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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. It’s a nasty rainy day here but I’m going out for dinner with 5 other people. I’m a mother in law to 3 people and I try to be a very good one. Hopefully, they think I am. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  2. Good morning everyone. Nice collection of days. I never made it to the senior center yesterday for the Cole Porter show. I got a wave of exhaustion and think I don’t drink enough water. I did go to our clubhouse last night where a county 20 piece band played. They were all amateurs but amazing. I was very happy I went. Today is a lazy day waiting for my handyman to shut off the outside water before the pipes freeze and to fix my dishwasher since the bottom rack seems to be off the track and no matter what I do it stays that way. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  3. Good morning everyone. I can’t believe it but right now it is 35 degrees going up to 64. Winter is fast approaching and I hate the cold, ice and snow. The good thing about living here is if we get more than 3 inches they plow for us. Our shoveling days are over. I can go with nachos and I think the quote is true. Heading to the senior center this afternoon to hear a music program on Cole Porter and then to the club house tonight for another music program. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the reports Roy and Rich. It was 30:degrees here last night but luckily I was sleeping. Yesterday I drove 30 minutes to a funeral and without exaggeration, I must have been in front of, behind, or next to at least 60 huge trucks . There are so many warehouses around here. . You really have to be a good driver. Getting ready for a day of cleaning and catching up on some paperwork I have put off for a while. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  5. I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend Sandi.
  6. Good morning everyone. It’s hard to believe it’s going to be 36 degrees tonight. Guess I don’t have to worry about my outside plants anymore. Prayers for so many on our. Are list, for the people of Ukraine and for those recovering from the hurricane. Stay safe , Carol
  7. He lives in Texas so you might actually know who I am talking about. He posted it on Facebook so I don’t think it’s a secret but it’s not for me to repeat his name. He’s just a very nice soul.
  8. I know those leg cramps all to well. I never drink enough water and am frequently visited by them at night. My friend actually passed out in front of her house and was taken to the hospital because she was dehydrated.
  9. Not sure he serves as a Hal Chaplin. Have to check that out.
  10. Jacqui, I’m glad you are finding things to be grateful for. I am too and find it so comforting for me at this time.
  11. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My daughter in law died onlym2 weeks after her cancer diagnosis.It’s a lot to take in so fast.
  12. There is so much hatred and mistrust in the world. You are right Jacqui, he doesn’t deserve this at all.
  13. Good afternoon everyone. I almost forgot to check in again today. I wasn’t able to fall asleep last night till 2 am this morning. It’s getting to be a later and later bedtime. My tech was here the other night to fix my iPad. It’s been freezing on me with FaceTime as I’m doing telemedicine appointments and it’s so frustrating. He updated the program and I found 72 YouTube videos on there. What? No idea how that happened. I used to go to the photo board on CC when I had a tech issue but forgot. I have a CC friend who is a minister and has been one for many years. He recently came out as gay and married his significant other. Someone in the church complained to the Bishop and now he was put on leave. Have no idea what is going to happen but he has received a lot of support from his parishioners who love him. Stay safe, Carol
  14. Good morning everyone. It’s a cool 46 this morning but it’s going up to 76. Yesterday was eBay and I sat outside with about 3 friends all afternoon. Last night I zoomed a program from an entertainment group Mai belong to in Florida. The program was about Bette Miller, Carole King ( who knew she was married 4 times) and Barbra Streisand . My computer geek came and hopefully fixed my eye pad which has been freezing when I do a FaceTime from Florida. Hopefully it will work fine now. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  15. I find it so hard to understand what is going on with the guns and shootings in this country. Trying not to be politically incorrect but I was in Florida during the Parkland School Shooting and watching the verdict yesterday on TV I just couldn’t wrap my head around it.
  16. God afternoon everyone.I’ve been very busy the last few days and I forget to come back here and post. Today I got good news and I don’t need cataract surgery yet. I was talking to someone in Ft. Meyers’s yesterday and she said she was going to her last funeral because of Ian.Her friends son drowned in his home. The devastation there is still awful. Watching the verdicts yesterday for the Parkland School Shooting in Florida a few years ago. We were then when that happened. I find it so hard to understand all the school and church and temple shootings. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  17. Good morning everyone. It’s a sunny day here in central NJ with temps in the 60s. I lik Ed it much better when it was 80. Nice collection of days, especially music. My grandson is a very talented piano player, but not good enough to seek a career in that field. He has done some interesting research on music and how it effects the brain. Yesterdaybi managed to ride over a curb as I pulled out of a gas station. I expected to have a flat tire so I drove to the station that just did my car inspection. He wiped off some white curb junk from my right fender and clipped back something in front of the tire and I was good to go. Will be more careful in the future. I haven’t been to Russia but my daughter had a nanny from there about 17 years ago and they have remained good friends.She and her grown boys went there for her wedding and my daughter went to Moscow to visit her when she had a baby girl. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  18. Good morning everyone. The weather here is crazy. Yesterday it was freezing and raining as we got the remnants of Ian. Today the sun is shining and it will be 74. I spent yesterday watching services virtually for Yom Kippur from the synagogue in NY where I was a member since I was 12 years old. Although the clergy is all new and I didn’t know any of them, it was very meaningful for me because I felt like I had returned home. Last year there were no services there because of covid. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  19. The last time we did the never see your luggage again we almost never saw our luggage again. It was out of Florida and our luggage wound up on an earlier flight than we did. When we got to the very busy airport in NYC, it was the only luggage going around and around on the carousel. We felt very lucky that no one took it.
  20. Good morning everyone. It’s raining and 45 degrees here. We have the remnants of Ian. I will be observing Yom Kippur tomorrow and since it is a very solemn day i won’t be posting. The day is spent in synagogue or as I will be doing, watching services remotely. The object of the day is to repent for our sins committed during the year and to ask for forgiveness from anyone we may have wronged. We wish each other an easy fast . Fasting is supposed to help us concentrate on the solemnity of the day. We are asking God to inscribe us in the book of life for the coming year. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  21. Good morning everyone. It’s a rainy day with temps right now of 43 degrees. A good day to snuggle under a blanket and read or binge watch tv. I’m definitely not a techie but my youngest grandson has published an app called Should I and it’s sold on Apple devices. He’s 17 and heading for the tech world. I’ll pass on the meat balls and spaghetti and am looking forward to tonight’s steak dinner. Child health , both mental and physical is very important. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  22. Good afternoon everyone. I love seeing everyone’s pictures. So many places I haven’t been too so I live vicariously. Sams new aide seems very nice so he is feeling good today and the shingles have dried up. My second grandson isn21 today. I don’t know where the years are going but they are flying by. The youngest will be 17 in December. My older daughter had a concussion on August 26 when she brought today’s birthday boy to college. As she was closing the truck of her car, the bike rack hit her in the head. She is now a bit better, but only able to see 2 patients ( she is a psychotherapist) a day by telemedicine. Her husband said she really got hit hard. Have heard from everyone in Florida, including someone from the CC community in Naples. All are thankfully ok. How do these poor people rebuild their lives after this devastating storm? Stay safe everyone, Carol
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