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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good morning everyone. Sushi is my favorite food. Happiness is having my two oldest grandsons back in the USA after about 6 weeks in Israel. It’s going to be 97 here today. Too hot to sit by the pool. Stay safe everyone.
  2. Oh Jacqui, how awful for you. I think maybe you have treat yourself a bit genteler. Take care and get better quickly.
  3. Good morning everyone. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I’m off to lunch with some friends after having a family celebration last weekend. It’s a big one, but everyone is becoming a big one lately.
  4. Good morning everyone. The heat here is awful. Last weekend we celebrated Father’s Day and now my grandsons are all away for the summer. Yesterday we celebrated my upcoming birthday with the family left here and Friday on my actual birthday I’m eating out again with some friends. It’s a big birthday so lots of celebrations and great restaurants with air conditioning because there’s no way we can eat outside. Happy Birthday, Roy.
  5. Good morning everyone. My two youngest grandsons graduated high school this week. The youngest who was a 4 lb premie won his Philadelphia school’s highest science awards. One for having the highest science grade for junior and senior years and the other for the highest science grade and doing so while facing life’s challenges. His mom died from cancer when he was 9 years old. The other grandson won a scholarship from his New Jersey school. I’m so proud of them as they get ready to go off to college. Seems like yesterday they were born. The oldest two are in Israel for the summer with their parents and the last just graduated from University of Rochester. It’s been an exciting two months.
  6. Good morning everyone. My two youngest grandsons graduate high school today and tomorrow. Both will be off to college in the fall. The two oldest are spending the summer in Israel and the third oldest graduated college in May and is finishing up some college courses. It’s been an exciting summer.
  7. Good morning everyone. Yesterday I found 3 snakes dead in a glue trap in my garage put there to catch ants. I’m afraid to go out there until the trapper comes. Tomorrow is June, my favorite month. My daughter and grandson left for Israel last night. Praying they’ll be safe.
  8. Second grandson to graduate college. Jeremy, University of Rochester
  9. Good morning everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry to see so many of you on the care list. Hope to hear better news. I’ve been occupied with life. dental extractions and implants, eye issues that are now resolved and trying to keep up with everything.Take care everyone. carol
  10. Good morning everyone. I’m recovering well from having several tooth extractions. Thankfully no rain or snow today. Roy, good luck tomorrow My brother just went through the same treatment. Stay safe everyone.
  11. Good afternoon everyone. Many thanks for all the birthday wishes for Sam. We celebrated yesterday with the kids and grandkids and had a really nice day. Hope we all have a peace filled year.
  12. Rabbit rabbit rabbit. Good morning everyone and Happy Healthy and peace filled New Year. I watched the ball come down in NYC with my friend that I’ve done this with for at least 58 years but our tvs weren’t in sync. She was about 20 seconds behind me. Strange. Today our family is meeting to celebrate Sam’s birth day which is actually tomorrow but it’s a work and school day. Stay well and safe everyone.
  13. Good morning everyone. Had to prove I’m human. What an annoyance. I have my alarm clock set for 11:45 tonight so I can call a friend who doesn’t live near me anymore. We spent about 58 or 59 NYEs together in person and since covid on some of those the phone. Happy and healthy new year to all. I’m praying for peace for everyone.
  14. Good morning everyone. Prayers for all who need them, for the people of Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and the hostages , both those returned and those still in captivity. Reports are coming back from the female hostages returned of the horrific torture to their bodies and minds. It’s awful what humans do to each other. Prayers that 2024 brings us all peace.
  15. Good morning everyone. Yesterday our youngest grandson turned 18. He weighed 4 pounds when he was born and now is the tallest at almost 6 feet. Yesterday I had the first of my dental procedures which was surgery to clean out an abscess and hope it works so I don’t have to have the implant removed and start all over again. $2050 for yesterday . I have an appointment in January to have more work done and that will be $5000. And that won’t be the end because then I need some implants. I think I could sail around the world for what my teeth will cost. On a soft and cold food diet, antibiotics, but doing ok. Our oldest grandson who is 27 informed us yesterday that he is planning to volunteer at a kibbutz in Israel to help out the country. Since he has duel citizenship, I’m really worried the army will grab him even though he’s been exempt so far because he doesn’t and hasn’t lived there but only visited.
  16. Smitty, the insurance companies don’t want to pay so they make it as difficult as they can. Lost papers, papers never arrived, etc. I went through it with DH too. Stick to it.
  17. Good afternoon everyone. Hanukkah begins at sunset tonight and we light the first candle in the menorah. Hoping the lights never go out and wishing they bring peace to everyone. Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. (Picture taken many years ago).
  18. Good morning everyone. I’m happy to report that Sam is improving everyday. However I need major dental work including extractions, Perio surgery and implants requiring a sinus lift because there isn’t enough bone for the implants. The stress of the last two years has landed in my mouth and I am very nervous about all this to say nothing of the cost. I have a wonderful dentist and. Periodontist so have to put my faith in them. It will take a long time to get all of this done. I could use some prayers for healing without any complications. Thanks.
  19. Good morning everyone. Things are quiet here for a while which is good. Roy, feel better soon. Stay safe everyone.
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