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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. Really late today since most of this morning was spent with issues at the shelter that required my attention together with the ED. It is sunny and temp about 43F. Snow is due back on Sunday, maybe. We will see. i hope the next few days to devote to my condo....every time I start a project I get side tracked. Am making very slow progress. Have to head out now to collect a friend at the hospital after her MRI. This evening I plan to pull down a couple of boxes from my bedroom closet and sort in front of the TV. Don't know what I will watch but maybe I will get something accomplished. Hope Kathi made it home ok and that the injections work wonders for Sarah. Glad the Dr. declared her an emergency. Take care all. Susan
  2. You need to get your answer from HAL, not here. Susan
  3. So glad you are home and sorry about your wayward luggage. Hope you an improvise for a few days until the silly thing walks through the door. Like you, I am hoping Kathi makes it home safely although it will be late at night and my best to Sarah. Take care all. Please.... take care.
  4. I will add my cheers that you are headed home with a repaired elbow although I know this has been a real ordeal for you. Certainly HAL bears responsibility here along with your insurance company. Hope you get home safely and with minimal stress and then can relax for awhile. Sending very gentle cyber hugs. Susan
  5. Good morning to all.I am a bit late since Monty had to go into the vet this morning... just a shot and also I had them do a pedicure. It was worth every penny.Trying to trim the black nails of a squirming 5 lb Chihuahua is not easy... if fact it is impossible without cutting the quick. He was sure I was taking him to his end but now he is home and sleeping soundly. At least he does not bite. Nothing else really on my plate today. There is an issue at the shelter with payroll which the new ED is handling (YES!!!!) and I will go in tomorrow to go over a contract with her and see how the resolution to the payroll issue is coming but she is doing the ground work. Slowly phasing out. Now I can concentrate on the condo. Take care all. Susan
  6. That is good news and I am sure she is anxious to get home. Will keep those positive vibes going to both Jacqui and Kathi. I agree with @Rowsbyand those of us who are solo travelers need to think a plan B and C and D and...... Susan
  7. So do I. It is fortunate that she is in Florida and not Mexico. Susan
  8. Good morning. Sunny and cold as usual. It was 13F when dogs and I went out, but it felt warmer unless you are a chihuahua. We have a couple of small snows forecast for next week, but whether they will hit the lower elevations is unknown at this point. The ski areas will be getting fresh powder starting Monday night if all goes to plan and that will be fine with me and with the dogs. I am in the throes of a major clear out of my large walk in closet. That will keep me occupied for awhile since I have to move stuff to move stuff (I think there was a Cathy cartoon on this). I feel like I am going round in circles. Some of it has to go out the door. Sending my best wishes to Jacqui and Kathi and anyone else needing them right now. With many of us aging, and all the colds, flu and covid going around.... it is really hard to stay healthy. Susan
  9. Thank you for the update. I have been trying to follow. Susan
  10. I don't think she has said, but I noticed she had not been posting as frequently. I hope it can all be cleared up quickly and she can head for home. Susan
  11. Good morning. When I first dragged the dogs out it was snowing lightly, but now the sun is out. I hope for a few clear days so that I can cut a path into my storage area.... I need to move some things out of the condo and put them aside for transport to the thrift store. Slowly, slowly clearing out. I was sorry to see @kazupost this morning. The return to cruising is not being kind to some of us. Starts me worrying again. Have a great day everyone and take care. Back later after review some contracts for the Humane Society that need to be signed if they are o.k and nothing has been slipped in. Susan
  12. Oh NO!!!! Hope all things get better fast. This is why I worry about traveling solo. Susan
  13. My Mom told us that if we deviated from her wishes, she would come back and make life uncomfortable for us.
  14. Good morning. I am running late this morning simply because I was too darn cold to get out of bed and the dogs were sleeping peacefully. So we are off to a late start. It was 8F when I went out about 8:30... and the dogs were happy with a quick walk with both cooperative. I plan to work at home today on things that need to get done including paying some bills and getting more stuff ready for the thrift store. Had a shelter BOD meeting last night which went well. The new ED seems to be taking hold. Looks like I can get some down time before my time there is up. Our annual meeting will be May 6 and then.... freedom!! I hopefully am rewarding myself with the Grand Australia cruise in January 2024. My space is reserved.... now my real countdown begins. The dogs will be staying at their favorite spa. A year seems along way off, but I need to get the condo in good order by then. Susan
  15. Good morning to all. It is sunny!!! blue sky!!!! ice is melting. We have about 15 inches of snow on the ground from this series of storms and we are supposed to have a couple of clear days before another small storm arrives some time on Friday. At least it will give me time to get errands done and maybe a quick trip to the grocery store. The dogs were thrilled this morning when they went out... it was cold but the driveway was dry. Yesterday morning was spent meeting with new Executive Director at the shelter and then getting out of her way. Fingers crossed. I only have 4 months more and I am counting down the time. Came home and started work on getting a few items for sale on Ebay. They are sort of specialized and probably would not bring much money if I sold them here but if they do not sell in a few weeks, off to the thrift store they go. Watched the Grand Voyages begin. Will be following along. As I commented earlier, I was on the cruise with the blogger who hated it. She had lots of money and later in the cruise left the ship for long overland trips before rejoining several ports away. She brought on incredible amounts of luggage. I think she got her idea of cruising from 1930's movies and I am sure she has never gone to sea again. Susan
