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Posts posted by donaldsc

  1. My personal opinion is that if visiting Denali is a really an important part of your trip I would not go until the road is fixed.  Driving just 43 miles into the park is just not worth it.  However aas Northern Aurora points out Wrangell -- St. Elias National Park and Preserve is a really great to go to that you not be able to get to if you try to go to Denali.  St Elias will also be less crowded than Denali.



  2. I bought a used Rokinon 12 mm f2 from KEH. It seemed a good fit for what I need at a price I can justify.  I paid $150 for it.  At the end of the trip I can sell it back for about $60 or else I can keep it.  Will keep you posted once I get it and try it out.



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  3. 35 minutes ago, Hezu said:

    First, 25 mm on APS-C crop is not that wide. Comparable focal length giving similar field of view on full frame is 37.5 mm.

    My current favourite lens for aurora photography is Sony FE 1.8/14 GM. Sure, that is not something I would call a cheap lens, but on the other hand, it offers a lot bang for the buck. And it is still cheaper than Sony's (super) wide angle  f/2.8 GM zooms. And it is also much lighter in weight than those zooms, so that is a definate advantage while traveling. Also it is already few years old, so there should be some available on second hand market, which could offer some savings compared to prices of a new lens.

    I have earlier also used other lens, some of which haven't been that fast, but that obviously has meant using longer shutter speeds (although then you sure may lose some details as the auroras may move quite actively) or/and higher ISO (might get more noise then).

    Also, you could try using wide angle lenses for other photo subjects than just auroras to justify the cost of your purchase.


    Good thoughts.



  4. I also recommend that anyone who visits Vence read several of Donna Leon's Commissario Guido Brunneti series of books.  It will help your visit to Venice much better.  This is a quote from NY Times Book Review about her.


    "Donna Leon is the ideal author for people who vaguely long for a good mystery. That Leon is also a brilliant writer should only add to the consistently comforting appeal of her Venetian procedurals featuring Commissario Guido Brunneti. Leon allows her warmhearted detective to take what solace he can from the beauty of his city and the homely domestic rituals that give him the strength to go on."



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  5. 5 hours ago, MacMadame said:

    When I shut down my photography business, I sold off most of my specialty lenses via eBay. You'll get more money there than going through B&H/KEH ime.




    I'm not familiar with those lenses (I have Canon) so I can't speak to those lenses specifically though.


    They are inexpensive because they are totally manual focus and of course they are not name brand.  If I use them for aurora then manual focus is not a problem and they have gotten decent reviews. 


    In response to penui1n's (by the way love your handle) I have checked on rental places.  The problem is that if I rent the cost for the few places that have the type of lens that I need will be almost $120 and if these used low cost manual lens will work for me it is a better deal.  And I maybe might even decide toi keep it at that price.


    Thanks for the thought however.



  6. I need to buy a wide angle fast lens for an aurora photography cruise that I am taking.  I figure that I need a lens that is no more than 20 or 25 mm and at least f/2 or faster.  I am buying it just for this trip and I doubt that I will have much use for it after the trip so I do not want to spend the large amount of money for a good one.  Also even though this trip is expensive my wife with balk at me spending several hundred dollars for a lens that I will not use much.  I may end up buying one of the more expensive lenses hopefully used with the idea of selling it after the trip or else I may buy one of the inexpensive ones with the thought that I may end up liking the lens and keeping it.


    1) If I buy one one of the expensive ones can anyone make a guess as to how much of a hit when I sell it to either B&H or KEH.  I would probably buy a lens for $400 or $500.


    2) If I buy cheap I am looking at the TTArtisan 25mm f/2 Manual APS-C or Meike 25mm f/1.8 Manual Lens for Sony E-Mount.  I can get either one used form KEH for between $50 and $70.  Has anyone ever used one of these or a similar lens for aurora photography?  The resolution and stuff like that should be good enough for aurora phots but if I use them for other stuff are they decent.


    Any thoughts or suggestions.



  7. No problem w that.  Venice is a stop that is best experienced by yourself wandering around trying to find a place that you know is somewhere close and then getting lost and seeing something interesting that you didn't know was there.  The usual tourist  spots in Venice are usually overrun with tourists and are just a pain to visit.



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  8. 17 hours ago, SC LTC said:

    I’m not either…


    If this response says what I think it says my comment would be - don't confuse me with the facts my mind is made up.  If not - I apologize.



  9. There are companies that do Antarctica cruises that are less expensive.  We are not allowed to discuss specific TAs but there are TAs that specialize in Antarctic cruises.  Go onto the WEB and find them and maybe they will be able to help you.  I did a Falklands and South Georgia cruise at a reasonable price that I found with the aid of one of these specialist TAs.



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  10. I have an interesting question.  We all are doing evening tours on our aurora cruise.  Many of them start at 6 PM or 7 PM.  I just checked on the Viking chat line and they said that BOTH the buffet and the dining room open at 7 PM.  Is this correct?  Do they have earlier start time for the aurora cruises.  Would room service possibly work?  Are we going to go hungry?  Any thoughts?



  11. I am doing an aurora cruise and I will need a tripod.  Any suggestions for one that is light and easy to pack.  I would like to keep my costs down as I would not use one much for most of my photography.  Also and ideas for a light ball head.



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