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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. There is no security. I recently flew from Denver to Baltimore. My luggage arrived with all tags torn off. I walked over to where an airport employee had pulled it off of the carousel.... said that it was my bag. She handed it over and never questioned it. I easily could have shown it was mine by 1) opening TSA combination lock and 2) my name and phone number were inside. But she let me have it... no questions asked.
  2. @kazuSo sorry to hear you fell - one of my real fears, especially on steps with no railing. Hope it is not broken and that ice and cursing will relieve the pain. There seem to be a number of cruise guardian angels who are not on the job right now. Susan
  3. @ger_77I can't believe it!!!! What a terrible mess. I have had some doubts about using FE.... this settles it. If any one is going to mess up my reservations it will be me. Hope something can be worked out. Susan
  4. I think that is a good start. I probably would have done it several weeks ago. I like to see action. Susan
  5. Good morning. Cold here when the dogs and I walked this morning...... 20F. Is supposed to warm up into high 50's this afternoon. My main issue in the mornings is wrestling the chihuahua into his jacket. He is not fan. Have another type on order so maybe life will get easier for both of us. No cats here although I have had many in the past. After a couple of sessions at the Humane Society I feel there is something to be said for being a hermit. I will be off the BOD in May and I think I need a long break. Have not been to the destination of the day although I have been through the canal numerous times. All food sounds good today. Healing thoughts going out to all who need them and I am envious of those cruising. I hope better times are ahead for all of us. Susan
  6. I hear you on solo flying. I mentally schedule my facilities breaks. And like you, I always have some extra clothes in carryon outward bound... headed home, everything I can gets stuffed in my checked luggage. Don't know if I mentioned it, but on my last flight east my checked bag arrived in Baltimore with no tags whatsoever. Just glad they were lost after it was loaded onto the last segment of the trip. And, I walked over, said it was my bag and walked off with it.... no one checked my claim at all. Maybe being a "granny lady" made me look more honest. Susan
  7. I am looking forward to following along with you.... a trip I would love to take. I am anxious to hear about both the land and the sea segments. Seems like a great way to start. Susan
  8. Adding my wishes for a Happy Birthday. I am sure you will enjoy your meal out.... and they always look sooooo good. Susan
  9. Have been dashing about but did take time to read through today's daily. My best wishes and most positive thoughts to all of you getting unpleasant and unexpected undesirable surprises today. Why can't things go smoothly!! I was up early to take my Bandit dog (Shih Tzu) in to the vet for removal of several masses on the skin. Dr. H does think they are not cancer but several will be biopsied. Picked the little man up just a few minutes ago - he is wearing the "cone of shame". Hopefully he will sleep for awhile. I have several meetings at the shelter this afternoon and evening and will have to decide if he goes with me or not. Was reminded that this is the kind of day my Mother used to say "Not sure if I am ready to face the day. On the other hand - the day has to face me". Take care all. I would love some of those Tacos tonight. Susan
  10. Not what you want to hear. I hope the issues are very minor. Susan
  11. You will probably get by with a Dr.'s exemption. When I visited Devil's Island it was supposedly required but no one even asked. If I remember right, HAL just accepted my ages old vaccine info. I know I did not have the updated shot. I am also over 75. Susan
  12. @Quartzsite CruiserThinking positive thoughts for you and DH tomorrow. Susan
  13. Home again.....and glad to be here. I have tried to keep up with the Boards, but haven't always been able to. Will have to look back when I get a chance. Picked up the dogs this morning and they are really glad to be home, especially the Chihuahua who raced madly around the house. I am afraid he thought he was being rehomed again. Quick summary to the week - with more information than you probably really want to know. Durango to Denver. Left the condo at 5:30... it was dark. Plane left Durango 45 minutes late as it needed deicing. Smooth flight. Arrival in Denver at concourse A-my next flight left from concourse B. According to United it was a 22 minute transfer - I had 20 minutes and I can no longer run or even walk really fast. Started to walk and fortunately one of electric carts came by. He gave me a ride and I just barely made it.