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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Wow, I beat you up today! 4:30 am. We had a strong β›ˆοΈ thunderstorm roll through..... I went back to bed. πŸ˜† And never even thought of taking a pic!
  2. Here is a pic of Kenzie getting busted sneaking some cherry tomatoes. Near the place where they sell their flowers each week they opened a new market. The girls were able to find matching dresses. They have sunflowers coming out of their garden for them to add to their offerings.
  3. We have a few text groups set up with our girls. One is dedicated to Finnley updates where her mom post pics. The kids love holding her. Mom is taking pics all the time. To the point where Finnley looked up and thought.... seriously mom? Another pic? Mom waited for her to fall asleep. It looked like pics were not bothering Finnley until........ Seriously mom, you are taking them while I sleep 😴. Mom.... Go back to sleep. I'LL try not to take one...... oops.
  4. @dani negreanu. πŸ˜† I did it again. I thought I was posting here but I was in a different thread. πŸ˜† So I will repeat here. I came out to our covered deck while it was sprinkling. A few minutes later it started raining 🌧 hard. No problem, thankful for a good rain. Can't tell much from the pic but...... After I posted that it has been raining even harder and has not stopped yet. 20220902_110600.mp4
  5. That is not good! Arby's without Horsey Sauce?! 😠 😑 😀 I hate forgetting that. I even get it with the French dip sandwich. Usually 3. I usually have one or two in the fridge. I tried the new Philly the other day. It was OK but it's back to the French Dip for ne.
  6. I love a good fish n chips. When we were on Symphony last year they offered fish n chips. With the mask on and foreign accent, I did not hear the waiter explaining there was a fish shortage and they had to do a fish substitute. I don't remember what the substitute was but it wasn't the same. Happy you got a good one.
  7. Thanks for the heads-up! Great savings plan! I need to write this down πŸ€”....Build up the savings account by πŸ–Š.....Booking 10 consecutive πŸ›³ cruises.... 71 days.... wait, I will lose money getting my clothes washed..... oh yeah, use sink to wash clothes. πŸ˜† Glad to hear you are having mild symptoms. Hope you get over it soon.
  8. I was wondering if it would help if we changed to MTD before boarding. I wonder why it wouldn't be a heads up when we set up Specialty restaurants that they would think it through. Maybe they think it's possible I might eat at both. πŸ€”
  9. You would think that when people reserve their specialty restaurants the first day they could ask them if they intend on using the MDR. Then they would be aware of tables that will not be used.
  10. The cost of each restaurant varies so it depends on which restaurants you plan to go to when determining if it is worth it. You might want to try a 3 day dining plan or Chops plus one to help determine rather you think it's worth it. We are trying the UDP for the 1st time this October on an 8 night cruise.
  11. Sharon hangs on the FB cruise group. Lots of activities. Some how her FB was hacked yesterday and someone was sending messages from her account. Luckily most knew and let her know pretty quick.
  12. It could just be RC site. Even though we were able to log in and get started at 11:00 pm central, there is one on our roll call that was still having problems with it the next day! πŸ™ƒ Speaking of roll calls, I looked on your roll call to see if others were having problems. Not much activity. Even though ours is somewhat active, not as much as it has been in the past. When we checked in Tuesday night, Our iPhone and iPad was set on Central time for a cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale EST. We were able to log in to the check in at 11:01 pm, it just kept freezing up until we got off the iPhone and switched to the iPad which was around 11:20 pm Central time. So the iPhone/iPad being set on Central did not effect it.
  13. And another related thing, I have been copying the image to the clip board then pasting it in the message. This way you don't have to try to find the pic among your other pics when using "Add Files".
  14. Try going to the Royal Caribbean website and sign into your account. You should see future cruises listed. Look at the lower left side and you should see "Plan My Cruise" Once you click it you can see all sorts of stuff to purchase like Shore Excursions, Beverage Plans, Dining plans, Internet, etc. Good luck and enjoy your cruise!
  15. No problem. Thanks for posting. We were all waiting for them. For the future this is how you can delete a picture. When you use the "Add Files" you choose your images and they upload below the message you are creating. After the images upload you will see an x in the upper right hand side of the pic. Hitting the x will remove the pic that has been inserted and/or uploaded. Hope this helps! Happy to hear Charlie is feeling better.
  16. We too have had success the last few cruises grabbing a time then completing the rest later. We wanted to do that last night too but it wouldn't let us. We also usually just use the app. Might of just been a glitch night but it's hard to believe that there would be a glitch with RC stuff..... πŸ˜†
  17. I was thinking you lived in the Central time zone. If so you can check in at 11:01 pm. Last night, when we started on the iPhone, we tried the app and the website. It would let us get all the way to the end and then freeze. We thought at 1st it was because there was so many checking in at once. The iPad browser view is set up in computer view rather than phone. Not sure if that made the difference. Seems like you would have an easier time if you did check in all on your computer since you have stuff on the computer you need.
  18. We finally got checked in for our October cruise but it was the most difficult check in. Sharon started on her iPhone at 11:01 pm. It let her sign in but when she tried to get all 5 of us in it kicked her out 3 times. Then it started locking up. Then we tried just us. No luck. Then we switched to my iPad and put just us in and everything started working. Luckily all 5 of us are linked because when we got the next two in it showed that the whole party had the same assigned check-in time! BTW, we got 10:30 to 11:00.
  19. Wow, good job. I never know which slot machine to play. If there is a particular type that you have good luck with, post a pick and I will see if I can find the same type on Allure!
  20. Thanks for taking the time to do the review. I was able to get some good ideas from you for our next adventure. I will surely be trying the Wipe Out CafΓ© for breakfast!
  21. It depends on where you plan to eat. Best way to figure out is to compare the cost per day of the dinning plan you want to get to the cost of the restaurants you plan to eat at. If you eat at places like Chops and 150 CP you will easily save money. Most of the time the cost on board is more expensive than paying for even single restaurants in advance.
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