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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. As soon as I saw the title to this thread my first thought was "then branch out from the Caribbean, there's a lot more interesting places!" In Oct-Nov. on the NS we got pillow chocolates every night. Our stewards were the best. Also got 6 tiles (not that we need them) 😉
  2. Good morning all! It's 26F (feels like 19) but the rain is back so I think the snow will soon be gone and temps warmer. Happy Birthday @kochleffel! We have been to Key West twice, the last time was just last month. We've gone to the Hemingway House, walked the town, took the trolley tour, visited "Robert", took the Ghosts and Gravestones Tour, and the glass bottom boat tour. My favorite was the Hemingway cats, of course. 😉 Today I'll be baking apple pie, tomorrow roasting the turkey. I was going to bring 2 pies, but there will be so many cookies, cakes etc. I decided against it. The roads are very icy, so we're just hunkering down until Sunday. It should be much better then and just wet. Have a great day everyone!
  3. Good afternoon all! I'm really late today, just being lazy I guess. Yesterday was not a good day for DH, he was nauseated all day. Today he's just feeling tired. Thank you again Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the suggestion he ask for anti-nausea meds. He has put in a call to his doctor. I'm not sure he would/could put up with this for 6 weeks for something that is more preventative than anything. The treatment is to try to stop the tumors from coming back as often, not to get rid of any already there (which are easily removed). So, again we had to cancel the overnight with the grandsons. I'm disappointed, but we'll be with them all day on Christmas. Meanwhile I'm slowly decorating the tree myself and preparing for Christmas. I'll be roasting a turkey and baking a couple pies. Thank goodness the "kids" are having us to their homes this year. Rich @richwmnBon Voyage! Joy @Seasick Sailorouch on the hand mishap! I hope it heals quickly. Those doors are heavy. Dixie @summer slopeI'm sorry your kitty is unwell. I know our 17-year-old cat always hated it too when we left for cruises.
  4. Excellent question Lenda. I'll have him ask! He's spent all morning in bed, so unlike him.
  5. Good morning all! I'm a little late this morning, DH was sick this morning. We're pretty sure it's from the chemo treatment yesterday and not the flu. He called the clinic, as they told him to report anything like this. Sounds like it's kind of expected, but he was told to let them know if it gets worse. No fever, just nauseated. Roy @rafinmdoh my on the "detected". That must be a worry for you. Like everyone else, I'm hoping it's some kind of fluke. We're supposed to have the grandsons here tomorrow night for our delayed overnight -- of course now we're waiting to see how DH is feeling. I may end up decorating that tree by myself lol.
  6. Thank you Vanessa, my neighbor is a good friend and knows how much I loved that cat. DH is doing fine so far, thank you! Thank you. We always know it will happen some day (sooner than later in his case) but never makes it any easier 😞 Please let us know how your DS's kitty is doing. I hope it isn't anything serious. Thank you Graham. That cat was as sweet inside as he looked outside. The only cat I've ever known who loved belly rubs and never knew a stranger -- loved everyone. Thank you Sharon. He was gorgeous and always reminded me of my Ebony who passed in 1999. Thank you Melanie. Yes, difficult, but it was his time. 😞 Annie it was so special....she told me that she was giving him all his favorite things that last day, and because I was his "favorite person" .... I really appreciated it. Thank you Lenda. Such good news that your DH no longer needs PT or nurses' visits!
  7. I second the choice of Pine Ridge. After the NZ SBs, this is my fave. Always have it on hand.
  8. Good morning all! It's snowing heavily here a little north of Seattle. We're supposed to get snow and cold temps through Thursday, but rain for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so most likely not a white Christmas. I'm very sad today...my neighbor is taking their cat (my buddy, garden pal, and most amazing cat I've ever known) to be put down this morning. 😞 Knowing how much I've loved him for years, she asked if I wanted to come over yesterday to say a last goodbye. Of course I did, hard as it was but I was thankful for the opportunity. His poor old body is breaking down, it's time to say goodbye. I will miss him as if he was my own. DH has gone for his first weekly "chemo wash" into the bladder. He has had the procedure before, but couldn't tolerate it after about the 3rd time. We'll see how it goes this time. I plan to continue wrapping gifts today, I didn't get very far yesterday but sure have a mess everywhere. Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad to hear you're doing well after your surgery! 14 stairs, wow!! Graham @grapau27my condolences to Pauline's friend. How very sad. Gerry @ger_77darn it about your credit card being compromised! That's always a hassle, but especially this time of year. Nancy @ottahand7wonderful news about your sister's cat!! She must be ecstatic. MaryKay @cruzn singlehow awful about the stepson exposing everyone to Covid -- and how awful for him, as a cancer patient, to have it. @TiogaCruiserI agree with Sharon @Sharon in AZabout the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs. It's what I love. Now my sister, who prefers sweeter wines (ugh) wouldn't like it, so you may want to consider peoples' tastes -- but it sure is my favorite.
  9. I can't remember if it was before or after the rushing of Maxine's anniversary, but there was another one in the last week. The day I posted photos of my Christmas Village, someone (can't remember who) thanked Lenda for posting them. 🤣 I didn't think it was worth correcting, so didn't. 😅 😁 But I can't help noticing that I'm the common denominator in a lot of these mix-ups!
