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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Today is also Gardening Day and it just happens to be the only day lately that isn't raining -- so you can guess what I'll be doing. (Actually not a lot, I still get too tired too fast). But those Sweet Peas are ready to be planted, so I'll do that at least. And then probably sit in the sun. No ex spouses here thank goodness. Every day should have more than a moment of laughter and we always do. I'll probably be looking more down at the ground in the garden today, but do enjoy looking up at the sky when it isn't cloudy. I like the quote and it's true for many. Ursula Andress is now 87 years old. My only memory of her is when I was a child I remember my dear Dad calling her "Ursula UNdress" LOL. I'm sure Dad and @RedneckBobcould have shared a lot of jokes. 🙂 Wow, Prince Rupert came just in time. We have never been there, but it's on our little 5-day get away and we'll be there on May 4. The only ports on that short cruise are Prince Rupert and Ketchikan. An unusual Pacific Coastal, at least for us. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Roy @rafinmd for the photos. I hope to see more. Like Annie @marshhawk I heard there is a garden within walking distance from the port, so we'll head over to look at that. No other plans other than to browse around and hope the weather will be ok. I would like the wine, pass on the drink and don't care for fish tostadas or tacos. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope you get good news today at your doctors' appointment. Laura @TiogaCruiser What an ordeal you've had! So glad you have the air tags (we love them). Let us know when you arrive safely. Gerry @ger_77 Thank you for letting us know that Sharon @Sharon in AZ made it safely to Miami. Get some rest Sharon! Lorraine @cruising sister My deepest condolences on the death of your best friend's son. How very sad! Hugs and prayers.
  2. Hi Bruno! LOL these photos are from prior years -- the only thing blooming now in my yard is the Hellebore, Daffodils and Grape Hyacinth. But this is what it looks like later in the spring. 😉 DH had to drive to Bellevue every morning before he retired. In order to get to work on time, he had to get up at 4:30. The drive morning or evening took a minimum of 90 minutes. I also had to drive to Bellevue, but only a couple times/week and didn't have set hours. But I hated it. Our daughter lives in Kenmore, that's as close to Seattle that I will drive!
  3. Good morning all! Every day here is plant appreciation day. I think I remember bookmobiles in childhood, but used the library. We both love peach cobbler, haven't had any in ages. Funny quote, will pass on the drink even in winter. I love rum but Hot Buttered Rum, has always seemed too sweet to me. Will pass on the red wine, and would try the 2nd recipe. We've been to Monte Carlo once. We were with DS and DBIL, we took public transportation to Eze and then to Nice. It was a very nice day, but my photos are pre-digital. Last night I slept for 10 hours, so Covid tiredness hasn't gone yet. Feeling pretty good otherwise, just tire easily. Today I took a Covid test (first since testing positive 9 days ago) and still have a very faint red line so will test again in a day or two. DH has the same. I feel bad for @TiogaCruiserand @Sharon in AZtrying to get to Fort Lauderdale for their cruises. Smart to fly to other airports! I remember back in 2017 (?) when FLL had an active shooter at the airport. We were mid-flight as it was happening, and were rerouted to Miami. A good friend had landed before us and was there as it was happening. 😞 @luvteachingI'm sorry you had to make the hard decision with DH and now have to drive to Everett to visit your DH. On the bright side, the traffic is so much easier between here and Sedro-Woolley than between here and Seattle. I know it's a long drive, but I'd do that before any drive south. Here are a few photos of my favorite flowers in the garden over the years. Hellebore Lambs' Ears, Tulips, Hosta, Ajuga, and Rhodies Side shade garden Rhodie in full bloom
  4. Thank you Bruno. Yes, it was kind of like an ice shower, ice pellets that turned to kind of like snow, and then quickly turned to rain. My Daffodils fared the worst, bent some over, poor things. Everything else is ok, it didn't hurt the tulips (they haven't opened up yet). And I'm waiting a few days to plant the Sweet Pea seedlings. It will be *slightly* warmer then.
  5. Good morning all! It's so nice to see bright sunshine this morning, especially because the previous forecast called for more of that "frozen mix". So even though it will only get up to the low 50's F, I'm enjoying the sun. Like everyone, not a fan of big wind. We have way too many trees around us. I love a good grilled cheese, especially those served in the Grand Dutch Cafe on a BHB. I don't know any lawyers now, but my first job was at a large high-powered law firm on Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. And they were not kind, 'nuff said. I'll pass on the drink and red wine. I prefer my pesto made with basil, so not sure about the meal with arugula pesto. Last night we had the stuffed chicken with mozzarella (I left out the dill) 😉 and DH declared it a hit. Our next cruise is coming up fast (May 1), and I need to start thinking about what to pack. It's only a quick 5-day Pacific Coastal, and it's been a long time since we've sailed for so short a time. It's out of Vancouver, a 2-hour drive for us. The cruise sails at 3pm, so yesterday DH suggested we get a hotel in Bellingham the night before. Getting out of here on week day mornings can be challenging, so this way we'll cut out some time on embarkation day. I'm all for starting our vacation early! I hope everyone has a great day!
