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Posts posted by kangaand2roos

  1. Oh, come on, come on, last chance to sail out of Baltimore. Great ports, prices are good and fly back to BWI on Southwest, hey, can't beat it .


    You will LOVE St. Kitts. You can see some photos in my Miracle review.


    I'm so looking forward to it. I've wanted to sail the Pride because it is so close to home. We live in Delalware, so it's just a hop, skip and a jump away, but I didn't really like the itineraries. This one is a dream come true.... a Spirit class ship AND all of those great ports ! The balcony prices were $759 for 8 days, five ports, come on, you know you can't resist this one. LOL. besides, we'd love to meet you and your family.


    And we'd love to meet you! The biggest issue is school, and do I pull the out for that long? I never gave it a second thought when they were both in elementary, but Middle School is the Real Deal! I will give it some very serious thought! I may see if I can talk some of the rest of the family into it as it really does look like an exceptional itinerary! The flights from San Juan don't look bad either! My DH is a land lubber, so he won't go and convincing him we need to take another cruise might take some work!

  2. Thanks for the review! I'm really enjoying it! We sail her in February. Reading about the laser tag, I'm think my 9 YO son would be in heaven! Do you remember what time it was?




    This is a great review. We are going on the Nov. 30, 2014, last Pride sailing out of Baltimore. We've been on the Miracle and the Legend, sister ships of the Pride, and love the layout.


    Your photos are wonderful. I can't wait to read and see more. I don't know how I'm going to wait until our sailing, but I will.


    That sailing looks very tempting! I Love St. Thomas and St. Maarten, and have never been to Grand Turk or St. Kitts...hmmmmm...

  3. I think you got James last cruise. It says on his web site that he was on the Glory till August 11th.

    Hope to see him again although it was hard on the liver.:o

    Glad that piano bar is now non-smoking so that I can enjoy it. (Not an anti-smoking rant. I just couldn't enter it before)


    I was and he was quite stoked to be going home! Is he done, or just on vacation?

  4. I just booked on the splendor out of nyc on Jan 28th ...From what I have read the female at the piano bar now is not so great, I hope that there is a change b4 then .... and roger from the pride still the best...


    My fingers are crossed he will be back from his vacation by the time I board! If he is anywhere close to as much fun as James, I'll be a happy girl!

  5. [quote=Onessa;39836601


    I'm thinking we are all "preaching to the choir" here though -- most of us who care enough about parenting and about kids to post on this board are the kind of people who care enough to work on these skills with our kids.


    I'm guessing you are right about that!

  6. For us it was a Transatlantic on Mariner of the Seas in November 2012, we had just learned a few days before the cruise that my partner had prostate cancer so were unsure when or if we would be able to cruise again, it was a great cruise, great crew, met lots of interesting passengers, great entertainment, sea days were so relaxing that we were able to forget about it for a while, thankfully we came back and he's come through his treatment and will(touchwood) remain healthy, and, we are off on Explorer on 19th of this Month for a Canada/New england cruise and have a lot to be thankful for.


    So glad there has been a good outcome! May his health remain good! I just did Eastern Canada on the Carnival Glory and loved it!

  7. Maybe nothing, but I remember every wonderful (and some of the not so wonderful) moments of traveling with my kids as newborns up until now. My kids have learned how to behave while traveling because we travel a lot. Just because a person can't recall a memory doesn't mean that the memory has no effect.


    We talk to our newborns, even though they don't know speak or understand our language. That's how they learn!


    One of the reasons cruising is a good choice with children is that it is a good mix of family and alone time. I'm a big Disney fan, but while I love our Disney trips, I pretty much spend every minute with the kids. On a cruise, we have great family time, AND I get some great down time.


    The kids get to try new foods with less pressure to eat every bite (and so do I!) the children get to spend time with other children in their age range and to meet people from different parts of the country and the world!


    There are many, many good reasons to travel with kids, even babies.


    That said, if one wants to travel without their kids,I get it!


    And while I never hesitated to BF my kids in public (discretely) the only time I changed diapers publicly was airplanes that had no changing table and there was no other place to go!


    Running around in a restaurant, clothed or otherwise, isn't an acceptable behavior unless it is a McDonald's (or similar) play land. There are options other than the MDR if kids can't or won't sit still. I am cruising with my DS9 for the first time in quite a few years, and I have my doubts as to whether he will enjoy long MDR meals (my DS11 does) and if he doesn't, after the first night, he can eat at camp.


    Lewd photography... Get a room, people!

  8. It's a matter of assessing the right balance. Yes, if your children are never out of your sight until their 18th birthday, they're less likely to be molested. But on the other hand, if the first time they leave your sight is when they wave goodbye on their way to college, will they be well prepared for adult life? Somewhere you've got to cross that line, it's a matter of when.


    Yes, and doing it in small, semi controlled bits is a good way to start. And I like the "no elevators" rule!

  9. I -----------------, agree to the following rules and Mom and dad can add rules as they see fit.



    This needs to be an exciting and educational trip for all. We want you to have fun, and at the same

    time be safe, and courteous to others on the ship. We want to bring you home in the same happy health

    condition in which you board the ship. We have set up a few rules that must be followed. Any bending of

    these rules, or stretching the interpretation of these rules will result in the remainder of the cruise

    spent with none other than your loving mother and dad. Final say will always be your mother and Ryan.