  10. Good morning all! It started snowing yesterday, 26F now. The snow stuck and accumulated, but not a lot. My BFF in Bellingham said they got 1-3 inches, we probably don't even have 1". I'll pass on the hard candy and take all the chocolate. 😉 I salute heroes and heroines, and since I live in the Evergreen State it's very hard NOT to see an evergreen. We're surrounded by them on our street. I've had this wine and liked it, will pass on the drink and would only like the meal without the olives. Like Vanessa @JazzyVI don't like them at all. I never got around to wrapping presents yesterday, so must get at that today. Sad news from our son last night -- their next-door neighbor who they have gotten very friendly with had a stroke! He's only a little older than our son. 😞 Apparently he had it when he was visiting Poland and the doctors there said he was "fine to fly home"....not good. So our son and DIL are watching their 2 dogs plus their own 2. He has some time in rehab ahead of him after he gets out of the hospital. Terry @smitty34877we're all thinking of you today and praying for a successful surgery and swift recovery.
  11. Thanks but no thanks Debbie 😉 It was a rough way to do it, but I could stand to lose those pounds. 😄
  12. Good morning all and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate. I guess I celebrated Bake Cookies day too early, mine were done 2 days ago and yesterday we delivered some to the grandsons. Those hugs after not seeing them for a month felt so good! There are no twins in my family or DH's that I know of. We did see some flakes yesterday at DD and DSIL's, it was snowing there but didn't stick. We're supposed to get snow this week, but doubtful we'll have a White Christmas because that day is supposed to rain all day. I actually prefer buttery Chardonnay, so may like this wine. The meal sounds good too, but too heavy for me today. Appetite still isn't quite back, and I was shocked to see I've lose 9 pounds because of that flu. I don't feel like I look it, but that's what the scale says. It records your last weight and present. Will pass on the drink. Today I need to get started on wrapping presents. We decided yesterday that I'll decorate the very top of the tree and save the rest for the boys' visit next week. Have a great day everyone! Happy Birthday Nancy @ottahand7!
  13. Oh, please do let me know how you like the hotel. Prices aren't up yet for '24, but they are for well into December '23 so I expect to be booking it soon. Aw, thank you for your comment about the ornament. No, I didn't do anything but choose hair colors and styles, etc. etc. It was one of those ads on FB which I usually ignore, but.... 😉 My DD thinks it looks a lot like the 3 of us.
  14. Good morning all! Sharon @Sharon in AZso glad you could get started on the psoriatic arthritis meds. Let us know if they help. Terry @smitty34877thank you for the adorable photo of Camilla. She’s as cute as ever. Also wonderful news you’re cleared for surgery! Jacqui @kazuBon Voyage! Thank you for the photos and descriptions of the Westgate. I’m watching for our stay in San Diego in January of ‘24. We now have someone coming next week to give us an estimate on taking down those trees. So glad to get the ball rolling. We’re heading out in a few minutes to see the boys but I wanted to share this ornament I had made. I want it to be the first one they hang on our tree. It says I love you to the moon and back. Cheesy but I’m a cheesy Nana. 😁
  15. I do both spreadsheets and folders for each cruise. The spreadsheet will be set up with daily columns with info like is it a tender port, the weather, what excursions, or DIY we have planned for that day etc. I print out the spreadsheet and proof of payment for excursions, dinners, etc. (Because sometimes we just don't have good internet onboard). It keeps me sane on longer cruises!
  16. I hope he "just has a cold" too. He's very good about Covid testing, since he's in the medical field, so if it's that, we'll know. I agree about the insurance company and I feel so badly for my neighbor. She's lucky she has 2 sons who are helping her and fighting for what she deserves. There are still 2 trees behind us that we worry about, so DH and I are putting out calls to have them taken down. We don't want to wait on HOA any longer especially after seeing what our neighbor is going through. Annie @marshhawkwe have watched Ghosts, it's good for a few giggles. I don't think we've seen that episode though. My favorite "ghost" is Hetty.
  17. Good morning all! It's a bright, sunny day here in the PNW. 32F a little after 10 am. There has been a change of plan for us. The grandsons won't be spending the night tonight 😞 I'm relieved and sad all at the same time. Their Dad is staying home today from the clinic because he has a cough -- and so he and DD won't be going out tonight. DD gave me the choice of getting more rest (which I need) and we'll have a make-up overnight sometime next week. So instead we'll bring them the cookies tomorrow and get some much-needed hugs. Haven't seen them in a month. Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI'll see if they want me to wait on decorating the tree, there really is no hurry and they could do it next week if they want. Yesterday I got out of the house for the first time in over 2 weeks, I walked down to the mail box. 😂 I also had a long visit with my neighbor (the one whose house had a tree fall on it). She was here to pick up a few things. Her ordeal has been a nightmare, her insurance company has treated her dismally. When this is over, she and all her family are going to switch from Farmers to USAA. Work hasn't even begun on her house, because Farmers is quibbling over every penny. The estimate is $52,000. They have finally given her $36,000 total so far, and yet they are paying over $4,000/month for her to live in a rental for 6 months. Outrageous. She wishes they would put that money into her repairs. Terry @smitty34877that's great that you're 99% set for surgery on Monday! @RedneckBoband Sandi @StLouisCruisersI do hope you all can meet up today -- we want photos! @lindalerSafe travels and Bon Voyage!
