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Posts posted by iamtrustworthy

  1. 8 hours ago, happy cruzer said:

    Planning on using the same combination of Chase Sapphire and GeoBlue Trekker,  when should we buy the GeoBlue Trekker policy?  We already have a deposit on the cruise and will buy airfare soon but the trip starts in Aug of this year. 


    Also if your US medical insurance provider changes during the travel period does it affect the GeoBlue Trekker policy in anyway.  One of us may go from a private policy to Medicare during the time. 


    Thanks to Steve and all the other great poster for being a great resource.

    Hi happy cruzer,


    Geo Blue only covers you outside the USA, so the time to get it is when you are closer to your departure date. You would make the effective date the day before you leave home.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, MommaK2D2 said:

    Hello. So- purchased an Alaska cruise for June with insurance thru Generali. (Purchased In January). 
       Early this month my elderly dad (not going on the cruise) was hospitalized and diagnosed with lymphoma. He will need chemotherapy ongoing for at least 6 monthts.  He got out of the hospital this week, and is requiring 24hour assistance from us for safety and health, as well as frequent blood transfusions which could require him to be readmitted frequently. 
         Because the cancer is new (occurred after buying insurance, not pre-existing), I assume trip cancellation will be covered?  But because he is not in the hospital at this time I don’t know if things will be complicated?

        Does anyone have experience with this?  Is there particular wording I need from his oncologist to make a claim go smoothly?  When is the best time to cancel? (He goes for his first non-hospital chemo next week so can get physician documentation at that time, to add to his diagnosis dates etc?)

    Hi MommaK2D2,


    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope his treatment cures him.


    If you haven't already done it, call whoever you bought your Generali plan from and make sure they help you with your claim. They would have received a commission for your sale and, in my opinion, they are ethically obligated to help you with your claim.


    Steve Dasseos

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  3. 1 hour ago, mcrcruiser said:

    Who is Steve ?

    Hi mcrcruiser,


    I've answered questions on Cruise Critic since October 20, 2006.
    I am very thankful for the favor and kind words I have received on Cruise Critic. The editors have let me do eight month long Q & As in the last 5 years.
    Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did last Summer:
    Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in November & December 2022:
    Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in January 2022:
    Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021 that was re-opened in June 2021:
    Here's the Cruise Critic Q & A I did in June 2020:
    I hope you find these useful.
    Steve Dasseos
  4. 1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

    I hope he can help you.  One thing about his organization is they pick up the phone!  He has a special relationship with cruise critic and you can find him as a lead on the insurance forum.   

    Hi Mary229,


    Thank you for your kind words.


    All the annual trip cancellation plans all have limitations in their wording. In the Summer 2023 Q & A I did here on Cruise Critic, there is a thread called "Annual policy or singletrip?". Here's the link to the thread. Look at the last post where a CruiseCritic member wrote what he discovered about the Allianz plan:


    Steve Dasseos

  5. 12 hours ago, chloe77 said:

    Thanks so much. He has not seen his allergist since June 2023 for a routine annual check up. No medication changes were made. He hasn't had an allergic reaction requiring medical attention since 2022. So are you saying that even though his allergy was diagnosed many years ago, since he hasn't had any of the listed issues during the lookback period, it wouldn't be considered a preexisting condition?


    That's where I'm confused. It's preexisting, but nothing happened during the lookback period. 


    Thanks so much.

    Hi chloe77,


    > So are you saying that even though his allergy was diagnosed many years ago, since he hasn't had any of the listed issues during the lookback period, it wouldn't be considered a preexisting condition?


    That's correct, his allergy doesn't meet the definition of pre-existing medical condition when nothing has occured as defined by the plan's lookback period.


    > That's where I'm confused. It's preexisting, but nothing happened during the lookback period.


    His allergy would be considered preexisting for a medical, life or disablility insurance plan, but not necessarily for a Trip Cancellation plan.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Thanks 1
  6. 5 hours ago, chloe77 said:

    Is it important to use each person's exact cruise fare rather than the trip total cost when buying cruise insurance? We have a 3rd and 4th person deal where my kids are around $500 each but my husband and I are thousands each. Some of the broker websites just ask me for total cost. But when I go to the insurance company's direct site, some (IMG LX for example) want fare per person. If I put exact fare per person, the total cost of insurance is higher than if I put the total fare divided by four people in. Does it matter whether I use exact cost per person or total cost? Thanks!

    Hi chloe77,


    I only know of a few plans that will pay your full Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption claim for a covered reason if you average the trip cost between all of you.


