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Everything posted by pbxtech

  1. Have to support my Fellow Sooners! Go Baker
  2. Still here, Had to help at Local Church Food Bank. Minus 10 degree wind chill, Still had about 500 show up today for groceries.
  3. He needed to leave Dallas Quickly. Needed to find some Fun after Blow out on Sunday
  4. Back when SW had the seats facing each other, we were in our seats facing front and a guy from another country took seats facing back, took off his shoes and socks and had his wife massage his nasty Stinky feet. Called Flite attendant to have them stop it and put shoes back on. He screamed at us, but not in English. His feet smelled So horribly Bad
  5. Make sure to bring our 65 degree temp back with you. It will be missed next week.
  6. Good timing, Saw Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Eastern Oklahoma about 10 degrees for high and wind chills minus 15
  7. We skipped desert and would go to the Gelato and get their premium deserts
  8. We did that also last week with bowls of fruit. Walked down to International cafe for double coffees
  9. Last week got in line about 10 30 and got on about 1PM.
  10. We just got past customs. Lots of people behind us still waiting to go tru.
  11. Take your time. We were suppose to be off at 730. Just called us to leave and get luggage.
  12. We are. But facial recognition is down, so everyone has to show passport. Will be slow getting off. Last week it was 5pm before we left.
  13. 10 more minutes and we can get off ship and let you board. Have a good cruise
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