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Everything posted by mamaofami

  1. Good afternoon everyone. It’s cold,and I’m missing Florida, but it’s going to get cold there too soon. My friend there told me her patients were cruising and flying for Thanksgiving and all came back sick. I finally had my booster and so far so good. Stay safe everyone and wear a mask if you fly. Carol
  2. I’m so impressed that you are home.I had hip surgery at HSS in 2009 and was in the hospital 5 days and then rehab for 10.I know there is a new kind of hip surgery now. Keep feeling better.
  3. Good morning everyone. I'm up very early and off to PT. Love the quote. Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. We have a giant menorah and tree in our clubhouse. We gather every evening to light the candles for 8 nights. This is my family many years ago. Each child has their own menorah. Carol
  4. Good morning everyone.I’m busy preparing for the storm. Even if we only get wind and rain, we will probably lose power. I’ve stocked up on food I can eat without warming it. Gotta run. Carol
  5. Good morning everyone. It’s way too cold for me. I’m used to being in Florida by this time but those days are a memory, at least I think. Off to PT for balance which is helping me a lot. Jacqui, praying you make it today without any glitches. You deserve a good holiday cruise. I finally got cleared by my doctor to get the covid booster so fingers crossed I don’t get Bells Palsy. Still can’t get a flu shot for that reason. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  6. Good morning everyone from a very cold New Jersey. 22 degrees right now. I would love to snuggle up in my PJs and spend the day in front of a fireplace, but A, I dont have a fireplace and B, I have to go out later. I finally got permission to get tjhe boster vqaaccine so now I just have to find a time to schedule it. I'll be back later to read more. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  7. Good morning everyone.I like all the days, but I have to say although there are way too many company apps, my grandson published one called “ Should I ? “ which is a help for making decisions and sells for 99 cents. He was 15/when he got the patent for it. Yesterday AM I was lucky enough to zoom the Bar Mitzvah of our cousin’s grandson which took place outside Boston. My kids and 2 grandsons were there in person but I couldn’t make the five hour trip. I love modern technology when it works, but I was sad and happy at the same time. Happy to see relatives I haven’t seen since the start of the pandemic and sad that I couldn’t be there in person.Besides seeing the entire ceremony, my daughter kept sending me pictures of the luncheon. We’re expecting either rain or snow late tonight. They can’t make up their minds yet. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  8. Good morning everyone. On a snowy day in Philly, 17 years ago, our youngest grandson cheeked in at a bit over 4 pounds. Today he is almost 6 feet tall. We’ve been to Curaso several times and first heard about this island from my parents when they went on their first cruise. We went twice with another friend on CC and explored on our scooters while our hubbies ran to keep us with us. Both my girls were Brownies and then Girl Scouts. WOW. Britney was released today from a Russian prison. Great news for her and her family. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  9. Good morning everyone. Dreary day here but going up not 60 with rain. When I was a teenager I was captain of my color war team in summer camp. Our theme that year was Disney. So many happy memories. He made many children very happy. Waiting to see today’s recipe. I’m off to the clubhouse in the rain to play rummy cube. I learned how last week and it’s good for the brain. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  10. What a great idea. My mother used to do that, but in the US. Then she would take courses at the University.
  11. Good morning everyone. It’s a balmy 47 degrees today and I’m off to PT for balance. Like a good patient, I’ve started doing my exercises at home. I haven’t worn jeans in years because I find them uncomfortable. I will always celebrate volunteer day. When women went to work, the volunteer corps slowed down. We need volunteers now more than ever. So many worthy causes. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  12. Good morning everyone. Nice collection of days and I agree with the quote. I don’t like patty melts, although I like most of the ingredients. I’m not a cheese lover so will skip this meal. It was cold and raining yesterday and a good opportunity to curl up and watch some Netflix. Im sure by now you have all seen the picture of the rogue wave hitting the ship.Very scary. Jacqui, the picture of that bridge is awful. Hopefully it’s an easy fix. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  13. Good morning everyone. I’m having trouble with the font and color. I love all the days and the quote. My grandson worked from home all week and is feeling better. I’ve tested negative everyday and today is day 10 so Roy you can take us off the list. If someone can tell me how to fix what I’ve done with the color, please do. Stay safe everyone, CarolG
  14. Good morning everyone. I am still testing negative for covid but very nervous. My grandson is still sick but working from home, so I think he must be doing better. Income from New Rochelle, NY, named by the Huguenots for La Rochelle in France. it’s a city of 80,000 and very diverse population. The elementary schools are great and so is the high school. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  15. Good morning everyone. It’s 53 degrees here but going to rain. I’m still testing negative but today is only day 4. I had plans to meet a long time friend who is up from Florida but had to cancel that. I’ve ordered in everything I might need if I get sick and now there is a waiting game. Prayers for all on our care list. Stay well everyone, Carol
  16. Good morning everyone. It’s going to be 58 degrees , but raining today. This is day 3 since I was exposed to my grandson and covid and too early for me to test. This is not a good week for me to have to isolate . I had plans tonight, and two doctor appointments and my book club, but I don’t want to expose anyone. I’ve been told if ingest negative band wear an N95 mask I’m ok and so is everyone else, but I don’t think it’s fair till I know my status. Unfortunately, I’ve been advised by my infectious disease MD not to take the boosters because they are no longer giving J and J and I am allergic to the ingredients in the other vaccines so I’m hoping for the best. I’ve ordered any supplies and food I think I’ll need and now will buckle down to read and watch TV. My grandson is doing OK, but can’t fly back to LA today as he had hoped. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  17. Sharon, so far we’re all ok but it’s only been 2 days. Grandsons mom is recovering from a bad concussion, Sam has had it twice but was also exposed upmclose and personal. It’s a wait and see game now.
  18. Good afternoon everyone. Two of my grandsons slept over yesterday and one woke up sick this am. Covid test is positive. I could use some prayers that I don’t get it because I’m not able to take the booster. Carol
  19. Good afternoon everyone. Another mass shooting , this time at a Walmart. There is so much hate and availably assault rifles that this will just keep going on and on. I don’t think assault weapons should be so easy to get. As we prepare here for Thanksgiving, I’m thankful to have been part of this group for the past several years. I guess we started when the pandemic did. It feels like family. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  20. Good morning everyone. It’s 28 degrees here no w at 8am. Brrrr. Off to the dentist soon th take care of what I hope is just something under the gum. My grandson was going to test last night to make sure he is over covid. My son hasn’t caught it because he has been wearing an N 95 mask at home. Hopefully everyone will be well. Jacqui, if I had to do those stairs I would climb up and down on my rear so as not to incur any possible accidents. Stay safe everyone, Carol
  21. Good afternoon everyone. Up all night with a tooth ache and so tired I couldn’t drive to the dentist so tomorrow it is. it’s too cold for me already. I belong in Florida but sadly that isn’t happening. My grandson, Matthew, has covid so our Thanksgiving plans are up in the air until we see who else gets it. Stay safe everyone, Carol
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