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Posts posted by kangaand2roos

  1. What are the sofa beds in the mini suites on the Majestic like? Are they like traditional fold-out sofa beds, or the kind where you are essentially lying the length of the sofa? More to the point, if the bed is in use, can you easily get to and from the balcony from the main part of the room?

  2. Darn... b2b would be too long as were taking our then 4 year old. I know this is a Carnival page, but is there any other cruise lines that would do this. Max 7 days.


    I did a western/eastern B2B with a 4 and a 6YO on the valor. When we were disembarking, my (almost) 4YO was crying "next time can we do a fwee (3) weeks cwuise?!"

  3. I got an app called Fast-lists. I had to enter everything, but it is easily customizable and reusable. Most importantly, I don't need to keep track of a piece of paper. I used a variety on online lists to compile. I can check things off as I pack them, and then clear the list to use again for the next trip. There are free and paid versions. The free would probably been good enough, but there were a few features I liked in the paid, so I upgraded because w do travel quite a bit.


    Have a great cruise!!

  4. My family did a B2B on the Victory last May. We added the second leg because a 5 day cruise just didn't sound like enough. And, Mother's day was during the second leg!


    My husband and I switched rooms (L-shaped balcony to aft balcony) so we could try out the two different options. They were two doors away from each other. The kids stayed in the same inside room. We had the same cabin steward for the 9 days.


    I took some sadistic pleasure in watching everyone disembark from the first cruise knowing I had 4 more days to go!


    Several years ago we did a B2B on the Valor and I get that sadistic pleasure. I called it "Cruisenfreude". Schadenfreude=getting pleasure out of someone else's pain, so cruisenfreude=getting pleasure out of someone leaving a ship when you don't have to!!

  5. So, the kids are asking if the waiters dance to "What Does the Fox Say?" at any point in the dining room.


    Keep it coming1 I'm loving hearing about the boy-friendly Camp Carnival activities. My son was VERY excited to hear about the cup stacking and the scavenger hunts! My daughter is pretty easy to entertain, so she is not as concerned. If she doesn't like what's going on in camp, she will just read or swim.

  6. Seriously? I would think that would not be your business to even ask. Wow!


    Agreed! I love to (sometimes) snuggle with mu kids at night. Sooner rather than later, they are going to be old enough that they no longer want to do that and I am going to be very sad! We will have a king and a sofa bed on our upcoming. The kids are going to take turns sleeping with their old mama!

  7. Is Faster to the Fun worth it? DH and I will be sailing the Paradise in October. Just wondering if it's worth it on a smaller ship...


    For us it is if only for the ability to go directly to our rooms when we board. I travel alone with one or both of my kids and it's nice to unload all of our carry-on stuff!



    1 - A man buys a ranch style home. Everything is blue. The walls are blue, the furniture is blue, the beds are blue, the inside is blue, the outside is blue. What color are the stairs?

    2 - What's black and white and red all over?

    3 - A rooster sits on a roof facing North. The wind is blowing 30 mph from the south. The roof pitches due East. If he lays an egg what direction will it roll?

    4 - What color was GEORGE WASHINGTONS White House?

    5 - What gets wetter and wetter as it dries?

    6 - You're driving a bus that has 6 stops. 8 get on, 2 get off, then 6 get on, 4 get off, then none get on, 1 gets off, then 4 get on, one gets off, then 7 get on, 2 get off, then 10 get on, 3 get off. How old is the bus driver?

    7 - You fill a basket but no matter how much you do so, it adds no weight whatsoever. How is this possible?

    8 - Who is your sister-in-laws mother-in-law?

    9 - A man and his son are in a car accident and the father dies. The boy is flown to the hospital where the Dr. comes into the operating room and looks at the boy and says, "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son." How is this possible?

    10 - An electric train is going 60 mph heading east up a 45 degree slope with a 15 mph Eastern cross wind. Which way does the steam blow?

    11 - What is the name of the closest star to the Earth?

    12 - How many grooves in a 33 rpm record?

    13 - Is the Capital of Kentucky pronounced - A) Looville B)Louieville C)Louisville?

    14 - A man goes into the woods looking for nothing. He comes out holding nothing. When he gets home he searches his empty hand for something. What is he looking for?

    15 - A man in car #1 crashes into car #2. They pull a dead body out of car #2, but the driver of car #1 does not go to jail. Why?

    16 - A man jumps off of a 20 foot ladder and does not get hurt? Why?

    17 - A man leaves home, makes a left and a left and a left. He returns home to find two masked men waiting for him. Who are the men in masks?

    18 - What state is round on the ends and high in the middle?

    19 - Is it possible to jump higher than the Empire State Building?

    20 - What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich don't need it, and if you eat it you'll die?


    I think I know them all except 14. A couple, the answer could be debatable, but I think I at least know what answer they're looking for.

  9. Piano bar is a great idea! After those few drinks, I'll be singing for sure. Lol And good to hear that others go there by themselves. Thanks for the great ideas!



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    I cruised with my 10YO daughter last summer. A couple of nights when she was in Camp Carnival, I went to the piano bar. It was SO MUCH FUN!

  10. Kangaand2roos... are you sailing with your kids? If at all possible, could you get a few pictures of the Camp Carnival activities for me (ages 2-5)? I've been trying to locate some more up-to-date ones but haven't really had any luck. I'd like to give my kids an idea of some of the things they can look forward to doing. :D THANK YOU!!! Have a wonderful trip!!!!


    I am and I will! I've been dying to get a glimpse at the 9-11 CC Funtimes myself! Anyone?

  11. We just did a day at Islands of Adventure before our cruise on the Dream and it was amazing. So much fun!!


    My kids were determined to win a ship on a stick as well... they got theirs the last sea day by winning Harry Potter Trivia. It was a perfect opportunity for them as they are also huge fans. My youngest also said that if she had gotten one more camp carnival medal she would have gotten a ship on a stick there.... I think she had 4 and needed 5 to get the ship.


    I'll remind him about the medals and SOS. He's hoing to have a great trip no matter what!

  12. We live in Florida- Universal is one of our favorite things to do besides cruise. Islands of Adventure is a blast. The Harry Potter ride is great. They are opening a brand new part of the park soon that is all about Potter. (Diagon Alley sp?) it's really going to be awesome from what we can tell. I hope it's finished for your visit.


    We arrive I. 8 days, so I don't think it will be ready, and we will only have single park tickets, but we will certainly get back to experience it eventually!

  13. Hopefully he gets both! On week long cruises we shoot for a medal for each of us and a SOS. The SOS's get added to my "collection" but the medals are all the same, simply saying "carnival" not the ship name... So I don't know which medal came from which voyage. :(

    Really, it's just a fun way to spend family time together onboard. I hope you and your son have a blast!


    We will! DD11 will be there too. We took a girls cruise in August and she won a SOS in trivia. Not to be outdone by his sister, DS9 is bound and determined!


    Ice cream and trophies aside, the thing I am most excited about is that my dad is meeting us in Port Canaveral and we are surprising the kids with a day at Universal Islands Of Adventure. DD is a HUGE Harry Potter fan, and she will be OVER the moon!!

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