    1)The meeting the first night in the teen club is required. Most teens from what I have been reading do not

    hang out there but chose that as a meeting point. The first meeting is required as that is when the parents

    sign informational papers for each child for you to participate. It is also when and where the introductions

    take place of fellow teen cruisers and the staff inside the teen club. This information must be filled out if

    you happen to decide to take part in any of the teen activities organized by the cruise ship.

    2)Under no circumstances are you to go to anybody’s cabin nor is anybody allowed to come to ours.

    3)You will not go through any of the cabin areas/hallways. There is absolutely no reason for you to be in any of

    these locations except to return to your own cabin.

    4)You will not be playing around on the elevators. For example: pushing the buttons to every floor.

    5)You do not accept a drink of any kind from anybody other than mom, dad, or anyone in our group or one that you

    have ordered and is brought to you by cruise ship staff. Nor will you leave your drink unattended. If it is

    left unattended you are required to order another one. There are sick people out there......

    6)You will be required to check in at a specific time set by mom and/or dad and different intervals throughout the day.

    You will also tell us where you are going, what you will be doing and who you will be with. This is so if plans change for

    us we can find you to tell you.

    7)If you are in our cabin alone, you will be required to have the do not disturb sign posted. Not even crew members (room steward)

    are to be in there when you are by yourself.

    8)You will be required to join us for all evening meals in the dining room. We have the early seating so you will be required to

    be back to the cabin and ready to go at the assigned time. Make sure you allow enough time to get ready.

    9)If you decide to swim, you will be courteous to the adults in the pool. No splashing or “cannon balls” to be cute.

    Be courteous of adults swimming laps for exercise. Stay out of their way.

    10)You will not be obnoxious whether we are with you or you are without us. We expect you to be well mannered using please,

    thank you, and excuse me at all times. Hold the doors for adults that are passing through at the same time as you,

    allow people to get off of the elevator before you step on. Just because somebody is rude does not give you the right to be rude.

    11)Absolutely no running on the ship!

    12)No butting in line at the buffet. And do not take more than you can eat. If you are still hungry you can go back for more.

    There is plenty of food. I’m sure they plan for people with bigger appetites than yours.

    13)Absolutely no cell phone!!!I will have mine.

    14) No excessive amount of sugar and junk food. (You know what is exceptable and what isnt)


    Signed, Mom____________________________

    Signed, dad___________________________

    Signed, kid_________________________


    I will adapt this for our use if that's ok with you!

  10. I just cruised with my uber-responsible 10 YO daughter. It was the first time she was old enough to be allowed (by Carnival) to sign herself out of Camp Carnival. I let her do so, but with real restrictions. She wasn't allowed to roam, but she could sign out and meet me at a pure planned location. If we were on deck, she could go get herself a drink, snack, etc without me. As I said, she is very responsible for her age and allowing this bit of freedom was my reward for that. I'll be cruising again with her and my younger son in February. They will be 11 and 9, and I will only let him go off with her. He's not quite as responsible and I'll want an extra set of eyes (though I think I'll still let him go get ice cream, etc. on his own...)


    I think I'm more comfortable giving them a little freedom now Than I might be once they're teens! Though, one of the reasons I am giving them some freedom is so they can grow into the responsibility of it slowly, rather than keeping them pinned to me and suddenly releasing them as teens.


    That said, you know your child(ren) better than anyone. Have a great cruise!!

  11. That for whatever reason, you don't think you'll ever match?


    I have loved each and every one of my cruises, but the one that really stands out is one I took to Alaska (Celebrity Mercury, 2007) with my brother and my daughter when she was 4. It was just a perfect storm (I know...not good terminology for a cruise topic...) of goodness.


    We had an aft balcony...


    Our cabin stewards were wonderful, learning my daughters' stuffed animals' names and everything...


    Alaska is beautiful...


    The most fantastic waiter...Tyrone...


    An even more amazing assistant maitre'd...is Ruby still around?...


    Unbelievable day in Hubbard glacier, the crew says it was the most activity they'd seen all season...


    Even the bad weather on our last sea day was great! How cool is it to sit in a hot tub, outside, in the rain, in ALASKA?!...


    But mostly, the memories of my daughter. She was at a delightful age. Se was in a great mood the whole trip. She was charming and had the crew wrapped around her little finger. I was just looking at pictures of her hugging Ruby and Tyrone goodbye. I had tears remembering how much she loved them! And I think the feeling was mutual! Also, she bonded beautifully with my brother.


    It was truly the perfect trip!


    What made your perfect trip perfect?

  12. For our next cruise I got a magnetic container. I'm going to put crayons in it, and put up a coloring page for people to help us complete! I may bring one for each day!


    The other thing I though might be fun would be the poetry magnets. Different words for people to arrange.

  13. That is a cruise I would like to try. The Miracle with John Heald will be doing the Alaska route next summer.:)


    It was fantastic! I'd love to do it again! I don't know know what the home port is for the Miracle, but both Seattle and Vancouver are fantastic cities. Make sure to schedule time in either one. Vancouver is probably my favorite city ever!

  14. Do you leave a towel animal and mint on the pillow so they'll be waiting for you?


    My next cruise is with my two kids. DH is staying behind. I may actually make a couple of towel animals before we leave and have DH put them on the kids' beds before we get home! I think they'd love that!

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