  16. I remember .... I was on that cruise for the first half. No comment.
  17. Mary Kay.... we are having the same weather and while glad for the moisture, the gloppy mess is beginning to wear thin. We are having snow showers this afternoon but it should move out this evening and then drying out. We did get 5 inches more last night and early this morning which included snow, rain, freezing rain and a bit of hail. Main Avenue has a huge pile of snow down the middle of the street. I am going to have a big snowplow bill for the condos but that is ok by me.... I can't shovel any more. I am fortunate that my neighbor has been clearing my car for me since I need to move it every time the plow comes. Sorry about your health issue. Take care. Susan
  18. Was up early this morning and the first words from my mouth concerned rabbits. I am taking no chances with the New Year. Took the dogs out early. The weather today is very uncertain.... some sort of moisture due in but how much and what kind remains to be seen. The weather gurus are giving us mixed signals. What I do know is the passes will be a mess but since I am home it won't matter. Have been to Freemantle/Perth years ago on the QE2 and hope to see it next year on the Grand Australia. I am a bit leery about so long a cruise by myself and will just have to wait and see what the year brings. At least it is something to look forward to at this time and should be an incentive to get my condo better organized. Dinner tonight will be chicken, spinach and black-eyed peas with some cornbread. So.... of to clean up the kitchen good and get the dogs out several more times before whatever comes in terms of moisture arrives at the door. By the way, little Monty has finally recognized the set-up I arranged for him out of weather on the patio for what it is. He still thinks he will freeze to death outside but gives it a try. I am going to be following along on all the cruises that I can and dream of next year. Susan
  19. I am so sorry that you are in hospital and are going to miss the WC. Take care of yourself. Keep us posted as much as feel advisable, and know we are all sending you our best wishes. Susan
  20. Greeting to all from a cloudy and cold Durango. We had a little dusting snow last night but today is supposed to be dry. However more snow tomorrow through Monday. I am happily settled into the house and don't plan to do anything more outside except give the dogs quick walks. The Chihuahua is still a problem and I have set up several alternative arrangements for him if he does not cooperate. My downstairs neighbor's son and granddaughter are here from Arizona and are thrilled with the snow so they are doing lots of snow shoveling. I am very appreciative. Red Mountain Pass is closed for avalanche control and we expect other passes to close. This is why I always worry about taking those January cruises. Since walking is icy and dicey, I will be going shelter business by phone today and no shelter dog walking this weekend obviously. Our Thrift Store Manager is still out with Covid and sounds awful. This is her first time with it. Her retirement party scheduled for tomorrow is postponed. He husband also has it but not as bad. She is bummed to say the least.... dodged it for 2 years and now has it for her retirement. @Lindaler (don't know why the blue bubble failed)... I guess you can only be thankful that the luggage did not vanish on the longer boarding date. Hope it turns up on January 3.... they do seem to be pretty sure of where it is. Take care all. Susan
  21. I guess that is the best you can hope for, but what a thing to have happen. I know you will be glad to see it. Susan
  22. Good morning. It is sunny right now as we are between predicted storms. We got an additional few inches last night and I am waiting for the roads to get a bit clearer before I try for the grocery store. Need both people food and dog food although I could get by on what I have if necessary. Our high today is predicted at 35F.... but the sun will do its duty I hope. I think my dinner tonight will be a hamburger pattie with no bun and a salad. I have overeaten the past few days. My Mother never made us finish up what we did not like... but it was a choice of either eating it or not eating as we did not have a big food budget and I did have to take several bites. I learned to choke down some unappetizing things (at least they were to me) and she did try not to serve those things often. It was hard for her supporting 2 girls with differing tastes and working full time. Need to do a lot of end of year wrap up in the next couple days both at home and at the shelter. As cold as it is, you would think people would walk their dogs rather than just putting them out to run at night... we are getting a lot of "turn-ins" as dogs seek shelter or are found wandering and the finders do not want to leave them out at night. I retrieved a small dog off my porch this morning but fortunately I was able to find where he lived and when I got close to house I saw his Mama out calling him. Suggested she use a leash.... they are marvelous things. Take care all. I am so envious of the cruises started. Will be very interested in following along, particularly the Volendam which I am scheduled for next January, although of course, a totally different cruise. Fingers crossed. Susan
  23. @HAL SailerGlad you are home safely.... and that you got to make that trip, as stressful as it must have been. Relax and rest now. Susan
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