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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. I was on Icon. No need guessing what it will be like in the coming months. I experienced it. Do you know how easy it is to blur kids faces in pics? Not sure about bluring faces in YouTube videos. Are you responsible if you post kids in videos but not pics? There were a lot of kids. How many of the entertainers you mentioned commented kids were at bars. I was not surprised to see them at the evening entertainment. They seemed to enjoy the Wizard Of Oz! Where did you experience kids in an adult area on Icon? How bad did it bother you.
  2. When are we going to see the pics of the adult areas overwhelmed by kids. If I would of noticed it when we were on Icon a few weeks ago I would of taken pics but I never witnessed it. While cruising on Icon I remember people complaining (that were not cruising Icon) about Cloud 17 no longer being the adult area. We laid out at Cloud 17 several times and the most kids I saw in one day was 5! There is nothing at Cloud 17 to attract them. There are a lot of areas that will attract kids that are easy for adults to avoid. I wonder when a kid will start a thread on CC complaining about adults hanging out around the kids areas. πŸ€”
  3. Feeling good today! Was woken up last night at 3am by high winds that was banging something outside. Thought I would be tired today but so far good! No need to apologize. I highly appreciate yours and others thoughts and prayers! We watched the show last night. We plan to watch it a couple more times.
  4. I recorded it after seeing you mentioned it before but I haven't watched it yet. I saw that they were playing it again this week but it looks like a replay of the 1st.
  5. Not quite the same as an OVB but still nice. 80⁰ now and forcast to be 38⁰ at 8am tomorrow! Guess I will enjoy this while I can!
  6. Thanks. Looks like spellchecker got you and changed ALS to ACL. A couple of weeks ago I had my quarterly appointment with my Neurologist. After 3 months and losing another 10lbs and now weighing 142 lbs the Neurologist recommended taking in more fat such as eat more ice cream and drink more milk shakes. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night I drank a milk shake. Yesterday I was about to take a break when our DD from out of town surprised us. She showed up with milk shakes for all! Today we took a break and just had a DQ Blizzard. Just goes to show that sometimes you can find a positive when things are not great.
  7. Spell check got me. Air prune. Here is a link. Cheaper ordering direct as apposed to Amazon. https://www.bootstrapfarmer.com/products/airprune-tray-72cell?msclkid=acd22802096816150c664dd861728de1&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Seed Starting&utm_term=air prune propagation tray&utm_content=Air Prune Trays
  8. They are doing great. Last year I started using a new tray from Bootstrap Farmer. They air prone. I start 72 seeds in one tray. After they pop up we transplant them to 2.5 inch pots which I used to start them in. We now have over 50 pepper plants transplanted. My favorite Jimmy Nardello, Caden's favorite JalapeΓ±os and yellow bell. We will plant 28 and give away the rest.
  9. If you are looking for advice on where to make great investments it might work to asking people from Ireland. Think about it, their capital is Dublin.
  10. So here are some pics. Kenzie asked mom to send me this pic today. Last week she wanted to sit with Gpa. And they enjoyed the Icon puzzle. Finnley was with us at the eye doctor today. Then she went home. where Millie was waiting And some more of her pets. Their cool cousin Lottie coming home from school. Then napping And her brother
  11. I haven't felt that good lately. Life is more challenging after losing more mobility and energy. But God's love being shown to us through so many has kept my spirit good! Thanks for asking.
  12. Yesterday when I went out I had to deal with 70⁰ weather and the sun beating down on me. Right now it's all the way down to 56⁰. At least I have today off. πŸ˜†
  13. @Sea Dog Hey Greg. Thankful all went well with your surgery today and your not in a lot of pain! I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  14. I take it you are joking. For the last hour I have been getting multiple notifications for the Live Icon thread for post made a week ago. I just got a couple more. πŸ˜†
  15. I just looked at this week and next week in the app for Icon. After getting it up I clicked Daily Planner and then Entertainment and it all popped up. Next week for Feb 17 cruise it shows on day1 Wizard Of Oz is at 8:30 pm.
  16. I noticed on the main page different threads will show replies but zero views. Example 12 replies, 0 views. How can you have replies but no views.
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