    I wrote this on Feb 27, 2008 and it's still correct:


    How To Correctly Quote a Travel Insurance Plan



    I hope this helps you,


    Steve Dasseos


  7. 56 minutes ago, chloe77 said:

    I didn't buy travel insurance at my initial payment but I can buy it within 24 hours of final payment, and I'm wondering if I need the preexisting medical coverage for food allergies? We have a family member with anaphylactic nut allergies. He hasn't seen a doctor or received treatment in the past 8 months for a reaction, but he's been under the yearly care of an allergist since he was a baby to have his epipens prescribed, etc. Are nut allergies a preexisting condition? That's the only reason (aside from a freak accident) that I could see us needing medical coverage, and I don't want to choose a policy that doesn't have a preexisting condition waiver and then have them deny a claim. But the coverage seems to be better/cheaper if I don't need the waiver. Any advice? Thank you!

    Hi chloe77,


    Food allergies and any other medical condition will be defined as a pre-existing medical conition if they existed as defined by the Lookback Period of the policy you buy.


    This page explains the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Lookback Period in a Trip Cancellation plan:



    I hope this makes sense,


    Steve Dasseos

  8. On 4/14/2024 at 12:17 PM, ohmandi said:

    Hello.  We've booked a European cruise for September 2025.  We will probably do some pre-cruise and post-cruise land travel as well.  We have not yet booked flights or the pre/post travel.  I spoke with a trip insurance company to purchase a policy for just the cruise.  She said we should estimate the total cost of the trip and buy insurance at that amount.  Not knowing where or what we will be doing makes that difficult.  I know we can increase the value of the insurance as we add costs but the agent said that purchasing it in parts would probably cost us more money.   I wondered that if we estimate at a higher amount and then the trip is less, will they adjust the cost of the insurance?  Does anyone have any experience with this?  What is your opinion on estimating the costs of the trip?  Thank you.

    Hi ohmandi,


    I'm surprised to hear that this is the advice you received from TripInsuranceStore, since this advice was the opposite of what we tell people.


    Will you help me track down your phone call? My email is steve@tripinsurancestore.com and this is the information I will need from you (email it because this is private information):

    Your name, the phone number you called us from and the approximate date and time of your phone call. And, did you speak with Deanna or Kim?


    Thank you in advance,


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, cruisegirlppp said:

    I hope that didn't come across wrong. All the information that you provide is important but can seem overwhelming the first time you encounter it...that is why I recommend a phone call. You and your staff are very knowledgeable and can help a traveler choose the appropriate coverage for their trip. 

    Hi cruisegirlppp,


    It didn't come across wrong. I appreciate your kind words and the honest feedback.


    We have over 530 pages including our 374 blog posts and I don't know how to simplify it.


    Steve Dasseos

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    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, bdever said:

    The BH WaveCare quote came in at $243 which isn’t bad while TG AIG Deluxe came to $173. 
    Which one as far as coverage is ideal?

    Hi bdever,


    I can't say without knowing the exact details of your trip and what you need. It's best if you call each if the companies and ask.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  11. 45 minutes ago, SoloFullTime said:

    Thanks for the feedback


    Thanks for the feedback.  I did realize credit cards aren't for medical, I was asking if between GeoBlue and Sapphire combined it would cover the range of most travel incidents to medical.


    On GeoBlue Trekker, I"m seeing many sources and their site showing pre-existing is covered.  Did I misunderstand your comment or are there many restrictions?

    Hi SoloFullTime,


    > On GeoBlue Trekker, I"m seeing many sources and their site showing pre-existing is covered. Did I misunderstand your comment or are there many restrictions?


    The reason I said that about credit cards not covering pre-existing medical conditions is that there are far more trip cancellation and interruption claims due to a pre-existing medical condition that there are medical claims due to a pre-existing medical condition.


    I wanted you to be aware of this because nearly everyone we talk with wants Geo Blue because it covers pre-existing medical conditions, yet they are surprised to hear that their credit card won't cover them if they have a trip cancellation or interruption claim due to the same pre-existing medical conditions.


    I hope this makes better sense.


    Steve Dasseos

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    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 hours ago, crystalspin said:


    My biggest worries currently are for "non-traveling family members". We have Chase Sapphire Reserve card, but I was unsure of coverage of family where the medical problem might or might not be considered pre-existing. I bought HAL's standard CFAR protection and did in fact use it. At 80% refund plus the cost of the policy, it cost us ~$5000 to cancel 24hrs before sailing. Which is far better than forfeiting the entire cruise (or being in the middle of the Pacific when needed at home), BUT always keep in mind that insurance is not without cost itself.

