan
  11. Good morning. 60F here just now with a high of 75 predicted. No rain. It is supposed to slowly get warmer with highs in the 80's predicted by the end of next week. Can't complain. June is our dry month and the temps are still not bad. I do run my ceiling fan in the bedroom at night. Happy Birthday @Denise T I always disliked my milestone birthdays and now just try to ignore them. Little news from here. I am not making much progress on the house sorting - for some reason I prefer researching cruise destinations. Am avoiding the humane society just now although I plan to do a little dog walking later this week. I am sure I will come out of this "prefer to be a hermit" stage shortly but right now I like puttering along at my own pace. @kazuI have the same problem of lawn treatments that you do.... fortunately there a couple places were I know they don't treat. We even have to avoid our own lawn since the other condo owners insist on treatment. And my two are really close to the ground. Take care all.... I had better do something constructive for the next few hours. Susan
  12. Good morning. Sunny and cool. I need to get out and do some weeding this morning before it heats up. I like Donald Duck and will certainly take a slice or two of the pie. Korcula looks interesting but I am not likely to be headed that way. But it certainly gets the urge to travel up and going. Today I am going nowhere. I need to spend concentrated time on the house and yard. @RMLincolnWhen I had the fraud case, my manager told me that the banks and financial institutions are getting very good at handling it since it happens so frequently. Not something you really want to hear. Glad things are getting ironed out. Still an incredible annoyance. Susan
  13. Good morning. Sunny here....high will be in the 70's (not bad). It was 43 when I walked the dogs. Temps are supposed to climb this week and next and it is will be drier. We did get a couple of surprise showers yesterday. The lawn is looking ok but the mowing crew needs practice. My most positive thoughts and prayers to all needing them. I guess the health issues are the price we pay for growing older. I have friend who did the "face plant" routine a few days ago (in addition to our casualty at the Bar D) and with his face very black, blue, purple and orange he is having to fly east as his brother is very ill. They are both about my age. I am walking carefully these days. Or more accurately, hobbling. Today is going to be a laundry day and I am into my hall closet sorting our junk .... how many purses and shopping bags does one need? I am also going to schedule a session with a podiatrist... my right foot is not happy. Nothing broken but I seem to have acquired a couple bunions that need attention. Want to get that sorted out before the GA. Need to wake the dogs up for a second short walk. And then to work on chores I do not feel like doing ..... Susan
  14. Sorry to hear that your DH is facing more surgery and chemotherapy. And I hope that you all can stay inside and away from the smoke as much as possible. The teenager sounds like he is a help to you. Susan
  15. Back from delivering flyers all over town (it is a small town) and just beat the rain to the door. It is 68 with light rain... I'll take it but the dogs are not happy. The lawn was mowed while I was gone.... will have to check on their weed cutting abilities. Have arranged for the dogs to board while I am on the GA .... we picked out their kennel run and talked about daily routine. Lots of $$$ but they do like it out at the spa. Getting off the computer now.... I hear thunder. Susan
  16. Good morning. Still chilly here in the mornings ... in the 40's and supposedly today a high in the 60's. Then back to the 70's. Still a bit under what we usually have at this time of year. One of my favorite flowering bushes looked very dull and sick and was not putting out any leaves or growth. I tossed some Miracle Grow on it a few weeks ago and it is looking very happy with lots of green and buds. It is always a late bloomer (but not generally this late) so I have hopes for it to put forth by late summer as usual. I have a VCR which I do use at times. Still have some tapes I enjoy. It will die or the tapes with die at some point. @RMLincolnI would not wish this on anyone. I had it a bit easier as my bank called me when checks or other charges arrived and so nothing bounced as. But I had the Fraud Department on speed dial.A few automatic charges slipped by, but those notified me that my card had been refused and I was able to deal with it. Social Security and Medicare were not that hard to adjust but my annuity took some time. Not a fun thing to happen. And then my credit card was hacked just a week or so ago... again the bank cleared charges with me but I am still in the process of notifying the auto payments. Fortunately everything does have a grace period. @kazuIvan looks very happy with his new couch cover. By the way, the only thing I have been able to teach my dogs about staying off the furniture was to get down when they heard me coming. I have up years ago. The kennel club is having its snake avoidance seminar the end of this month. My contribution is putting up flyers ... so I am off to finish that job this morning. This will spare me the necessity of being present at the actual event. I really don't mind the snakes (I was married to a herpetologist) but I am not much for being out in the sun all day. Susan
  17. My case manager said it is getting very common. You have my sympathy ..... it took me quite awhile to get everything straightened out including social security, annuity payments, etc. But I count myself lucky that they did not get away with money. Susan
  18. Good morning. Sunny here with temperature in the low 40's but will get up to around 75 this afternoon. We had a couple light showers yesterday so the grass is happy - and so are the weeds. I love scallops and wilted spinach so I would be very happy with today's meal. Have been to today's destination on the VOV. For some reason the flies were not a problem for which I was very happy. If anyone is to be bitten it will be me. I did not get out to shelter yesterday... so I was not tempted to get another dog. They evidently did fairly well on placing dogs although at the rate people seem to dumping them I know we will fill up quickly. We stopped taking owner surrenders a few weeks ago but can begin again. The small dogs go quickly but the larger dogs are much harder to place. One dog that was adopted just last week ... Remington .... was with us for 5 months. A bloodhound mix who was sure he was a lap dog. Wonderfully sweet. So happy for him and the others. Hope there are no returns. Need to do some financial work this morning.... pay bills, sort out some things and take a look at my credit cards. Got a fairly good size "reward" yesterday that I did not anticipate. Need to see if there are any other $$ out there. Every little bit I can shift into my cruise fund helps. Take care all. Susan
