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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Thanks! I am glad you enjoyed it and thankful that you took the time to post that you checked it out. That is what makes it worth the time. I am curious, did you find the review by a general search or under the Live Cruise Reports section. Also, will this be your first cruise to Alaska? Please try to remember to try a Doughboy in Skagway and don't share it with someone. They are big but so good! If you have any questions feel free to post. We have been on several cruises but I believe the Alaska cruise will always be one of most memorable. Hope you enjoy it too.
  2. Now you see I would probably make the mistake of doing it. I will try Sky Pad if given the opportunity but maybe not a wise move even if I haven't been eating. I think it was Anthem that used to have some circus setup that I didn't make it on and regretted missing the opportunity. I don't thing they have them anymore.
  3. This reminds me of a youth experience. They may still do it but remember when state troopers would sit on the side of the road and do random car inspections? One day north of Medina I was by myself and I came racing down an exit ramp and slammed on the breaks. I was sliding several feet with that load screeching noise from the brakes. As I started on to the next road I saw a trooper standing 🧍‍♂️ outside of his car wiggling his finger for me to come to him. When I pulled over he immediately started inspecting the car. When he was done he asked..... OK, tell me what just happened. I said, I always wondered what would happen if I had to slam on my breaks in an emergency. I noticed noone was around me so I tried it. He ask, do you now know? I answered yes. He sternly said, Then don't do it again. Then he let me go ticket free.
  4. Cool. Finding shark teeth is fun. It reminds of a time visiting my dad in Venice FL. He told us of a near by beach where shark teeth were often found. We went and sure enough we started finding them. After finding several we started thinking 🤔. There is a good reason why there are a lot of shark teeth here. About that time someone on the beach started yelling and point at a long dark shadow swimming near us. After quickly jumping up we discovered it was..... dolphins 🐬. 😆
  5. They did when we were on Ovation this last May. We had an excursion canceled and did not find out until after boarding the ship. They said it had to be canceled because the one they contracted with could not find enough people willing to work the excursion. We were able to book a different excursion.
  6. When I look at the planner and see the price I forget that they usually offer more discounts for multiple devices after you click on it. Might not be as good of a deal if it was just the 2 of us.
  7. Thanks. I just checked what we paid for our next cruise wifi. DW got a good deal. We are cruising with another couple so we got the 4 device package. It comes out to 11.75 per day per device. She did us good.
  8. I have never tried using it. Does anyone know what the cost ends up being. I guess I have just assumed buying it before the cruise was a better deal but really haven't checked it out.
  9. At first I thought you were talking about the drink. 😆 The handbag looks great. Have you made them before? I would like to see how you do something like that. That would go great with the ear rings my DD made for Sharon and our cruise friend.
  10. I remember back in the day Ohio was very strict on speed limits. Back then it was not a surprise to hear someone get pulled over for just a few miles over the limit. Have they eased up now?
  11. Thanks. She is one tough girl. She has gone through more than I could imagine and still has a great attitude. Since her pregnancy she started off having covid, then has had 3 kidney stones, she has gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Besides that, all is going well. With her last appointment the doctor mentioned that they may have the delivery a couple weeks earlier than the first due date which will be the end of August. The baby is looking fine. A little on the big side at this point. This will be our 7th GB. Just get ready for pics! Please keep them in your prayers.
  12. Just sprayed it. Strong. Sharon walked out side and smelled it across the yard. I forgot to wash out the blender right away. We washed it out a couple of times and could still smell a hint of jalapeno. I finally got rid of it. 2 squirts of pineapple puree, 2 coconut, a little water and a glass of ice. Blended until smooth. All is good now!
  13. The older I get the last cruise is the most memorable... That being Alaska and such a beautiful state I would probably say second most memorable. I would say our 1st cruise on Sea Princess in 1999. We were chased by a hurricane. The waves got so bad that while we were trying to walk by a large jewelry display case a wave hit, lifted the case and it smashed over onto the floor.
  14. We like taking inflatable noodles to float on off the beach. The free food buffet is good. We enjoyed the slides a few times but if this is a 1st you will enjoy your stay doing the free stuff.
  15. @HBE4 I have blended together a mix. A bunch of garlic, jalapeno peppers and cayenne pepper. When I put it in the spray bottle I will had some oil. One recipe recommended using the blender with water to blend it. Some recipes said to simmer it. I know when you cook garlic it can loose it's strength so after a long blend I took a short whiff to see if it really needed to simmer. It burnt my nose. It was like sticking a jalapeno up the nose.
  16. We have a pile but not like collectors. After the Stones Caden threw on Rick Wakeman. I couldn't get a read on how he was liking it but later saw he wrote it on his "list". My oldest DD and SIL love going to concerts and lately been buying a lot of oldies albums. Caden will love discovering their collection. My oldest DD grew up listening to music with me. She loves late 60's and 70's music. I remember one day pulling in the driveway and I turned off the car. From the back seat she started yelling, Dad, dad turn it back on! Eric Clapton!
  17. Caden was visiting with Kenzie today. He discovered the record player. He was listening to the Rolling Stones! He was explaining...... Gpa, one side of the album can hold 6 or 5 songs! These 4 sides can hold over 20 songs! He was excited with his discovery. He also liked that you can look at the album and see how much of the song was left. 🤔 He was showing me the album cover and when we saw the song, You Can't Always Get What You Want. He said he loves that song. He said it was played in the Minions movie. Then he headed to the player and started playing it. He was smiling real big and noted it was 7 minutes long! Then he started dancing with Kenzie.
  18. Thanks. Sharon has had luck keeping deer away with Irish Spring soap. I am going to try making the homemade spray. That way if it doesn't work I will a new cologne.
  19. Thanks for the idea. We tried spraying what we had, deer repellent spray, and it didn't do anything. I was not comfortable spraying it on the veggies so We sprayed all around them. It stinks. When I saw that you mentioned it had a strong garlicky smell I looked up using garlic to repel squirrels. They recommend spreading garlic powder and/or a way to make a garlic spray. I will feel comfortable using my own spray and spraying the veggies with it. My only concern, if my garden has a strong garlic smell how do I keep the neighbors away. 😆 Now all I have to do is figure out where to get some garlic 🤔
  20. We have this booked for October. We have cruised Allure a few years ago and loved it. Oasis class ships are our first choice. Love the layout and entertainment more than the other classes. We have cruised Mariner a couple of times and really enjoyed it but enjoy Allure more.
  21. On our last cruise some kids were ringing and running. I opened the door and security was already in the hall trying to catch them. They were ringing several doors. 😆 we enjoyed ringing our friends doorbell. 😆
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