    Hi crystalspin,


    For both of HAL's Standard and Platinum plans, I've found it's less expensive to get one of our Trip Cancellation plans that reimburses 100% for a covered reason than it is to pay for the HAL plan but only get back 80% or 90%.


    That's because the 20% or 10% that is lost plus the cost of the HAL plan is more than the cost of the policy and its better benefits.


    I hope this makes sense.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, bdever said:

    Hi Steve,

    I see Travel Guard / AIG and Berkshire Hathaway both offer missed port coverage. I heard Nationwide does too but I haven’t confirmed Nationwide yet. Of these 3 carriers which one would you recommend and why?

    Hi bdever,


    I offer Travel Guard / AIG and Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire Hathaway's good but sometimes their prices are too high.


    The Travel Guard Preferred Plan for many States reimburses a maximum of $250 per person for missing a port. It's a good plan, but, in some States, this is more expensive than the other choices.


    You may see the Travel Guard Preferred plan details here:



    I hope this helps you.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 3/28/2024 at 12:39 AM, beshears said:

    Geesercouple,  I apologize as I was thinking it was Travel Insurance Store, but when I looked, you are correct and it is Trip Insurance Store. I'm thinking way back when (I could be wrong that it was Travel, but I could be wrong on that part of the name. As far as I know Steve still is over it, and seems to be a very nice person when talking with him.

    Hi beshears,


    I own the domain "travelinsurancestore.com" which goes to https://tripinsurancestore.com


    And, I just bought the domain "travelinsuredstore.com" which also now goes to https://tripinsurancestore.com


    Thanks for the idea.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 3
  15. On 3/25/2024 at 6:49 AM, cruisegirlppp said:

    Don't be put off by their website, which contains a lot of information. If you call and speak with one of them they will help you get the coverage you want/need.

    Hi cruisegirlppp,


    Sorry about that. I've been trying to clean it up and better organize it, so if you or anyone else have any idea, please email me at steve@tripinsurancestore.com . I welcome any feedback.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  16. 8 hours ago, bdever said:

    Just a heads up, Allianz Travel Insurance DOES NOT cover missed ports of call. I am livid. I have them for an upcoming sailing and I am outside of the cancellation window for the policy. Had I known this coverage was not included I would have never purchased the coverage. Can anyone recommend an insurance company that offers this coverage for my other upcoming sailings?

    Hi bdever,


    I don't offer Allianz for various reasons, and not many other plans will pay you if a ship misses a port of call.


    There can still be Trip Interruption coverage, so what exact financial loss would you have if your upcoming cruise missed a port?


    Steve Dasseos

  17. 10 hours ago, Unclefester6132 said:

    Searched but couldn't find what I am looking for, 


    Does anyone have a credit card they got just for the good travel insurance? 

    Have you had to use it and are you happy with the choice?


    Thank you

    Hi Unclefester6132,


    None of the credit card plans cover anything related to pre-existing medical conditions of you, traveling companions or non-traveling family members that could worsen and, in turn, cause you to cancel or interrupt your trip or for medical treatment while you are on your trip. And, their Covid coverage may not be adequate.


    If you don't need the pre-existing medical conditions coverage, then having a credit card plan's trip cancellation coverage is a good way to save money.


    I hope this helps you.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  18. On 3/31/2024 at 7:31 PM, SoloFullTime said:

    I'm planning near full time global travels starting this summer for potentially a couple years.  Much cruising involved and staying in port towns for potentially a few weeks in between cruises around world then back in US every couple months or so for 2-3 weeks at a time, rinse repeat.  Will be maintaining primary medical insurance (early retired) in US. 


    Will adding annual multitrip GeoBlue and using Chase Sapphire Preferred cover all travel/med insurance needs?  Anything else to consider?  Any additional travel insurance recommended?

    Hi SoloFullTime,


    Chase, nor any of the other credit card plans cover anything related to pre-existing medical conditions of you, traveling companions or non-traveling family members that could worsen and, in turn, cause you to cancel or interrupt your trip.


    If you don't need the pre-existing medical conditions coverage, then using the GeoBlue Trekker plan is a good choice. We've sold a lot of GeoBlue Trekker plans in combination with credit card plans for this same situation.


    I hope this helps you.


