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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Looks like Marty and Helen on Jewel, yellow, will be passing Ken on Apex, purple, soon. I believe it's going on 4am for them now there, so they probably won't be waving at each other.
  2. Finnley had a doctor's appointment today. She is already 3 feet tall. She is in the 97% in height for her age. She will be 2 next month. How do you like her art work on her knees. Kenzie still takes care of her.
  3. We decided to make our final payment for our next cruise. It's on Utopia, 4 night September 30th. We would love it if some "accidentally " booked it. It will be a challenge to drive there but we are planning to try.
  4. Friday our LR family came to town. The others came over too. Saturday evening Lottie went home with her parents. While her DB and DS stayed around until yesterday. The cousins had snow cones at Finnley's house. They like doing a crazy 🤪 face pic. They enjoyed the movies. And hanging out at Kenzie's house.
  5. The area of the last pic had sticks all around it to stop the deer. Shortly after the fence was done they were all pulled out. Since the fence was completed, we haven't even seen deer in our neighbor's yard. Our flowers and garden must of lured them here.
  6. Although I cook mine in the oven, we are at similar temperatures. This should work for you. Timing is based on 550⁰. We preheat the oven at 550⁰ for 1 hour with the stone in it. The dough ball sits out for the hour too. I used to use cornmeal but now use parchment paper on the peel. After forming the dough, set it on the parchment paper, then slide the pie, with the paper, onto the stone. Bake it for 60 to 90 seconds on only one side. I learned this from John on the Bella thread. After removing the dough add the sauce and topping. Place it back in for 7 to 7.5 minutes. When using parchment paper be careful. When the pizza is done and you pull it out you need to be real steady with the peel. The pizza can slide off easy. Look at the paper in the pics. It turns brown but it doesn't catch on fire. I love this pizza so much I rarely eat any other. I think it's more about the dough and sauce than the cooking method. If you want I will share my dough recipe. One more thing, if you like pesto and willing to try new things, substitute pesto for the sauce. It's great!
  7. This made me remember my trip to Cambodia. Everyday was over 100⁰ and many locals wore long sleeves. I was told they don't like sun on their skin. And 3 on a scooter/motorcycle was not uncommon. Also many places translated things to English. Sometimes not perfect. I think it's crab pizza. 😆
  8. I bet you will love the S24 Ultra! I have the S21 Ultra and love it. When I got it I told people I got a new camera with phone function. 😆
  9. Currently it's 67⁰ humidity 98%. Beryl brought us rain last night and it's continuing off and on. It usually doesn't get this cool in July.
  10. Does anyone know a website that will let you break up a road trip such as what we are considering? Something that would easily tell you what is say 300 miles from a point then 300 from that point.....
  11. We have been having a lot of visitors lately. They have been eating a lot of flowers so we are building a fense. They plan to finish it tomorrow. After it is finished, Sharon can take the sticks out of the flower bed.
  12. We are trying to determine if we should go for it. That is why we are doing the test drives. We would not even consider it without the van. It says driving time to Orlando is near 14 hours. IF we go we would spend 2 or 3 nights on the way and then 2 nights in Orlando so we have a full day of nothing before cruising the next day.
  13. Just sub the sauce with pesto. I used to grow other varieties. The Sunrise Bumble Bee is so good it's the only kind now! We have not got a lot of peppers yet. Still holding on.
  14. Sort of like a Dickens garden. The best of times, the worst of times. About all of the regular size tomatoes did great at first but the plants are gone now. Even at that over 200 were produced. We were able to make lots of pizza sauce and roasted tomatoes. Last week we planted 29 new tomato plants. Sharon said they already doubled in size. Our growing season goes to almost the end of October so there is time for more. The Sunrise Bumble Bee cherry tomatoes are doing great! We have harvested over 800 and they are still going. Friends/neighbors are loving them. The cucumbers are good. We have made refrigerator pickles with them. Good! The bags of basil are doing good. We have made great pesto with it. Have you ever had pesto pizza 🍕 We love it!
  15. Last night while posting about the new van, we were on our back deck hearing the fireworks start. We quickly decided to ride down to the river and see what we could. Although we were not in our regular spot we had a good view for getting the last moment. Would of never happened without the van.
  16. Before we would load my chair on the back of our Highlander. A lot of work for Sharon and hard for me to ride in it. Hard to travel on rainy days. I had something great happen a few weeks ago. A friend helped us find an accessible van! Now I can ride into the side of the van and strap it in up front! So much more comfortable! I can no longer fly. We are testing how far I can handle riding in it. Today we were out 6 hours, 5 on the road 1 hour at Applebee's. First half was rough, second good. We have more testing to do. Has anyone drove from Memphis to Orlando before? I am wondering how smooth are the roads. Applebee's lunch.
  17. Things sure have changed since being diagnosed over a year ago. Good things can come from challenging trials. My spirit has been uplifted from the love my family and I receive from so many around us! And it is such a blessing to hear that this encourages those around me! Physically things are way down. I can no longer walk, even with a rollator. As the day goes on my energy drops. At times I have a hard time breathing. My right side is weak. I did a grip test with PT Tuesday. The left was 41 the right 8. Big difference. I get frustrated at times when I struggle doing the simple things in life. My life would be totally different if I was not blessed with Sharon. I am soooo thankful she is with me! With all that said I am still enjoying life! Those grandkids love on GPa. Each time Kenzie visits she takes the time to give me a big hug and squeeze my feet. Life is still good! It is hard for me to share this. I enjoy bringing smiles to people thus the dad jokes. 😆
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