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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. The kids this week asked if they could go together for my birthday present and put a drip Irrigation system in my garden! I said YES. The SILs, with Kenzie's dad heading it up, are going to put it together. A lot of work. Kenzie's family has one for their flower business they started. Here is a pick of some of their flowers this week.
  2. @Keksie Our last cruise we all were in airplane mode not using any special app. My Samsung was able to send and receive text and the other iPhones were able to send and receive text from me. Both types acted normal as if on land. The best way to see if the will work for you on board is to try it at home now or before you board. The sooner the better.
  3. @Sunshine3601 We were talking about starting seeds. After this Monday the temperature here is supposed to stay above 40⁰. Tuesday I will plant my cold plants, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and Kohlrabi. Friday lettuce. I moved some of the lettuce from the 2.5" pots to 5" pots. The trays with the 5" pots hold 8 and the trays with 2.5" pots 32.
  4. We were just discussing when we want to board in Hawaii. The earliest check-in is 3:30 pm, sail away 9pm. This will probably be the 1st time we will not try to board the earliest.
  5. I just post pics of virgin Miami Vices or Peach Daiquiri and everyone is happy 😊. I have noticed at times the bartender doesn't hear me say virgin and I just have to push through it.
  6. I quoted the fireman's pole to get to the flowrider and just mentioned, related, the th...g word to it. πŸ˜• who knows why
  7. I haven’t been to the FOB yet today but I think I came close yesterday. Not sure if anyone ever noticed but on occasion I like throwing in a little humor 😜 Yesterday I tried to be funny by combining a post about sliding down a fireman's pole and another post and it got deleted.
  8. Speaking of Monopoly, on the FOB live you mentioned something that you should of not Googled. When I made reference to the same topic, it was deleted a few minutes later. πŸ™ƒ Not sure why, may be because of the word I am not including which to me is not bad. Did yours get deleted?
  9. Happy Birthday Dani πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎈 🎁 🎊 I hope you are having a great birthday! It is such a blessing to be able to grow friendships with someone that you have never even met in person. You have a great personality and a good heart ❀️. Happy Birthday!
  10. I had no issues either but I thought I would check the settings. I found out why CC doesn't send me anything. It still had an email account that I used when I originally set up the CC account years ago. I decided to not update the email. I can't see why I would need to get an email from CC.
  11. The problem is if an Apple device records a video its format is .mov and when posted only Apple devices are able to view it unless they download it. For all devices to be able to view a posted video on CC it has to be in .mp4 fornat which is what android phone record. I think many don't want to download because it takes time and space and you have to find it after downloading it.
  12. Your welcome. I used to use a website to convert .mov video to mp4. This was the first time I found that I can easily convert them with my Samsung photo/video editor that comes with the phone.
  13. Sharon and I have been doing brackets since 1980. We pick each round. As the girls were born they had a bracket. When real young we would read off the teams and would mark them when they would make a noise. πŸ˜† As time went on some of Sharon's family joined in. In 1996 Sharon's brother bought a trophy for the winner to keep for year. This will be the 27th year for the trophy πŸ†. Each year we write the winner on the bottom of the trophy. We have 16 participants this year.
  14. I just found an earlier way to convert. When I click on the posted .mov it downloads to Gallery on my Samsung. Then if I hit edit and change it to a 720 or leave it 1040 and make any change like clip a bit I can save it as a .mp4 After changing it to a mp4 the size was 18.62 MB. MVI_6293_2.mp4
  15. After reading this, Sharon and I were thinking the same thing so I googled. I did not remember but this was questioned in a couple of episodes. It looks like the rule was that a person couldn't sit out the reward challenge and then the immunity challenge. Since they are now having immunity/reward challenges, the rule doesn't apply in this situation. πŸ™„ Doesn't make since to me. Here is the article I found. https://www.goldderby.com/article/2022/survivor-daniel-sit-out-challenges/
  16. I see the opposite happening with us. I bet Sharon and the other couple will soon say.... hey, if we are cruising out Port Canaveral, lets go to Disney either before or after the cruise! The other couple still has annual passes.
  17. If most have a wifi package, if phones are set to wifi calling you could do group texting. We did this on Allure. It worked between all phones, ie iPhone and Android.
  18. Thanks. Our mutual friend that you so kindly helped me meet already has me covered. We have 2 rooms on hold. Group price is better and a refundable deposit makes it easier to go for a 2025 cruise.
  19. πŸ˜† I was hoping after being found the last time, you would not feel as much of a need to hide from me again. πŸ˜† Or maybe now you KNOW you need to hide better! Lol We already have a room on hold along with are cruising friends.
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