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Nippy Sweetie

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Posts posted by Nippy Sweetie

  1. We like to find a distinctive Christmas decoration from each country. It's lovely remembering the holidays we've had as we decorate the tree at Christmas. 

    Also fridge magnets. We've got some lovely, unusual ones. Hand made and painted ceramic ones are my favourites.

  2. It's fine by me. I quite enjoy meeting a variety of Americans and hearing their different perspectives on life. It was just a surprise for us on our first river cruise.

    On an Avalon cruise we were pretty annoyed to find that a large group of Australian car salesmen had been booked for the cruise. Some sort of reward scheme. Their organiser took over the best parts of the deck for private parties and made it very uncomfortable for other passengers who had equal rights to sit there. The men were all celebrating and hearty drinkers. It led to quite an unpleasant us and them situation. We never went with Avalon again after that.

  3. On our first Viking cruise we were amazed to find ourselves surrounded by Americans. It just hadn't occurred to us that there might be so few of us Brits. 

    We met up with a couple of Australians on the next cruise. 

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  4. I remember being very impressed by a lady who drew pen and ink sketches of the places she'd been. She had a little book for each holiday. I wished I had her talent. They were perfect mementos and so much better than hundreds of digital images that will never be printed out.

  5. On our Viking booking info it was made very clear that this was not the holiday for those with mobility issues. As to a scooter, the corridors are narrow and trying to drive along one would necessitate everyone else waiting while they went the length of it. I'd imagine there would be all sorts of fire evacuation issues. 

  6. There is usually something on in the evening but you'll find that after the early starts and excursions you might not be up for much fun after dinner. We often enjoy the company of new dinner mates and carry on chatting upstairs in the lounge afterwards.

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  7. I expect good service on Viking as, bottom line, we've paid a lot for it. I expect staff to be well paid according to EU and UK standards. I don't expect to have to pay more towards the staff. 

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  8. Us too. We'll often take the included tour but branch off on our own. Sometimes it's just too boring shuffling along at the pace of the slowest or we're simply not that interested in the next big church or dull monument. 

    We like to wander about, have a coffee and watch the world go by. We're on holiday and just want to relax.

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  9. Viking may well leave an envelope for tips in our cabin but we'll not be filling it. Re early payment: that's always seemed strange to me. We pay a deposit on booking then full payment  about 8 weeks before the cruise.

    It's interesting to see the difference in offerings between those companies that advertise in the UK market (and I think the Australian one) and the US one. Very different focuses related to different expectations I suppose. Fair enough. It's a business.

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