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Everything posted by Cruisercl

  1. I love the cat roller referral! Lots of other fun things.😊 Thx.
  2. Hi Everyone! Squidlips Patch Byrd here...🤭 @AroundWithMAPTravels welcome! Wonderful people here. @rafinmd congrats on the put together luggage! Do what you feel is best for you but I am hoping for you that you cruise. It is always a relaxing time for me and you deserve it. Up late today.
  3. @smitty34877, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your DH Lou. My prayers and peace be with you and your family. 😔💔
  4. @CrabbyPatti so sorry about the passing of your Dad. My prayers and peace be with your during this dificult time. Know that you are a wonderful daughter.
  5. I have done it in Miami - Celebrity to NCL. It was no issue, took a taxi, had big luggage. A fare for the taxi driver is better than just waiting in line.... I tipped well. Have fun!
  6. Good Saturday to everyone, @smitty34877, very sad news for you and your family. Prayers and peace be with DH, you and your family during this difficult time. @marshhawk, Happy, happy anniversary! Great ideas for special anniversary gifts to each other. No comments needed on the weather here because we are getting a nice Fall week here, now how long that will last IDK. OK, that's my only weather comment. I am terrible at Sudoko so don't even attempt it any more. Sometimes I think I am a weirdo but the wonderful part may be debated..lol.🙂 Not a quinoa fan, I tried to like it but it just wasn't there for me. I do not remember ever having a teddy bear, we had dolls we cuddled when we were young. I also had a stuffed kitty which sat cutely on my daily made bed. I have been to all of the towns listed today, on a Med cruise. Beautiful and historic places. The wonderful pictures bring back good memories. Thanks to those who posted them. My thanks to all of the contributors here, big and small, informative, funny and just because things. All are welcomed. I wish safe and fun travels to all who are traveling; travel is why we are all here and what we have in common mostly. @rafinmd hope you will recover soon; take it easy on yourself to help healing. Prayers for all of us; special and blessed prayers especially for baby Murphy and Lou.🙏 Celebrate all joys in your life they are well deserved. Have a good rest of the WE and take care all, Caron
  7. Thank you so much Megan for the great review! Safe travels....😎
  8. Is this is what is meant by Carnival Classy? Sheesh...
  9. @marshhawk I am so sorry about the nurse that spoke to you like that when your father was severely ill. Very unethical and shameful. End of life decisions are not easy and certainly not the decision of a nurse. I am a nurse and am quite embarrassed at times by a nurse and their behaviors. They are not educated alot in end of life treatments so she was putting her own opinion on the situation. Your opinion should have counted. Doctors are usually trying to save a life with their decisions for treatments. Now I know not all doctors are great, trust me, but most want their patients to live.
  10. Hello everyone, @cruising sister thank you for the update on baby Murphy. I am so sorry that sweet baby Murphy is still having problems. I am going to play devil’s advocate here a bit. Palliative care does not mean do not treat so it appears they are treating her when and if things come up. This is a good thing. This means the surgeon has not given up on Murphy and wants to continue to treat her. I for one am very happy to see this. I worked in critical care for over 25 years and have seen miracles. I have seen surgeons go to the mat for a patient and succeed when other areas of medical care have given up; it is not about ego. They do care a lot. The surgeon is the doctor in charge of the whole case, the palliative is a supportive team. I am pretty sure this high level of surgeon has seen this type of case before and knows how to treat it and has been successful and will not give up until there is nothing else that can be treated. It is really a fine tuning of a case such as this, looking at trends of numbers, labs, assessments etc. It is not easy and it can be a long time for treatment, but it can work. Medicine is not an exact science because every human body is different and reacts differently to medical cares. That said, no one has ever said that surgeons have great bed side manner. IMO, outside of the patient care realm is where the big surgeon egos show up. The family, especially the mom, is exhausted and vulnerable. I am not going to second guess what he said or how he communicated with the mom, especially if her perception was that he was almost shaming her. My questions would be, I wonder why he wanted to see the mom alone and I wonder where the negative thinking came from if not from the surgeon. I am not involved so these are rhetorical questions here. Continued prayers for Murphy, her parents, the family, and all of the people taking care of her. Take care, Caron
  11. Thanks for the explanation. Not a good program at all for the customer. You were stuck with NCL's poor processes and planning. Certainly a lesson learned for me. I haved sailed with NCL alot but never their fly program. So sorry this happened to you, good thing you are flexible, not everyone can be. Glad you are home safe and sound. Thanks again for the great live review and pictorial! 😊
  12. Just to be clear, because I have not done CO before, a person can call in advance to see if CO is available for the cruise you plan on booking? It would affect the category of stateroom you book, IMO. TIA. No TA use here...
  13. @MeganGC1983 great ongoing review!! Continued good fun and taking one for the career.... Admire your stamina. 😎 Prayers for Teo.
  14. Ugh. Off topic... @Saint Greg sorry for the intrusion on your excellent review. I have never used NCL for air travel but maybe you can answer my question. Are you offered different flight options? Can you refuse a flight and have them re-do it? I am sure the cost is a factor for different flights. IMO air travel now is a crap shoot no matter who books it. TIA.
  15. IMO, unless technology is 100% we will always have paper. Many issues with tech systems failing in many areas not just in the MDR on a cruise ship. Everyone has pretty much had a IT failure so paper back-up is needed, especially in a business. Good question though. Less paper would be better for the environment but crusielines are usually very good about recycling.
  16. So, do you have any experience with calling about this, which is what my question was?
  17. Great pictures of Sitka! Loved the SE; will look for it next I cruise AK.
  18. Do you know if you can call in advance to see if it is available? TIA. 😊
  19. That is true because other countries and even our Federal Government do not recognize it as legal. The states are doing their own thing without Fed government approval. It is a weird situation that affects the monetary issues that surround MJ. No banks can be involved in the money handling.
  20. Good Saturday everyone! Happy to hear some are having good things happen this week and should be celebrated. I like good news! I like bacon, do not like lamb so won't be making the recipes from @dfish though they look good, and do not have a beard. @Quartzsite Cruiser very happy anniversary! Your time married is amazing. @RMLincoln very happy happy birthday to you! Enjoy your day. @smitty34877 not offended by the medical marijuana; if it helps that would be great. Lots of anecdotal use say that it does help. More research I am sure is in the process. It is legal here (MN) for medical and recreational use. The recreational use, when it gets to be too much, is when there are problems. IMHO. The state hasn't regulated the use of it well, so we will see what happens, recreational use was just put into law Aug 1st. Medical has been approved for a few years. @Cruzin Terri a belated happy birthday to you! I hope you get to go out and enjoy your birthday dinner this evening. Maybe you should try the medical marijuana, they say it helps! Too many obstacles for you lately and you deserve a break. 😉 We are having ANOTHER heat bubble here for 4 days - temps 98-101F. I am over all of the heat this Summer! (whining). Hope all that are traveling have safe and smooth travels. Prayers for all in need and everyone else, we all could use some prayers at times. Celebrate the all joys in your life. Thanks to all contributors here on this great thread. 😎 Take care and have a great rest of the Holiday WE. Caron
  21. Really enjoyed your glacier SE pics! Alaska is rainy alot during cruise season, no matter what time you go. Continue to enjoy and thanks for bringing us along. Good pictorial of it all. 😎
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