  6. Great to hear from you Bruno, and I'm happy to hear that your Dear Dad is doing better. No kidding about our weather! Today we had a ridiculous hail storm, it covered the ground and was bouncing off the roof. The sky was black. Then as quickly as it started it ended, and now we have bright sunshine. Looking forward to warmer days!
  7. Thanks Debbie. Very glad to be almost over this. Today the fatigue everyone talks about hit me like gang busters, and here I thought I was avoiding it. 😉 I'm determined to make this dish tonight though, just very slowly lol.
  8. Thank you all! We're very proud of both our DD and DS. We can't celebrate DS' birthday today (darn Covid) but will all get together at the Skagit Tulip Fields on the 22nd.
  9. Welcome, we're happy to "see" you here and hope you continue to post. I see you live in Scotland -- we have cruised there a couple times and think it's a beautiful country. I would love to see more of it.
  10. Good morning all! I'll celebrate pets day even though we haven't had one since our last kitty passed in 2011. Until then there was never a time in my life I didn't have a pet (2 dogs as a child, and 7 cats as an adult). Now I just enjoy our grand-pups and grand-kitties so we can travel a lot. 😉 I'll pass on the drink (coconut), and expensive red wine. Debbie @dfishthe recipes today all look delicious! I'm going to make the first recipe tonight for dinner. I love Feta cheese, but it's high in sodium so will use Mozzarella instead. And I have fresh spinach I'm growing. This sounds really good. I've been bringing my own bar soap for a number of years, I really don't like liquid shower gel. Vanessa @JazzyV Prayers that your knee isn't infected -- good that you'll be seeing the doctor on Friday. Here are some of my favorite pet photos over the years. Our first pet, 17-pound "Cairo" and my parents' dog "Riley". We were visiting them in CA and I don't think Riley thought Cairo should be in his house. This would have been around 1970. Same cat with our daughter, 1980. "Ebony", around 1995 Our daughter chose to have our cat "Suhy" pose with her in one of her graduation pictures. Edited to add that today is our son's 49th birthday. How on earth can I have a son that old when I'm only 25???
  11. Yes, it would be great. There are a few of us Dailyites on that cruise, we need more. 🙂
  12. I would love to meet you some day, Lenda. Did I imagine it, or did you say awhile back that you're considering the Grand Australia in January? Thank you Vanessa. I've heard that the tiredness is the last to leave, so I guess I'm on track. And I will actually be making a meal tonight (shrimp scampi) so that's progress! What a nightmare about the funds. Thank goodness though that the credit union person said they'll do anything they can to help if needed.
  13. We were on the Nieuw Statendam, Sept. 8-Oct. 17. On the 18th we hopped over to the Koningsdam, this was our 50th anniversary cruise.
  14. We had a lovely aft NS on the Eurodam last year. Could you tell me the names of the Concierges and the manager of the Pinnacle Grill? Do you have regular coffee or only espresso in your cabin? Last year they didn't have any regular coffee for the machines. Thanks!
  15. Good morning all! I've never had any interest in learning to play golf, but DH played often in years past -- not now though. Several of our friends are avid golfers though and will play in all kinds of weather. The closest our family comes to having farm animals would be my maternal grandfather who had a dairy farm and my paternal grandfather who had a cattle ranch. I'm the youngest of 3 daughters, only 2 of us remain. Our oldest sister passed in 2010 after a 10-year battle with Lymphoma. We miss her every day. Although avocado is very healthy for most people, it isn't good if you have kidney disease. Since I've never liked avocado anyway (it's a texture thing) I was relieved to have a better excuse not to eat it. 😉 So I will pass on the meal, red wine, and drink. Today I continue to make baby steps to feeling better. Just some congestion, cough, and most of all very, very tired. No matter how much sleep I get at night I wake up tired and stay tired all day. Vanessa @JazzyVWhat on earth -- your funds disappeared?? Terry @smitty34877Prayers that your DH's procedure goes well. We've been to Marseilles and Provence twice. The first time was in 2008, no photos from that visit good enough to share I'm afraid...we rented a car and drove to Aix-en-Provence and Arles. DS and DBIL came with us that cruise, and that day was my sister's birthday -- a great way to spend it! The second visit was in 2019. We took an 8-hour tour to Avignon and Pont du Gard, the Roman aqueduct built in 50 AD. Another great day! Just a couple photos of Marseilles as both times we spent the day outside of the city. Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct built in 50 AD Inscribed stones when the bridge was built Some scenes of Avignon
  16. Thank you Sandi, it's nice to be feeling somewhat human again. Elliott Rose is a beautiful baby, thanks for sharing the photos! Thank you Lenda! Thank you Brenda! I think the corner was turned early this morning when my fever broke and my throat is much better today. Now I just have a slight cough and feel weak and tired.
