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Everything posted by durangoscots

  1. @cruising sisterDon't panic.... that is my job.I have decided to let the chips fall where they may. HA!!!! I wake up at night thinking of things I have to get done. If I can get the packing done for the 14th pickup I think I can deal with the rest. I did get my meds without issue after I explained why I needed them and have some Australian and New Zealand currency. I need to focus on what I can send to the ship and what I will need in San Diego.... and keep praying for no snow when I try to leave. Susan
  2. Good morning. It took 3 cups of coffee to jump start me this morning. Don't know why since I got a pretty good night's sleep. High today will be mid-40's... sort of feels like Spring. As to the quote, all I can say is "been there, done that". Many years ago when in college. I like both curry and coconut so I would probably be happy with the meal. Right now I am sort of eating my way through the frig, freezer and canned goods. Will make a fresh start when I get home in April. Glad to hear people are feeling better. Hope improvements continue. I dragged suitcases up from storage yesterday (with the help of my handy next door neighbor) and today will begin some serious clothes sorting and packing. The shipped cases get picked up on the 14th. I am trying to take as little as possible.... thank the Gods for laundry service. Dogs need another walk so I am off for now. Susan
  3. Morning all. Sunny and cold but it will warm up later.... high today in the low 40's and predicted for the next week as well. Things are thawing. I should be able to get stuff into both the dumpster and the recycling bin this afternoon. I used to have the WTO on my cell phone as my ring tone. Was appropriate at the time. Still plodding along with all my sorting and getting clothes ready for the cruise. I don't have a lot of clothes to go through although my closets seem full... mainly with things I need to get rid of .... Durango is not a dressy place and I am not buying new things. This is probably the last long cruise I will take so I am glad I have free laundry and several mix and match outfits. Soooo better get moving. Glad Roy is home. Best wishes to everyone. More later. Susan
  4. Good morning. Cold here and we did get about another inch of snow over night. Now the sun is out and we are supposed to be warming up. I need to go clear the car off shortly but will let the sun do its thing first. Otherwise it will be a very quiet day as I continue to the sort on the back bedroom. And probably another thrift store run. And I need to revise my to-do lists. They seem to be getting longer, not shorter. Hope everyone is feeling better. Roy reports he is waiting for his car. I know he will be glad to get home to the familiar and comfortable. Take care all. Susan
  5. Whew!!! It has been a busy day for so many. Hard to keep up. @StLouisCruisersGood news on Ren. He will have so many opportunities coming up. Great school both academically and sports wise. @rafinmdGlad to hear you are on the train and headed home. Hope you get a good night's rest before that final push. @JazzyVI hope they learn what they need to know. I am not sure I could have endured that discomfort. I am a real whimp at times. @Sharon in AZI know reading is hard between procedures but in the end it is well worth it. I was horrified when I could finally see the cobwebs around my skylight. Off to give the dogs a final outing and head to bed with a good book. It is cold here tonight but the snows have stopped. I need to break out my warmer winter coat. Susan
  6. I carry test kits with me and before covid was an issue, I stayed in my cabin if I had a bad cold since I did not want to spread it around. Just me, but I see no reason to share with others. And now I will test for covid if I get the sniffles... for everyone's peace of mind. How many times in the past have we complained about the person near us hacking away. Susan
  7. Good morning. We had a light snow last night and they are saying some snow showers during the day, but it looks like the worst went north of us this time. At least I will not need a snow plow today. The dogs were not happy but were cooperative and we were out and in very quickly. They were early this morning, it was still very dark. Our high is only supposed to reach 30F but next week it will warm up into the40's and maybe even the low 50's. Loved the picture of Miss Murphy yesterday. I am not decorating this year. Hopefully my neighbors will although right now it looks pretty blaaah outside. However, the fact that it is hunting season and we have snow has driven the deer down into my yard. My lawn decor this morning was a very handsome stag and 4 of his favorite lady friends. They added a nice element to the winter scene. My best wishes to all. Am off to begin to load up the car again with thrift store stuff. If the roads stay clear I will make a run late morning or early afternoon. Susan
  8. Good morning. Cold here (20F) and cloudy although no snow is in the immediate forecast. Friday may be another matter. @JazzyV... (no blue bubble this morning) I hope you can find someone who knows radiators. I have lived in houses with them and know they can be difficult to service. I used to love square dancing but have not done it for many year. The ribs look good but tonight it will be soup and salad. Dogs and I will be taking out a large load of stuff to the thrift store and I need to go to the bank. Then home to continue the sorting and maybe do some reading just to relax. I am celebrating my microwave... did not realize how much I relied on it until is passed. The installer left some tools here, but since he is also my snowplow person, I will give them to him when he comes by... which may be soon. Glad to hear Tana is feeling better and hope Roy will be discharged soon and can make his way home. Glad also he is not faced with driving that route. Take care all... Susan
