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cruz chic

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Posts posted by cruz chic

  1. I'm confused, Lorekauf......


    What do you mean you'd rather see the 'prices of the people they value'?



    Sorry I meant I'd rather see good prices than a medal. I knew what I meant in my head but it didn't translate well:D;).

  2. As it is a "promotion", I think they are trying to promote their Signature Drinks Package, which costs $49.95 a day, I believe. They want to get people hooked on the thought they can drink all they want; hopefully, more than they would normally. Certainly, it would be that way for us. Normally, on board, we would have wine with dinner (usually Navigator's package, now 1/2 price for us) and perhaps, if we go to the show, a Bailey's or other liqueur. Our 42-day TA next year, we have the explore4 added. I've been planning! I think I'd have a specialty coffee (or 2) midmorning, then perhaps a mimosa with lunch, a proseco or 2 in one of the bars before dinner, maybe 2 glasses of wine with dinner, and 2 liqueurs after dinner, maybe a decaf cappuchino. What would that come to - perhaps $35 or $40. I probably couldn't keep that up for too long, however, and of course, on port days wouldn't be able to get anywhere near that! As fun as it might be to have the "free" stuff, I would never be tempted to purchase the Signature Beverage Package, having tested the freebie. For 42 days, that has a "value" of $2100 for each of us. I guess I will have to watch and see if our category comes down that amount, to make it worthwhile to rebook at the lower price.

    Next stop might have to be AA :D:D;);).

  3. Not at all. I am saying that it is foolish to trust a cabin steward/crew member 100% just because he is a cabin steward/crew member. As one poster said: "I'm sure there are some slippery fingers when things are left around the ship. but never by the cabin stewards. They're too smart to do that." Smarter than ship Captains? Captains of major cruise lines have been convicted of child rape/sexual assault on their own ships. Are ship captains just dumber than cabin stewards?


    To believe that a cabin steward would never steal is being naive. That being said, I am also aware that the safety ratings for cruises is very high, higher than at most 5 star resorts. Also, after 80 + cruises, I have never had anything stolen or have had anything bad happen to me. But I am still cautious on a cruise ship, just as I am in certain sections of my home state and hometown. I am sure most people are cautious even in their home states and hometowns.

    I'm sure most people don't throw caution to the wind. That said when something doesn't smell right, it usually isn't. Why is the OP without question but everyone else is suspect.

  4. I think he's too busy reading letters about the wine policy, non-functioning toilets, poor air-con, lack of drinks service at dinner.


    There's a lot of people out there who complain about all these things but continue to sail HAL. I can only conclude they pay to enjoy a good moan:D

    Please let me know which cruise line is perfect. I'd love to try it.

  5. First the OP's item goes missing. She gets no satisfaction from the ship's front desk and is insulted by a poor choice of words by the front office rep.

    She comes here with her sad story and we give a big welcome!

    We again insult her by asking if she looked every where when she said that she and her husband turned the cabin inside out looking for the speaker, and then question her credibility.

    Only she was there and heard what was said. (I, by the way, had a ship employee look me straight in the eye and lie to me).

    I guess we have seen the last of her.

    Flame all you want. You people are a hard bunch!

    I wouldn't come back either.

    Show a little kindness please.


    Yes, the front desk can leave something to be desired but I think they are smart enough to not call someone old:rolleyes:. I was born at night, but not last night. If you choose to believe that that's your choice.

  6. I read on these boards quite often, but only post if I think I can add something of value, other than just my flapping gums. I do not read boards such as Azamara or P & O because I do not sail them.


    I have a question for those of you who "Will not sail HAL until the smoking policy changes". What the heck are you doing reading the HAL board? I don't read the Asia Home Port board because I have no intention of sailing from Asia anytime in the near future. It just makes sense to me.


    I guess I could read the Thompson Board, and the other lines I will never sail, then post responses, but to what end.


    I guess my logical mind just says this posting on a line you will not sail on is ridiculous at best. Unless you are simply trying to advance your agenda or increase your post count.

    I have to agree with that to some degree. I sail on Princess from time to time but only read their board when I have something booked. That said, I work full time so my time is limited. As long as people aren't stirring the pot I don't really care where they post.

  7. Rapes by crew members, assaults by crew members, date rape drugs used on passengers by crew members,unsolved disappearances of passengers, murders on cruise ships...these all occur on cruises...why do people on here doubt that simple THEFT on a ship can occur? I am on your side...I have no doubt your item was stolen..


    I believe most of those things have happened on a carnival ship. You can bet if I was on a carnival ship I'd have everything locked up just like I would in a hotel. Yes, I have sailed on carnival. I would hope that Hal wouldn't hire such dodgy people.


    Like I mentioned before, I wouldn't trust other pax as far as I can throw them.

  8. Just for the record, we are ex-smokers and you are more than welcome to smoke on any balcony cabin beside us. We do not mind it at all.

