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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. It's important that you take the time the next two weeks to get the Allure in perfect condition. Especially make sure the ice cream machine is working. Also let performers know you want them to put on the best shows your 3rd week. Please let me know how it's going. And yes, we will be joining you the 15th. Looking forward to meeting you! Have a fun and safe cruise!
  2. That looked close! It was cool seeing people on the bridge watching the ship go by. I hope you don't mind. Thought I would convert the video for those who can't view .mov. Bridge_9478.mp4
  3. I think you would love Nachi. When visiting Cozumel we don't even consider a different place anymore. BTW, Greg post the massage ad. Sharon and I went for it last time and started off with a half hour. It was sooo good we had them extend it to an hour. Very laid back place.
  4. Since the start up we did a couple GS and went back to OVB on Ovation. It was hard going back. North Star was down in May. I haven't heard if they ever got it going again.
  5. Now this sounds like it would be a cool 😎 tv series! Trying to figure out where the ice cube came from. Throughout the series have a random 🧊 ice cube pop up. (😆 that ice cube popped up while typing 🧊) Example, things start to settle down, you take off on a cruise, walk out on the balcony and .... 🧊. Your headed home, stop by Starbucks, start to drink your coffee and what is floating in it? 🧊.
  6. Thanks for the update Ken. It might help Vikki if you book her another cruise 🛳 😉. I hope it continues to heal good.
  7. Symphony was our 1st Wonderland experience. We liked it enough we did it again on Harmony. This was the 1st time I had smoked deviled eggs and I really liked it. What time was it when you dined there. Your right, super bright. When I first saw the pics I thought you went there early to get good pics. Especially when I saw no one else in there. It is a much better atmosphere at night. On Harmony we actually sat next to the big window and the light was good.
  8. Just so no one gets confused, these are Crystal's videos. 1sing_8338.MOV.mp4 2sing.mp4 Dog walk Dogwalk_8346.mp4
  9. My Dad's wife lives in Venice FL. She does not have a cell phone. We communicate by email which she only gets when she goes to the library. We tried calling here landline but no answer. She had a neighbor take care of her last time. We are hoping they did this time too.
  10. 😂 Take a pic of you dipping your donuts in the beer. I usually dip mine in chocolate milk but hey, we all have different taste. Ellen, stay safe. I hope all goes well.
  11. Thanks. Wow is right with the hair! I can’t believe how long the hair is. His hair is so long that when I saw a close up pic I thought he looked to old to be a new born. With my memory I think I will always call him RJ. RJ = Rungano (Norbert) Jathan (“God gives us”).
  12. Costa Maya sure has a long pier. Our visit there was because of an itinerary change. We didn’t have time to plan anything so we just hung out at the port. I hate the lobster was not that good. It probably was not Maine lobster. Did you get any new TSOTD on this journey?
  13. Hey Greg, sorry for the slow response. It’s been a real busy week and hard to keep up with all of CC. Izumi is my favorite. Sharon and our cruise friends couple will eat there and like it but not like I do. I think I will be spending some lunch times by myself in a couple weeks. We do have a new single cruiser joining us so maybe he will join me. The Truffled Creamy Lobster Roll was my favorite too. Soooo good. Some questions; Is Izumi crowded enough at lunch that I should make a reservation? You said it was hard to eat it all. With the UDP could you do A La Carte. Or maybe have them charge you for the fixed cost but ask them not to bring it all? If you do the Hibachi can you get a side roll like the Truffled Creamy Lobster Roll with the UDP? Can you order a take out and then eat the sushi outside by the pool? When we were on Symphony we did several Specialty Dining and I was getting stuffed. One evening before going to diner I mentioned to DW that I wasn’t that hungry. She said, You don’t have to be hungry to eat. 😂 I am sure you understand.
  14. Thankful y’all made it to Vancouver safely and Micheline is doing better. There is a place near Sandusky Ohio named Lakeside. It is one of our family summer vacation places. They have a clock at the pier that plays the same tune every hour except it sounds like chimes. At the end of the tune it chimes a number of times based on the time, ie 5 times at 5pm.
  15. @Radio Thanks for taking the time again to share the adventure. You do a great job with the photos and videos. I know it takes a lot of effort to do a live. I hope you enjoyed it. It’s funny I been on several Oasis class cruises but not Oasis! You presented it well.
  16. Thanks! Hard to believe my daughter if a grandma. We have been on the go a lot. I noticed I never finished the post. I started it, then realized we needed to hit the gym before Caden's game. We came back to the house just for a minute. That when I posted. As I was saying., a couple of the guys became very close. The dad of RJ vacations with us and comes to many family get togethers. A few months ago he was visiting an announced that we were going to be grandparents.
  17. I just remembered that Kenzie's sister had one a couple years ago at her other grandparents house. Caden had an Escalade. I need to ask my DD if it is still around.
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