  9. @rafinmdSounds like you are feeling better and hope the doctors can get to the source of the problems. And @marshhawkGlad you are getting the oxygen issue resolved. Little new here except I finally have a microwave again!!!!! What a hassle. Not my first choice, but it works and looks ok. Now to start putting together a list for my handyman to tackle while I am gone in January. He loves to get winter work that is inside. Susan
  10. Good morning. Need to dash around and get ready for the arrival of my new microwave!! My handyman had to drive 80 mlles round trip to pick it up, but he did it!!! Maybe will have French toast for supper.... sounds good. Weather is still sunny and very cold. While it may make it up to 40 today temps will be dropping and possibly more snow is on the way. Hope to get all errands done the next few days so I can stay in except for the dog walks. Best wishes to all. Was glad to see Roy's most recent update. Off to the races. Susan
  11. Good morning. Sunny and cold (7F) with highs in low 30's. There are ice patches in the driveway, so walking is slow and limited. The dogs were happy to rush out and back in. Sending positive thoughts to all and especially to Roy .... hospitals are rarely restful but it sounds like that one is especially disorganized. Hope you can get some sleep today. Little news from here. I am starting to do serious packing and continuing to sort. Dogs have to go get a shot this afternoon in preparation for boarding. With the doggie flu, I am worried about that. Take care all. Susan
  12. @rafinmdRoy, sorry to hear that your are hospitalized, but it is good that you recognized that something was wrong. I hope I good rest and treatment gets you feeling better real soon. Susan
  13. Whew!!!! It took me over an hour to dig out my car (Subaru Forester) and clear it off so I could see where I was driving. The snow plow arrived as I was midway through but was nice enough to wait until I got it clear enough to move it. It is still well below freezing, but the sun is out so I hope the snow on the car roof will melt enough for me to be able to push it off - maybe tomorrow morning. And hopefully little Monty will accept a clear driveway as a suitable latrine. They are threatening more snow the end of next week. Believe me I can wait. I am too old and too short for this. I have been to Melbourne twice and am looking forward to it on the Grand Australia. Will pass on the meal today.... I am still going to be eating leftovers from Tday. Off to find lunch.... maybe a turkey sandwich. What a concept!!! Susan
  14. Good morning from sunny and frigid Durango. It was 14F when dogs and I went out and there is 6 inches of snow on the ground. To say that the Chihuahua was not pleased is an understatement. He shivered and cried and refused to leave the porch. I shoveled him a clear spot just off the steps and he finally consented to going off the porch and doing his business. Will have to repeat in about 3 hours. Meanwhile, the Shih Tzu rushed out, completed assignment and was back on the porch and demanding to be returned to the house in about 3 minutes. Now I need to go clear my car off. Hopefully the sun will loosen up the snow. Yep .... Australia and the South Pacific look really good right now. I am sorry so many of you are feeling under the weather. People here seem to be experiencing the same thing. I am just tired and and a bit frustrated trying to get things done. I will not be decorating for Christmas since I will be leaving right afterward and there is just me and the dogs. As a matter of fact, I am pulling out some decorations to go to the thrift store on Monday. Hopefully my neighbors will put up lights to get me in the Holiday spirit. Take care all.... rest if you feel you need it - don't feel like you have to get everything done at once. Susan
  15. Looks like it has settled in for some serious snow this afternoon and evening. Sticking to the grass and cars right now and I am sure the driveway will be covered as the temps drop. Dogs are not happy but both did their necessary when I took them out just now which, for the Chihuahua, is a huge step up over last winter. The cruise in January is looking better and better. Susan
  16. Good morning on a cold and cloudy morning in Durango. I am early since for some reason I did not sleep well last night. If I can manage to stay awake all day and take no naps I should get a really good night in tonight. Weather forecast is for a high of 32F today and snow... like between 4 and 8 inches of it in town. We usually get a bit more at my condo since I am in the northeast corner of town tucked up against a glacial moraine which seems to hold the cold in place. The dogs are not going to be happy and the Chihuahua will be discussing a move to Mexico. When we walked this morning I could see both mountain ranges and in both the La Platas and San Juans the higher peaks were white. Guess it is coming. Driving warnings are out for all the passes and our local ski area is expecting over a foot .... they are thrilled. Lenda.... the comment on the house is so true and right now while I am sorting and also starting to pack for the cruise in January, mine is worse than usual. Hope no one drops by. I may just not answer the door. Take care all. Susan
  17. Good morning. I will be eating several cranberries today. And I would be happy to work with the cards I was dealt if someone would just stop shuffling the deck. Today will be a quiet one for me. I have a turkey breast and "fixins" to make up later. I turned down an invitation to dine with others - I just have too much going on and am really slow about getting it done and it would just take up too much of the day. Will talk with my sister and family later. Am scheduled to walk some shelter dogs later this afternoon and will try to give my own pups an extra walk since it may get nasty tomorrow. Our weather is good right now but supposed to change tonight and anyone trying to drive the mountain passes tomorrow may have some real problems.... glad I am staying at home. Take care all. Susan
