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Posts posted by hunt182644

  1. Let me begin with I am all for safety and taking precautions all of the time. Have been reading about the new restrictions being put on those over 70.Now granted that age puts those over 70 most at risk. This does not mean they are the only carriers. There have been much younger people affected. For one thing a trip to the doctor additional cost for people. Yes peace of mind to know you do not have the virus. They mention heart disease or diabetes which are not catching and controlled with medication , which could stop you from cruising. This to   me somewhat looking like discrimination against a certain segment of the population. Many people under 70 have these conditions which from the way it reads would stop an older person from cruising. Age discrimination I foresee lawsuits and perhaps the ACLU getting involved. If they want to be safe mandate more rigorous screening of everyone boarding. Temperatures can be taken very quickly.

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  2. Some people need to keep updated by reading and watching news reports. Just my opinion whether you agree or not. The one thing to remember tho is that the sky is not really falling. Have a good day , wash your hands, keep hands off of face and keep fingers out of mouth.:classic_biggrin::classic_biggrin:

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  3. Glad to see every one has an opinion as I did. Perhaps some wrong info on some of my statement, for that I stand corrected..  Although people in Ca. that came off a ship that had cases if virus were allowed to board for a B to B thus possibly spreading to another ship and causing that cruise to be returned to port. That is the reason for my remark about stupidity.




  4. Hopefully this will all be over by time our August cruise time is here. I feel for all the people who are having to put up with all of the problems created by this virus. On to my main concern is the people making decisions. Decisions such as letting people who got off of the ship in Ca. that had an outbreak and then board for another cruise thus probably spreading the virus. This cruise now cancelled. The practice of transferring crew, two from one ship which had virus two more to another ship now we have two more ships that are having to do testing of these crew members. Evidently someone at Princess has their head where the sun does not shine. I realize yhat with every thing that is happening now there will be problems, delays, people disappointed. Allowing crew to be transferred from a ship with virus to two other ships, I will really have second thoughts about cruising with Princess due to this stupidity.

    • Haha 1
  5. Flying to London in August flight and cruise is fully paid. Was trying to choose seats  as it showed on United that I could choose seats. When trying to complete transaction it said not able to confirm. I called the number available at United they told me the ticket was not completed yet from Princess. As it is fully paid I am now wondering if I perhaps need to wait until the forty five day s when you can no longer make changes. Has any one else experienced this?

  6. After having been in food service for forty five years and going through numerous inspections. I know at times inspectors are what you could describe as nit picking on some things. After reading the report all I can say is wow. procedures on the Regal seem to be beyond sloppy but intolerable. We sail on her in August hopefully they quickly get their act together. For those who sometimes complain about a spot of rust, a smudge on a window a worn carpet  at times one has to look deeper.

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  7. Looking at cancelling a pre paid excursion. Will be contacting PCC on Mon. for a definite answer, perhaps someone can tell me today. Will the charge be credited back to credit card co. or could this amount be added to obc.

  8. After looking at my previous post I decided to be more specific. If you have walked the royal mile and attended the Military Tatoo I am looking for information. Is it a difficult walk for older people, is it very steep, is there any kind of transport available or allowed? Would you recommend certain seats, have heard there is not a bad seat anywhere. Has anyone attended any of the exclusive dinners held before the event?

  9. I will try to clear this up for some, we are doing a cruise out of Southhampton. We will have two days in London before the cruise thus leaving us one extra day. On our cruise we will dock in Le Harve planning on doing the Normandy D Day excursion. Our extra day in London we are planning on the one day trip to Paris. Looking forward to the train ride seeing the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and probably a boat ride on the Seine. Figure this is a once in a lifetime as even tho we have done considerable cruising we will not be going to Europe again. There was a time we would have tackled this trip ourselves, but at this stage of our lives we have decided, to so to speak set back and leave the driving to someone else so a guided tour. Thanks to all who have replied even those who wandered somewhat, my popcorn is gone so I bid you goodbye.

  10. I'm still here happily munching popcorn, although I had to go back and read my original post to see what my question was. Since first post I have found and answered some of my own questions, thanks to those who stuck with the topic. For those who wandered abit feel free to continue as I have a large bowl of popcorn.

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    • Haha 1
  11. Will be in London in August 2020 thinking about a guided one day tour to Paris from London. Anyone who has done this trip I am looking for pro's and con's. I see that this is a rather long day as to be expected. Wonder if they allow you to bring food or drink on the train. I see one tour that is called a deluxe tour where you get breakfast and lunch coming back, that price is more than we care to spend.

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