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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Sales have been going great since they started. They are having a lot of support. I went to a local restaurant with the girls yesterday. The owner talked with there mom yo see if they could bring her flowers each week to put on the table. Another restaurant is wanting them to too. I been meaning to post some pics of them with Kenzie at the park
  2. Yes, mom is home too! We are hoping her blood sugar will be back to normal. Here blood pressure is better but needs to be extra careful to keep it down. Millie is excited that all are home. Sharon is holding her close to the Cayman t-shirt to prep her for cruisin 🛳. And just to get a closer look at the long feet.
  3. We liked it enough on Symphony that we did it again on Harmony. It is a mystery what you are eating but it was a fun experience. Might be hard to believe but I like it more than Sorrento's pizza! 😆
  4. My DW does not like sushi and seafood but really enjoyed the Beef Teriyaki bowl they serve.
  5. As I saw your notice pop up the nurse came back with Finnley. She said she past the test they do before letting them go home. They still are waiting to test DD blood pressure and another test. Looking more promising they will head home today! I believe they said they would do another hearing test on Finnley in 24 hours with more to do with billing. The nurse said 3 of 5 babies tested did not pass.
  6. That was just one of many things I read while reading up on preeclampsia. It would of been easier to handle if I would of been in total ignorance. They are still at the hospital. DD is needing watched for a few things but seems to be handing it ok. Sharon was there during the delivery and informed me of a few complications that happened. They said Finnley did not pass her hearing test early this morning but other babies were not too so they think it may be a machine malfunction or fluid. The biggest thing that concerns me is that they said they could retest in 24 hours. My first thought, do they expect for them to still be there in 24 hours.
  7. I like bake beans too but the family doesn't like me eating them often. 😳 With that said I played trumpet when I was young! 😆 While my mom wanted we practicing the neighborhood kids were playing football. So when I realized what I was missing, I told my mom that playing the trumpet was giving me bad headaches. It wasn't to long before I was back playing football.
  8. That's the way I reply too. We facetimed with Kenzie, Caden and Aubrey but not the same as meeting in person. My oldest daughter came up from LR last and just went home but plans to come back with all her kids so they can meet Finnley. My DD is spending another night at the hospital tonight. We are hoping all is well by tomorrow so she can make it home.
  9. Thanks! When I saw your 1st response I thought, she is trying to catch up on the board. 😆 so much emotions today. We are all worn out but sooo thankful and blessed.
  10. Thanks! It's a big blessing. This one was extra special with our youngest having her first. Her sisters were over the top excited!.
  11. Not TMI at all. I am thankful to hear all ended well with them. Last night we were told the reason for induction was preeclampsia. I googled what it was all about and quickly learned I don't need to know it all. The little I learned was concerning to me. All is ending well so far. I warned pics would come. This is just a tease. I will probably start flooding the board tomorrow when she is cleaned up.
  12. Thanks. My daughter having the baby was born around the 35th week. She spent a couple weeks in the Children's Hospital. Sharon had fallen a couple days earlier and after having the baby she had to remain in a different hospital for a week. It was a long week for her. I have had concerns for this one since we found out about my DD's high blood pressure and diabetes. Then last night there was other concerns. This has been a long morning. Thankful to hear all went well with your nephew.
  13. Sorry for the BIG error. I tried to edit. It's 37th not 27th. I hate that I can no longer edit it to get the post correct.
  14. I am glad I read this.... I was WAY off. 37th not 27th. She is having it hopefully today. Yesterday was the 37th week but they were not letting her go past the 39th week. I just tried to edit but to late.
  15. Yesterday was the 27th week. Because she has gestational diabetes and high blood pressure the plan was to deliver the baby on the 29th week. I hope your birthday is today because I want to see that baby born soon!
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