  18. Oh my everyone. Take care. Best wishes to all those waiting for the medical field to pull itself together and address the issues. It seems we have to wait longer and longer for results. And to those incurring recent injuries, hope healing is on the way quickly. As for me, I am slowly inching toward getting myself together for the GA cruise but I notice that American Airlines stewardesses are threatening a in the future. That is the airline I need to get out of Durango headed west..... I do not want to fly through Denver the end of December. One more thing to stress about. Susan
  19. Looks lovely and it is one more thing to tempt me which I don't need but will enjoy. Susan
  20. Good morning. The rain/snow mix stopped sometime during the night and hopefully the dumpster lid will thaw so I can haul stuff down. I managed to find quite a bit to toss yesterday, but that frozen lid slowed me down. It is still cold this morning and more wet weather is forecast for Thanksgiving and Friday. Poor little Monty Chihuahua is a worried little dog this morning. Roofers are starting on the building behind me and just as we went out for our first morning walk they began tossing roofing into the dumpster below them. Lots of loud bangs and Monty is fearful anyway. Not going to be an easy day with him. May be hard to get him outside. I don't plan to go anywhere for Thanksgiving. I bought a turkey breast and have all the other fixings so the dogs and I will stay home. I probably will go out to the shelter to walk dogs early in the morning if the weather cooperates. Will visit the family by phone.... my Sister does not do Zoom. Have a great week everyone. I hope all surgeries and doctor's visits go well. And everyone continues on a path to healing. My Sister got a laugh the other day when one of her neighbors was saying her Mother is having problems "but what can you expect at 91". Martha gently reminded her that she, Martha, is 95. Susan
  21. Good morning. Managed to sleep in this morning and the dogs cooperated. It must be the cold and damp weather. We are having a light rain/snow mix. Will have to time dog walks carefully. The dumpster is frozen shut. Hopefully it will thaw this afternoon. Today's meal looks good.... but I will be dealing with my usual Sunday leftovers and working on that long "to do" list which needs to be done by the time I leave for San Diego. I am not doing very well on packing for the cruise.... still in the thinking stage and finding that some clothes I was planning to take no longer fit. Glad I have free laundry. Soooo back to work. Best wishes to all. Susan
  22. Annie .... am glad that you have decided to work less. Take it slowly and rest when you feel the need. I am sorry that Chuck fell and hope he did not do any major damage. I have been trying to trip-proof my house and some throw rugs have been discarded. I warned my downstairs neighbor she may be able to hear me walking about more. I just have to watch out for the dogs. Rained some today, but not much. It is soup and salad for supper tonight. Off to walk dogs while it is still light enough for me to see where I am putting my feet. Susan Monty and Bandit (she served us supper late!!)
  23. Good morning - or what is left of it. Chilly and cloudy this morning with rain predicted for this afternoon and evening and maybe rain/snow mix for tomorrow. Dog are not going to be happy. I went to the store early this morning and managed to secure everything that I need for the next week or so. It was not crowded. I got the making for a number of soups and stews which sound really good right now. The forecasts show our temperatures dropping. I did get my hair done yesterday so that is done until just before I leave for the cruise. The lawn people did make it in the afternoon although the trees are still stubbornly holding onto their leaves. They will probably all come down today and will just have to wait until Spring for a real cleanup. And, to add to our confusion, "they" are putting in fiber optic cable and there is orange and yellow paint all over the driveway and on the rocks in the decorative garden and even more annoying... large holes dug into the lawn. They carefully covered the holes with traffic cones but the deer are knocking those about. I hope nobody breaks an ankle - including the deer. It is hunting season and our yard seems to be one of the local refuge spots. And I am not in the mood to pooper scoop after deer. I will be glad to get away the end of December. Being taken care of on a BHB sounds wonderful. Susan
  24. Good morning all. Sunny here but supposedly rain is on the way. @seagarsmokerBummer!!! Hope you get something even better lined up quickly. The lawn people were supposed to come on Monday but due to forecast of rain and possibly even some light snow, they will be here today. My hair cut gal is coming to take of the postponed appointment from Wednesday, so I had better get things cleared up. Looks like a busy morning. Back later. Take care all. Susan
  25. Good morning. We did have a bit of rain this morning but it looks like it is clearing up now. Not surprising. Dogs will be pleased as I can take them for another walk shortly. Little new from here. I need to work on car insurance today as mine is coming due and I think I can lower premiums by switching. So that is first on my agenda. And continue sorting and tossing and putting aside things for packing (that cruise moves closer) and adding to my to do list. Not an exciting day but right now I do not crave excitement. Back later. Susan
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