    Steve Dasseos

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    • Thanks 2
  19. On 3/16/2024 at 2:00 PM, let's go cruising said:

    Hi! We just got a Chase Sapphire and I've very interested in the Travel Insurance it comes with. In 2023, we had a claim with our travel insurance because our flights were delayed (not by weather) so that we missed our cruise. Everything worked out in the end, but reading the coverage on Chase Sapphire, this would NOT have been covered. Is it possible to buy supplemental coverage for just the things our Chase Sapphire doesn't cover?


    I've been careful to have insurance and don't want to have a VERY expensive mistake.


    Thank you!

    Hi let's go cruising,


    Yes, it's possible to buy supplemental coverage for the things our Chase Sapphire doesn't cover.

    I don't know if you need pre-existing medical conditions coverage for yourselves or non-traveling family members, but Chase nor any other credit card plan doesn't cover pre-existing medical conditions.


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Globaler said:

    OMG that is great information - didn’t know about the sixty days and just now figured out the total trip cause I didn’t book both the initial cruise and plane fare home on my Chase card. I got cruise insurance cause I wanted to cover myself if either my wife or myself got COVID. (Side question do you know if Chase would cover cruise cancelation from Covid). I was going to insure the land portion through World Nomads so I’ll now cover the entire 3 months.  I really appreciate your information and help.

    Hi Globaler,


    You are welcome.


    If you want specific advice and some plan choices, email me your trip details at steve@tripinsurancestore.com


    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  21. 13 hours ago, Globaler said:

    Going on a 3 month trip to Europe, 2 week repositioning cruise to Europe then travel Portugal and Ireland for 2 months, then a 2 week Med cruise before flying home from Barcelona. I was thinking of getting insurance for the 2 months of land travel and then covering the cruise travel with a combination of ship insurance and Chase Sapphire Reserve that I used to purchase both cruises. Has anyone done this before if so what did you do or what are your thoughts?

    Hi Globaler,


    Your trip is easily insurable with a Trip Cancellation plan.


    However, your Chase Card may not be of much help because of these two situations:

    A pre-existing medical condition and Trips that exceed 60 days in duration are not covered.


    First, your Chase Card excludes pre-existing medical conditions of you, or a traveling companion or a non-traveling family member that could worsen and, in turn, cause you to cancel or interrupt your trip. Or that could cause you to seek treatment on your trip.


    Second, your trip is over 60 days in duration. Chase defines a trip as a period of round trip travel from and to back home. If Chase tells you that you have two different trips, you need to get this in writing from them before you should trust their answer.


    Will all the plans I know, you will have to insure the entire length of the trip because of how a Trip Cancellation plan works, though you might not insure the full prepaid trip costs since that is up to you.


    I hope this helps you.


    Steve Dasseos

  22. On 2/14/2024 at 7:42 PM, psberg said:

    I’m currently on HAL Westerdam and get off in Tokyo in 2 days.  I picked up a cold with a hacking cough which has been going on for about 9 days.  Saw the ship’s doctor 2 days ago and was given amoxicillin and cough syrup.  Also took a Covid test (negative).  I bought trip insurance with primary medical and zero deductible.  When I received the ship’s invoice (over $200) for the visit, the diagnosis code was R05 Cough.  No further info.  Is this sufficient to support an insurance claim?  It seems to reflect the symptom rather than a diagnosis.  I would like to know whether I should request additional information to support a claim before I leave the ship.

    Hi psberg,


    Did you already contact who you bought your policy from for their help? If not, call or email them so they can help you with your claim.


    Steve Dasseos

  23. On 2/15/2024 at 9:51 AM, Crusin Karen said:

    One more question! I promise! 🤞I’m deaf so can’t call but I tried Google and live chat with no success. The amount I paid for cruise-does that include port fees/taxes or just cruise fare? TIA! 

    Hi Cruisin Karen,


    I'm happy to help you.


    I think you might've emailed me last night. If so, I responded to you at 12:21 am Central Time today.

    Steve Dasseos

    • Like 1
  24. 3 hours ago, klfrodo said:

    What criteria leads to an insurance company doing this?

    I can’t imagine they would do this for something like minor stitches. Is there like a dollar amount that the care facility is requiring?

    Hi klfrodo,


    It's done on a case-by-case basis.


    Coincidently, about 5 hours ago today, a customer called me from a hospital called "Maria Dal Foundation" in Bonaire. She was having trouble reaching her plan's 24 hour assistance line due to a bad phone connection. I myself called her plan's 24 hour assistance line and gave them everything they need to reach her and to contact the hospital.


    They called her and are taking care of her husband and will be arranging a medical transport when he's stabilized to travel.


    Steve Dasseos

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