  17. A quick hello from "Covid Central" and Happy Easter to all who celebrate. I've missed a lot of the news here, Covid knocked me down for a few days. The 3rd night was the worst and I honestly feared things would continue downward. Yesterday I had no voice due to my throat being so sore and raw. I haven't had a sore throat that bad since having my tonsils out as a child. But this morning my temperature was finally back to normal after days of being over 100. Now just to keep it that way! So I think I'm coming out of this. DH is a couple days ahead of me and doing "well". He finished his Paxlovid yesterday and I'll finish mine Tuesday morning. Our kids have been great, DSIL giving medical advice, DS and DDIL brought us Easter dinner last night (porch drop) and we got a sweet FaceTime from the grandsons yesterday. Happy Anniversary wishes to @ger_77, @erewhon and @luvteaching! Also Happy Birthday to @luvteaching! Bon Voyage @aliaschief!
  18. Thank you Maureen. You said it well. DH feels like he may be turning the corner -- fingers crossed! He's 1-2 days ahead of me and has been on Paxlovid longer. I took my first dose tonight (smaller dose because of my kidney function). I'm resting because that's all I can do -- last night I slept 11 hours, but cold meds helped with that. Even dozed off on the couch today, something I never do unless I'm sick. And it's only 7:30 now and I think I'll head to bed soon!
  19. Thank you for the well wishes! As I've told friends, we're lucky to get it now and not earlier or later when we want to travel and cruise. My kidney doctor has prescribed a lower dose of Paxlovid for me that I'll start tonight. I'll try to catch up with everyone's news soon, but heading back to bed for now.
  20. Good morning from Covid central. DH and I haven't been sick together like this since we both had the Hong Kong flu in 1970. That was worse though. And since neither of us has had Covid before now, I don't know if we have a mild case or not -- just feeling crummy and hurt all over. Fever is 100.2 this morning. One thing though, I still have an appetite and Debbie's recipes look very good! I would choose #2 and add more veggies (carrots too, Debbie @dfish). I hope everyone has a great day, prayers for all on the Care list and cheers for the celebrations.
  21. Good morning all! I'll pass on the deep dish pizza, but would love a thin crust pizza! DDIL who grew up in the Chicago area, only likes deep dish. There are no dandelions in the yard right now, I try to catch them early. Also will pass on go for broke, not a gambler. 😄 The meal sounds great if the tofu is replaced with some kind of meat, and I love Vouvray! One of my favorites. Although I can get good Vouvray at Total Wine for less $$. The quote seems to be a take-off from Benjamin Franklin's "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days." I can think of some people this would be true of, but not most. Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple). Well you can add me to the Covid list.... 😞 I tested positive last night. I knew it would be a miracle if I didn't catch it from DH, I'm sure he had it before we knew. Anyway, so far it's very mild for me, just a scratchy throat and minor cold symptoms. I've put a message into my Nephrologist to see if she even recommends Paxlovid for kidney patients with moderate disease. Right now, after reading about the possible side effects I'm leaning towards not taking it since my symptoms (so far) are so mild. DSIL the PA suggested I pick up the prescription, and then, if in the next 3 days I feel worse, I'll have it. Happy Birthday Edi @NextOne!! Best wishes for a successful surgery @tupper10. Oh no Maxine @AncientWanderer! I'm so sorry you've gotten "The Crud" like several of us have had. Hope you'll be feeling better very soon! @Safety SquirrelThank you for posting the military children poem. It sounds just like our DD and DS who were Navy dependents (won't say brats lol) Annie @marshhawk In the past HAL let us know well before the cruise how many Gala nights there would be. Unfortunately since Covid (?) now we don't know until just before (I mean days) before the cruise. 😞 I don't like the change, but it is what it is. Your Navigator will just show "smart casual" for the whole cruise, which isn't true. I don't remember how many days your cruise will be, but you can count on 1-2 Gala nights/week depending on the length of the cruise. We've been to Bridgetown once, and did almost the same tour that Sandi @StLouisCruisersdid. So I'll just post a few of my photos that aren't the same as hers. Some photos of the Orchid House and Sunbury House. Collection of sewing machines in the Sunbury House Swim suit from the early 1900's (!) Optometry equipment The rum flowed freely. We got a huge kick out of the gals doing the rum tasting. It was a lot like watching an episode of I Love Lucy. 😉
  22. For me it's hash browns. Mop up the egg yolk with hash browns and put jam on the toast. 🤣 I think you may be on to something about messy eggs and messy painters. But I may be a bit more difficult. I don't want mine sunny side up, they have to be firm but still runny enough to run out. I know, difficult. And it always takes a few days of breakfasts in the Lido before I find the perfect fried egg cooker. On our last cruise I found him quickly, he was perfect!
  23. He says thank you! 🙂 Lenda then you and I are both odd balls. That's exactly how I like my eggs too. And my DH likes his eggs like your DH likes his.
  24. Henry started on Paxlovid last night, his doctor approved it. If I get Covid, I doubt I could take it between my kidney function and meds I'm on. But yes, I'm very pleased with the lab report! I went from 2 points away from Stage 4 to 1 point away from Stage 3a (still in 3b). Moving up! I like my eggs "medium" meaning the yolks can't be hard but not running all over the place. And never, ever, like an egg plopped on top of my food, runny or hard. 🤣
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