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Posts posted by maureencruiser

  1. The reason the unlimited plan on the Allure is so popular? They practically force you to buy that plan. On other ships you buy a package of minutes and use them, a few at a time all week. On the Allure when you buy minutes they must be consecutively used from the time you buy the package. It doesn't matter if you are logged on or not. Once the clock starts, it never pauses.



    Is this still true? I was planning on doing a live review, writing every day off line, then logging on for a bit to post to CC and check Facebook. I thought I would use an hour or two over the course of the week. This has me changing my mind!

  2. Sherri, girl I loved this review. I stumbled on to it while reading your Med review. So I stopped reading it and started reading this one. Why? Because I'll be on the Allure in 2 weeks. YES!!!


    Thanks for a wonderful insightful review. Loved the details.

    Hi Cynthia! I know what you mean, the Allure thread is the only one of her reviews that I have read all the way through. I keep changing plans and starting other threads. I'll never know if Brainy Brad(?) ever satisfied his pigeon quest, if Micki enjoyed the Freedom surprise, etc. Because, as you know, I had to start reading this Allure thread!


    Sherri, have you ever thought about posting all your reviews in a website like cruisewithgambee. It is so much easier to read the reviews without all the questions and comments. I know you have a blog, but, the reviews aren't there, are they? Thank you for all the work you do, both here on CC and at the Red Cross. I'm going to try and do my own review of the Allure, but, I know it won't come close to yours! :D

  3. Aaah, that's another thing, go down every day and pick out your pics, they will hold them for you in a folder. The next day, you will remember what pics were taken and where. Also, they start throwing them out as they go along. Did you not get any taken other than the formal dinner pics? I prefer casual pics showing everybody having a good time. I tried to post a few but they came out really big, I had to delete them.

  4. I got the all inclusive package on the Jewel and was very satisfied. It was a 4 night cruise - $150. I got about 52 pictures - could have gotten more, but, my friends were uncooperative. I would do it again, particularly if I had a family. How long was your cruise that you only got 37 pictures? Note to future cruisers: If you book the unlimited package, take as many pictures as you can, the more you take, the better your chances of finding ones you like. Families usually come back with hundreds of photos from week long cruises. :)

  5. That I don't know--is that a Crown and Anchor club thing? I just got my C&A number yesterday when I booked the cruise, from my Celebrity Captain's Club status, so I didn't have it prior to booking. This will be my first Royal Caribbean cruise.

    I checked, there is not a certificate for this sailing. You can check next time by looking on the website, under c&a, look for special offers. Welcome to RCI!

  6. I need to clean out closets. Both clothes and shoes. Who would be interested in sizes 14-22 and size 10 shoes? Might even have some med & lg tops. Seems like most women on here wears either a lot smaller or larger than these sizes and not many in the middle. Maybe it would be helpful to start a thread and give sizes that we are looking for?

    I am interested in size 20/22. I tend to wear more casual clothes than you do, but, I am willing to dress up for formal night, especially on my upcoming Grandeur cruise, the ship should be decorated for Christmas, which could make for some very pretty pictures!

  7. That's interesting...I tried it again just now and it doesn't work. Are you running Chrome or Internet Explorer? Windows 7 or XP? Yours showed up with

    as the prefix and suffix to the link whereas mine doesn


    IE Windows7 - the only way I know how to post pics is copy and paste. The harder way everyone talks about just seems too complicated. You can also copy and paste from Facebook, if that helps.


    Ladies, a thought - I have seen a few pics lately where the ladies have gone out of their way to tell us all how terrible they look, but, they wanted us to see the pretty dress despite the troll wearing it :eek: . Please, ladies, you are all beautiful, just as God made you! We are all fortunate enough to have a few extra dollars scraped together where we can go on a cruise once in a while. A lot of people will never even get close to a beach, much less sail on a beautiful ship. Can we PLEASE stop worrying about the lighting, the hair being a mess, etc and just be so appreciative both of the clothes that were a generous gift and the fact that we are able to cruise.


    I will now step off my fabulous cruise soapbox! :D


    https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSVU_Haez9LzOIHuayxygCiJ_D1X7hnbIGiQtuLzDNJI2XOzeY-lA' alt='images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSVU_Haez9LzOIHuayxygCiJ_D1X7hnbIGiQtuLzDNJI2XOzeY-lA'>

  8. 41A0-xtpIoL._SX160_.jpgHave you tried these - search pettipants on amazon.com - about $7 a pair, I love them, they don't ride up, no fly to worry about, if they show a little when the wind blows, they just look like a slip. I need them about an inch shorter for the dresses I'm taking on my cruise, so, I ordered the adjustable, snip it, kind, should be here in a few days! :)
  9. Have you tried these - search pettipants on amazon.com - about $7 a pair, I love them, they don't ride up, no fly to worry about, if they show a little when the wind blows, they just look like a slip. I need them about an inch shorter for the dresses I'm taking on my cruise, so, I ordered the adjustable, snip it, kind, should be here in a few days! :)

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