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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. Love the quote. The search for my missing glasses goes on. I couldn’t have left them anywhere because I would have needed them to drive home. I’m sure they’ll turn up after I order new ones. Prayers for all who need them. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  2. Can you ask your doctor what he thinks about your readiness for that cruise before you cancel?
  3. Good morning everyone. Love today’s quote. My parents had a squirrel come down their chimney one year when they were away. It ate through their wooden banister, carpet and anything else it could ruin. Luckily just two rooms before it died under the couch. I seem to have lost my distance glasses and can’t drive unless it’s sunny and I can use my distance sun glasses. This posses a serious problem till I have cateract surgery in March. I’m devoting today to searching the house for the 5th time and then the car again. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  4. Good morning everyone. It’s 38 degrees outside and I woke to a broken thermostat set to 64. I did some playing and the heat moved up to 65 so I’m hoping I fixed it. My wonderful pain doctor is leaving the practice and I’ve lined up several appointments to find someone new. He’s joining another practice but it’s to far for me to drive every month. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  5. Good morning everyone. I’m not a fan of tin cans but I’ll celebrate the rest of the days and today’s quote. It’s 36 degrees and we’re expecting lots of rain from the storm traveling across the country. Inwas hacked on Facebook and it sent out an awful message to people about someone who died. Not true. Prayers for all those who need it and I hope we hear from Kathi soon. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  6. Good morning everyone. It’s cold here and I hate it but at least no snow. Sandi, seems to me you have a few choices. You could confront them now and tell them why you are annoyed with them and hope they change their plans. You could say nothing and give them a cold shoulder on the ship so they get the message or you can say nothing and have a lousy time trying to dodge them all the time. Of course you could change your plans, but I’m sure you don’t want to do that. You do have a problem either way. Stay safe everyone, Carol.
  7. Good morning everyone. Nice collection of days. Today’s job is getting my new phone working . After fighting with it for a few days, I decided to have a computer person come and help, or rather, do it for me. I can’t even get Bluetooth to work in my car. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  8. Good morning everyone. It’s a nasty looking day today but at least no snow. I’m off for my 6 month check up with the internist. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  9. Prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery.
  10. Good evening everyone. So glad scrapana and Kazunarenheading home. Too busy today to write more. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  11. Jacqui thank you for explaining how you got injured. That. MD on the ship needs some lessons in reading an X-ray. I’m so happy the surgery is over and you are on the way home. Jose is showing you how brave and strong you are. He is walking by your side always. Your next vacation should be in a spa in Florida on a land trip. You need a good rest. Hugs, Carol
  12. Good morning everyone. I have what started out as a small plant given to me in 1980 when I began working in NYC. It now almost reaches the ceiling. I have never fed it and water it only when the leaves curl and I know it needs it. Somehow it lives and thrives in spite of my lack of proper care. Off to my clubhouse later today for a hot game of rummy cube. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  13. prayers for Jacqui for a speedy recovery and a safe trip home.
  14. Good morning everyone. It’s 50degrees going up to 66 today in central New Jersey. Unusual weather for January. I can celebrate all the days today and the meal sounds very interesting. Will have to wait for the recipes. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  15. Good morning everyone and a very happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year. Today we will be celebrating Sam’s 87th birthday at my daughter’s home with the family. His actual birthday is January 2nd. Prayers for everyone who needs them and for the people in Ukraine. On Friday, I had a computer geek from Ukraine transfer my data to my new phone. He managed to get his parents out right after the war began. He, his wife, 2 young children, his parents and brother are all living here in the same house. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  16. Good morning everyone. Love the quote. No matter what time I go to sleep, I’m up by 7am.Being retired, that’s way too early. It’s supposed to warm up today. Prayers for the people in Buffalo, Ukraine and the passengers on Southwest and anyone else who needs them. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  17. Good morning everyone. 15 degrees right now with a high for today ofm29. I’m planning a stay in my pjs day. Enough already of this cold. Stay safe everyone. Carol
  18. Jamaica has had a crime issue for many years. I recall several crew members being robbed on a bus that had to stop because of a log in the street blocking it. Best to remain on the ship and be safe.
  19. I realized just now I counted the days of Hanukkah wrong. That’s what happens when you go to your daughter’s and don’t light your own menorah.
  20. I made a mistake. Today is the 7th day of Hanukkah and tomorrow is the last day, number 8. Sorry.
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