- was about last person to board. He earned a good tip. Denver to Baltimore/Washington. Smooth flight. Full. Few masks ( I wore one in all airports and flights). Arrival on time. Luggage also arrived but without any tags - even destination tag. I identified it and the woman took my word. No proof. I walked off with bag - my niece picked me up. Visit with Sister. She is doing fairly well but is having increasing trouble with eye-sight. She does worry about growing old (who doesn"t?). She is very limited in her driving and I think she should not be driving at all. My niece agrees... my nephew doesn't. Ate well... crab cakes and oysters. I am going to have to talk to my nephew - I think he really does not really understand how growing older changes a person. And he tends to be a bit tight with money so he nags his Mom on expenditures. She is careful with money but she does need to do some house repairs for her comfort but is reluctant to do them since he will fuss. When her husband was alive he made all decisions, so she is not used to not deferring to other's opinion. Return trip - Baltimore/Washington to Denver on Saturday. Airport was pretty empty. Flight on time and arrival into Denver was ok. I had asked for transfer assistance in Denver since flights to Durango can leave from either concourse A or B. My arrival was B55. My departure was B56. Ok... no help required. There was one obnoxious man on the flight who kept requesting additional alcohol. The flight attendant was very good at settling him down and when he realized he was getting the stink eye from everyone around him he did stop fussing about "silly rules". Denver to Durango. Rough, rough, rough. Storm was coming in. We were told to stay buckled up and not to get up for any reason. Wild ride over the Rockies but we arrived in Durango only a little late. I picked up luggage, located car in the overflow parking lot, stopped at the grocery store on my way home and staggered through the door at 10pm. Still need to finish unpacking. Today is cold, rain and a few snow showers. Not an exciting trip, but I am glad I did it. My most positive thoughts to all who need them. Susan
  14. Sister is off to a doctor's appointment. Hopefully all will go well. I am enjoying my Maryland visit with fried oysters yesterday. I do miss good oyster and crab in Durango. I am watching the weather this weekend. I am due back in Durango Saturday night around 8:45..... we will see if I beat the weather that is forecast. In any case it will probably be a cold rain us but the walk out to my car will be wet and cold. That is, if I even make the flight. The time between my arrival in Denver and departure for Durango has gotten tighter (thanks, United). I am arranging some assistance. I can walk the distance, but I am no longer speedy. Susan
  15. I will have to try this...... my kind of after dinner drink.
  16. Quickly dropping in as I had to borrow a computer since I am on the road. Celebrated my Sister's birthday yesterday with a meal at the Olney Grill. Had crabcakes....and they were wonderful. I am still stuffed. Think it will be light meals for the next few days. I love real Maryland crabcakes. Susan
  17. I will test Wegmans today as it is where my niece picked up my Sister's birthday cake. And as a note to all I HATE.... absolutely HATE the Denver airport. Susan
  18. Sorry to hear about your brother. It is alwaysso sad, even when expected. Glad his family could be with him. Susan
  19. Fall is the air this morning. 35F when we walked.... I had to wrestle little Monty into his sweater. He looked very spiffy.... but he was glad to come in. Need to get him a fleece coat. Little here today. I have not been to Hilo and neither food nor drink seemed to appeal. I am concentrating on getting organized to leave for the east on Saturday. I fly out early in the morning and I hate the drive to airport in the dark....deer, bears, etc. Anticipating a slow and careful drive. Something to not look forward to. Would much rather be cruising. Susan
  20. Love that picture from the NS..... just wish I was aboard. Cool here this morning, but will warm up later I am sure. We had a surprise downpour and thunderstorm last night. Grass looks happy but long. I wonder if our yard workers are due to cut again before winter. Otherwise, we may look like a hayfield. Have not been to the St. Kitts. The meal sounds interesting if someone else will do the cooking. Actually, right now anything would be good if someone else will cook it..... I am getting bored with my own meals. By the way @kazusome of us here have done the group holiday meals for a number of years.... it works well and actually is something to look forward to. Several of us also have breakfast together several times a month. Over the years the holiday group size has varied from 2 to 8 or so. Don't know what it will be this year. Susan
  21. I remember now that Vladivostok was a closed city at the time. My train trip was from Hong Kong to London with a fair number of overnights off the train. I loved the Trans-Siberian Express although at the time it was pretty primitive. I shared my 4 person compartment with an Australian lady and her two adult daughters. We had a blast the entire trip.
  22. I was gong to write about chilly and cloudy, but the sun has suddenly made an appearance. I think today is going to be one of those minute to minute type days as far as the weather is concerned. The meal looks lovely. Have been to Russia but not that port. Somehow I think it is off the bucket list for now. When I did the Trans-Siberian RR I came up from Outer Mongolia so missed the start of the train run. I really envy all of you starting the QC to FLL cruise, but it is a long way to the east coast from here. Little news from here. I just heard a helicopter go over the condo which is not usually good news for someone. As far as I know, our hiker is still lost. My plans for the day...#1...go get dog food!!! Take care all. Susan
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