  18. Taking a break before baking the cookies. Just getting it all mixed together wore me out -- and yes there's a mess. I realized that my very old recipe book is the messiest of all. It goes back to 1979 and has most of my favorites in it -- some of the recipes are nearly impossible to read there's so much splatter on the pages. I'm too embarrassed to post photos! @ger_77you definitely qualify, welcome to the Messy Bakers Club!
  19. Thank you Lenda. Yes, I will definitely share photos when the boys are done. 🙂 I realized yesterday that our older boy may be able to reach up near the top, he's gotten so tall and this tree isn't quite as tall as our last one. Especially if we get out the step ladder!
  20. Good morning from a frosty PNW. At least it isn't snow. Loving all the cat herding memes today. I'm not much of a tea drinker, I prefer coffee but do have tea in the afternoon once in a great while. I don't think I've ever regifted anything...but if I ever got a fruit cake, that would have been regifted lol. Will pass on the food, drink and wine. I'm afraid not much sounds good to me yet. I alternate between feeling ravenous and kind of "icky" so this thing just doesn't want to let go. Thank you Debbie @dfishfor posting your photos. We were with Debbie that day so my photos would be the same. Very happy to hear that Jacqui @kazumade it safely to San Diego! I hope you can just rest today. I'll be making cookies today because the grandsons are coming for an overnight tomorrow. DH got the tree up and helped me get the lights on it, so now it's ready for the boys to decorate for me. I'll just give them the boxes of ornaments (most of them are from our travels) and let them go at it. Have a great day everyone.
  21. Lol --- I did wonder. But Debbie @dfishsaid in post #31 that it is your anniversary and I've never known Debbie to be wrong. 😅 I thought I'd missed it somewhere. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words about my Village. There are 40 major buildings and countless smaller buildings and accessories. That's why I don't put everything up every year -- but when a grandchild asks.... 😉
  22. Good morning all! It's 32F and fog here this morning -- but dry until Saturday when we'll get some of that "frozen mix" AKA sleet. 😉 First of all I have to address what Annie @marshhawktold us this morning about the neighbor who lets his dog run loose at night. This hit close to home with me, a traumatic event when my beloved first cat was killed by 2 dogs running loose. 😞 They came right into our yard. He was 17 pounds and strong, but no match for 2 big dogs. Needless to say, when I hear about people like that I get very upset. Annie, I so wish there was something you could do. To add insult to injury, when we put in a complaint about the dogs, the pound (where they were taken) told me all they could do was let the owners know and it's up to them if they want to reach out to me. Yeah sure. GRRRRRRR "Nuff of that. This happened over 40 years ago and is still very upsetting to me. DH was out to sea, the life of a Navy wife... Dixie @summer slopeI'm sorry your DH is still testing positive. Just not fair! Jacqui @kazuso glad to hear that you are "on your way"!! Happy Anniversary to Sharon @Sharon in AZ, Maxine @AncientWandererand their DH's! This year I put up the Village early because I thought I'd be planning DH's birthday party in early December -- instead I got sick, so I'm very glad I put it up early. Our youngest grandson asked that I put it ALL up (usually I just do a few sections a year). When I put all of it up it takes up 3 6-foot tables. There's a mountain and ski scene, farm, downtown, town square/park, seafront w/lighthouse, and family neighborhood. Have a great day everyone!
  23. Good morning all! It took me a few days (still moving slowly) but here is our annual little Hershey’s Chocolate Tree that I put up each year. Do any of you remember back in the 80’s when Hershey offered 2 ornaments each year? Of course being the chocolate hound I am, I sent for them for as long as they offered them. Probably more than 10 years. Some are quite adorable and now the grandchildren love them too. Jacqui @kazuI’m so glad you’ve made the decision to go tomorrow. Sandi @StLouisCruisersprayers for your DD’s successful surgery. Sharon @Sharon in AZsorry you had an icky day and hope your tummy troubles are long gone. A few close ups
  24. Good morning all! After 13 days I'm happy to say I'm up to probably 90% of "normal". Never, ever, have had a flu like this one and I hope to never again. I've gotten all the cards out now, all the gifts ordered online. DH will get the tree up this week and the grandsons will be decorating it for me this weekend when they stay overnight on Friday (must be 100% by then!) But I'm going to let them go at it, and I'll love how it looks no matter what. We may just have a tree with the bottom half decorated I don't care! 😂 @seagarsmokerVery happy to hear that you're feeling 90% too. @grapau27Graham so happy to hear that your surgery went well. Speedy healing. @kazuJacqui fingers crossed that you can fly out on Wednesday! @AncientWandererMaxine I'm so sorry to hear that you have Covid. Prayers for a mild case. We've been to Istanbul a couple times, I love Turkey. I won't dig up my photos because they're too much like those already posted. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.
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