    The wind blows it as fast as you can smoke it, so we welcome you in a cabin beside us.

    We don't mind smokers at all. :D


    That's never been my experience. The smoke smell does linger. If you don't mind it I hope the smokers are next to you and not me.

  9. I now have the vision of someone walking the corridors of the Nieuw Amsterdam in a nightgown holding a speaker!;)


    I think I would have been just as upset about the "old people misplace things" comment as the loss of my speaker. Somebody seriously needs to learn tact to continue working in guest relations.


    I'm willing to bet the front desk did not use those words and that it's the perception of what happened by the OP. After that, the OP lost credibility with me.

  10. We are both smokers, and would not cruise if we couldn't smoke on our balcony. We all vote with our money. I don't want to hear anyone complaining about it from non-smokers, as they, too, can "vote with their money" and book a cruise on many other cruise lines with policies to their liking!!


    BTW, smokers' lives are NOT shortened by 10%. Take any life expectancy survey, and most take off 3 years for 2 packs a day. I figure that's just 3 years in a nursing home that I can skip. (I don't know how to make a smiley face to show I'm kidding.) If those numbers were both true, average life expectancy would be 30 and for smokers, 27. HUH?? I'm the only person in my age group of friends (mid 60's) who isn't on any prescription meds. I eat healthy, work out and have cholesterol and other numbers most would kill for. (Another "joke"!)

    I like Hal and will cruise them. One day, smoking will not be allowed on balconies. I'm sure you wouldn't like people telling you to go to an all inclusive where you could smoke to your hearts delight.

  11. I think if it was misplaced we would have found it. We even took apart the fold out sofa and looked under the beds. Searched the whole cabin again after we packed before leaving. The box was not that small to overlook it.

    Good for you that you never lost anything. I hope it stays that way. Good luck!


    I wouldn't trust other passangers as far as I can throw them. The stewards I do trust. I exercise caution when I need to.

  12. It's a shame PunkiC as it sounds like you are enjoying your cruise on HAL. I still have my fingers crossed that there may be an amendment to the policy. Ok, I can dream, can't I?;)


    Lorekauf - I have noticed on European cruises wine does seem more important to some people. You don't see them drinking wine on the balcony since that is in their private space, but the Crow's Nest on our TA's was packed with people enjoying a drink (HAL's).


    I certainly can't speak to European cruises as I've never been there. I just think the policy change is bigger on this board then on board. I still think Hal will relent either before or closely after jan 31 but they may not. I'm just wondering what the definition of many is.

  13. .


    Many people on our current HAL cruise feel the same way.


    I'm surprised to hear that since I don't see a ton of people drinking wine on cruises. I guess it depends on your definition of many. Does that mean 5 or 500? Of the folks I mentioned this to on my cruise I can't remember one person saying they were going to switch lines. That seems to be more of an issue on this board and your cruise.


    It kinda seems to me the princess seems like a better fit for you.

  14. My comment is not about a cruise director but someone on his staff. The fellow who ran name that toon, bingo, line dancing as well as other activities on the Amsterdam was hard to take. His attitude was rude and condescending and at times bordered on bullying. An example of this is; four from our group got up to learn to line dance. After a couple of songs we wanted to sit, watch and sip a drink. He actually took my arm and pulled me and others back while making comments that I found upsetting. I did stay dancing but left the crow's nest soon after as I felt that this was the only way out of this situation. The group of us discussed this after and felt that he was completely inappropriate. I commented on this in my survey to HAL. :mad:


    Wow, that is totally inappropriate.

  15. I don't want to be preachy but if your situation helps one person it will be worth while. Even if a person is in great health you never know what could be going on in you body. My friends dad was always in the best of health. The doctor always told him that his excellent health made him seem much younger than his years. He ended up with cancer and passed away within 6months. If you self insure that is the risk you take.

  16. I think getting off or staying may on depends on your cruise history. As a newish cruiser who perhaps has not been to the particular country/port before I would be getting off ship. If I had been to that country/port many times I may stay aboard. It would be awfully funny to reply when asked back home how I like Grand Cayman, not being there before, and I replied that it looked lovely from the ship. :p


    Absolutely. Generally if I haven't been somewhere I'm going to get off the ship. One exception was in Ecuador when the authorities were making it very difficult for the pax. They kept switching what they wanted from pax to get off the ship. Life is too short to put up with that drama.

  17. As much as I like to get out of the cold in the winter, that's way too many people for me, too.


    We tendered in Grand Cayman last winter and, if memory serves me correctly, there were three ships. So it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Even so, the tender lines were fairly long. Even though the Ryndam seemed to be the only ship using the tender facility we were at.

    We cruise at the end of January and I think that time frame has the largest impact of people wanting to get out of the cold weather.

    I like to get out of the cold of winter too. I just don't care where the ship is as long as it's warm. I'd be pretty ok if Hal got rid of this port and subbed in a docked port since they don't care for tourists. Just don't sub in Jamaica.

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