  19. A late good morning today. I think given my age and fast fading athletic abilities I will pass on most of today's offerings except for Dover. I have been there many times in the past as my cousin and I used to visit family there. And my returns from France were always crossing the channel by ferry. We also used to hike along the cliffs.... that has been many years ago now. Last was fun for me until the end of it. I went out to the Bar D Chuckwagon for first time in a number of years. The show was fun, the food was good although there was way too much of it for this elderly lady. As we were leaving one of the men in group I was with took a bad fall and cut his face which bled heavily like most head cuts do. He is going to have a real black eye. When I left he was in the hands of a passing doctor and when I talked to our ride this morning, they told me he is ok but he has been falling regularly and is going to have to be persuaded to wear a monitor and do some PT. Like many of us he lives alone with his dog. And he is stubborn and does not want to do any of that. They did take him to the ER last night. Off this morning to the Humane Society adoption event where I promise not to adopt a dog but will make a financial contribution and eat lunch. Then I need to get back to my house. I want to leave it really stripped down and the accumulated "stuff" gone when I do the GA in January.... not to mention thinning out books..... lots of books. Take care all. Susan
  20. Good morning. It was really brisk when the dogs and I walked out this morning.... 38F!!! Right now the clouds are moving in. We did wind up with some showers yesterday. The long term forecast for June is more precip than usual with temps below normal. June is usually our driest month so this is going to be interesting. Yesterday was sort of a lost day as far as downsizing was concerned. I spent about 3 hours at the college looking at old collections and much to my surprise I was able to help them clear up some issues which really should not have been issues. I just had to explain some of the paper work. Hope that clears up everything for them Then it was on to the shelter to sign checks since they still have not gotten me off of the checking accounts. I went over again what they have to do..... hopefully they get it cleared this week. I am starting to look at the various tours for the GA as they come up but they are slow being posted. Have signed up for a couple of private tours which I hope I will be able to take. As I am culling though my closets I am realizing how few cruise clothes I now have. Durango is really a jeans and t-shirt town. And i am having trouble with comfortable shoes. Of to haul trash out to the dumpster and put some items in the recycle bin for pickup today. Will out on the town tonight..... a trip out to the Bar D for a chuck wagon BBQ and entertainment. Have not been out there a few years and it was always fun in past so I have high hopes. Susan
  21. I am so sorry.... that is really hard so close together. Susan
  22. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit were not the first words out of my mouth this morning as the Chihuahua woke me up at 5:00 letting me know he had to go out....NOW!!!! Well, at least he let me know. Managed to get him out and back in without locking myself out of the house. I tried to go back to sleep, but that was a lost cause. It is a little chilly in Durango. Temperature now is 40F and the sun is peeking out. We had a shower earlier just after the dogs and I made it back to the house. And there were some rumbles of thunder. The high today is forecast to be 59!!! And showers on and off. Glad to see the rain, but that is a bit on the cool side. Little going on today. I have to go up the college to talk to the Director in Southwest studies about some archaeological materials in storage there. Since I have been retired for 18 years and did not do field work in the southwest in the 10 years previous to that I am not sure why they are asking me. Desperation perhaps? Doubt that I will be much help. And I hope this is the last I hear of it. Susan
  23. Good morning. Cool here as usual.... 41F but will get up into the high 70's or so they tell me. Dogs and I have walked twice this morning already.... the dawn chorus was particularly loud with song at about 5. I may sneak back for a nap in the next few hours. The fires in Canada are terrible. And how the Carnival Sunshine managed to sail for its new cruise with some of crew displaced by the damage I will never know. What a miserable ending of a cruise. @kazuHappy birthday!!! Hope you (and Ivan) have a great day. Here I will be trying to sort out this week. There are several interesting events on my calendar, but all are marked with a "?". Need to firm up some of those plans. I will take time to work in the flower beds this morning. With all the moisture the weeds are rising fast. Take care all
  24. .... and like others I am getting annoyed. I have signed on for a couple of private excursions and there are some places they are not needed but still.......
  25. Good morning. A sunny and cool (41F) here but temps will be in the 70's this afternoon. I was up early so dogs and I took advantage of a Sunday calm and had a long walk. I wound up carrying the Chihuahua the last block. Yesterday morning I had a message from my bank that my credit card had been declined for a charge in Tawain. Good ... since I am not there, obviously. I called the bank and the card was cancelled immediately which is a good thing since "they" tried again with a charge in the U.S. this morning. The charges are small and weird..... obviously feelers. Annoying.... very annoying. I have a couple of automatic payments set up and I suspect one of those may be the leak. It will mean more work, but I think I am going to pay off by other methods for a few months. More work but probably more secure. And I have temporarily frozen my other credit cards. And I am making a voodoo doll clutching a credit card which I am going to stab with lots of pins! I am getting very chummy with the Fraud department. @dfishglad you are feeling better. @kazuI am really glad that Ivan is turning out to be so companionable. Take care all. And may the scammers pass you by. I seem to be on someone's little list. Susan
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