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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. That looks great! This brings me one step closer to booking Oasis. I am sure @Radio can get me the rest of the way there.
  2. But that would mean they would miss out on Cats! 😳
  3. Good to have someone take care of the garden when you are gone. It was forecasted to rain a lot while we are gone but it hasn't. Kenzie and family has been watching over it. My DD sprayed my Brussel sprouts to try to get rid of the small caterpillars eating the leaves. We are headed back now. We plan to be back tomorrow before the sun goes down.
  4. Sorry I don't remember exactly but that sounds about right. It was last October when we cruised out of Miami so I am sure the price has increased due to gas prices jumping. With 4 we got a larger SUV vehicle and split the cost. Might be a little high for just 2 traveling but then again 2 could get a smaller car.
  5. My dad had boats ever since I remember. He would always warn us that boats can be money pits.... but he would always have one. 😆 When we took off to go see dolphins he took us out past the Cross Island Pkwy. I am guessing that is the only bridge to HH? We started out near a restaurant called Up the Creek Pub and Grill. I think it was from the pier where it says Sky Pirate Parasail. You can see the bridge in the background.
  6. This is Harbor Town 2 days later. We road our bikes down. They were setting up for an event on the edge of where the Heritage Golf Tournament is held.
  7. Sometimes it's nice to have a "nothing planned " weekend after vacation. Did your garden hold up while you were gone?
  8. We used Lyft. There were 4 of us and we shared. I am sure Uber would work too.
  9. Good to see you are going to let us join you again. Have a safe and fun cruise. It's crazy how much we love Oasis class ships but have not cruised the actual Oasis yet. Maybe this will convince us to cruise it soon.
  10. After eating I was saying bye to Dave and he asked if we can take a selfie and share it with Greg. He said, He will love it. He was still performing when he called me up for the selfie. As I was walking away he started talking to the crowd.... That is John. He is a cruise friend with a very good find of mind Greg. He said some more things about you and if I heard right he played the next song for you.
  11. Wow thanks. I did not know that. Not living around Seafood sources I chow down on it when I am. Usually a lot of shrimp.
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