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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. It is great to hear about Chris being so caring. Life goes better when it's not all about ourselves. He will be a blessing to all around him!
  2. I almost stopped. Even fast-forwarding was not enough to ignore it. They still let one stupid complaint bother them, saying guys.
  3. I started a lot of basil from seed. I now have 5 grow bags of them. I like making pesto with it to use on pizza. This is from a few days ago. It's growing fast. We have a variety of mint growing. DD uses it in her flower bouquets. No chives this year. We harvested several bags of garlic scapes. Like chives but garlic taste.
  4. Sharon got sushi for me today. They call it American Dream. Shrimp tempura roll, avocado, masago, cream cheese topped with spicy crab meat. Speaking of Sushi, do you know what the Sushi said as the bee flew by? ...... Wasabi
  5. The year I was to start kindergarten we moved to Massachusetts. They did not have kindergarten there. It's crazy how now 3 and 4 year old kids go to school.
  6. All I heard was how hot the stadium got after the game ....... I heard it started getting hot right after all the fans left. 😆
  7. This is cool it came out to $19.74! Not only cool but very reasonable. Our committee sent 3 events. One was dining $100 or $50 each Another was confusing, I saw $35 and $50 each mentioned. Then there was golfing ⛳️ and the cost wasn't mentioned, that I noticed. Where we live now they have a reunion the weekend of a football game.
  8. @Sea Dog Happy Birthday Greg! Looks like you enjoyed your time. I also turned 68 in March. We saw some grads riding around today. When we graduated in the 70s 2024 seemed sooo far away. Boy, time flies.
  9. I bet they will love it. Great to have good neighbors! We fill the bags with a mix of 3 parts garden soil 1 part Pro-Mix.
  10. They are not light but liftable. Sharon carried some from the house to the garden this year. When we started some tomato seeds too early, we had to transplant some to grow bags. While hardening off for several days Sharon carried them in and out of the house. When I took them to the garage I would load them into my wagon attached to the John Deere. It would take a few trips. When we had a few cold nights in a row I would just set them out on the driveway. I would water the bags for 15 to 20 seconds. That is about when you see water leak out.
  11. 7 gallon. I used to grow them all in grow bags. Advantages. The plants air prune so there is no root bound concerns. You can move the bags to where the best sun hits. The best is if you start them to early and a frost is coming, take them to the garage for overnight. I changed to a fenced-in garden after a bad experience. One time the tomatoes were looking great. I thought I would give them a couple more days to turn vine ripen red...... The deer ate them!
  12. That stinks. I hate when seeds don't germinate. This year I was concerned with my Cherokee Purple. Half of them didn't germinate. Luckily several years ago I began to at least start twice as many seeds as I plan to plant. When most germinate I have several happy people around willing to use them. Sharon's brother helped out BIG time this year in the garden. I gave him at least as many plants as I got growing now. We were able to plant several in grow bags and give them away. I gave 2 to my PT. She said tomatoes are starting. One is a Cherokee Purple and she said that they are her favorite tomato.
  13. Not sure. I have been starting my plants from seed for years now so I have not paid much attention to them there . This is I think my 3rd year of Jimmy Nardello peppers. I had never heard of them before. I got them based on reviews. They are now my 1 of 2 favorites along with jalapeno peppers. We are also growing bell.
  14. You think it's massive now, Sharon decided to expand it! She is adding 3 beds. Here are pics from my GVB ..... garden view balcony. Btw, the buds you see above are from my new GVB garden. 😆 She wants to use them to grow flowers for DD'S flower business. Her business is growing big time. Her is a small jar of them we delivered this weekend. We will have an additional 2 beds for flowers in a few weeks after we harvest the garlic. Our DD has a huge garden area for her flowers behind her house!
  15. Made it down to the garden yesterday. Looking good. Peppers coming out. These are Jimmy Nardello peppers. They are so good. After they turn red they look really hot however they are nice sweet peppers. Great on pizza. Tomatoes showing too. Cherry tomatoes come out quick however the larger tomatoes are growing well too!
  16. No. With that said we rarely buy each other gifts for any holiday. We just consider what we want/need at the time and buy it. When others ask what we got each other for Christmas or a birthday etc we just mention a cruise close to that date. We like spending on what we personally like not what we think the other will like. Example, I have had fishing lures given to me because people knew I loved fishing. Most of the times I didn't use them. Not the right kind.
  17. We had no expectations of seeing this in North Central Arkansas but our neighbors texted us to come out and see. Our DD in Central Arkansas took this one. And a neighbor of hers took this one. Not the same as the northern states however still nice.
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