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Clay Clayton

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Everything posted by Clay Clayton

  1. Lovely (albeit windy and rocky) sea day aboard Sky. So nice to have cooler temperatures and lower humidity-can finally have breakfast outside again!
  2. Shall I leave some of ours on the pier in Réunion for you? I can also leave some of the chocolate work they did for the Easter lunch today if you’d like. 😂
  3. Wonderful surprise when we got back to our room after dinner last night! I finally had the always available chicken dinner in The Restaurant -tasty. Happy Easter!
  4. Our current schedule shows us anchoring in Greenwich on May 5 overnight and disembarking on May 6.
  5. Enjoyed the “Formal” Dinner tonight. Pictured are -Goat cheese soufflé -Snow Crab Timbale -White Tomato Cappuccino (needed more tomato) -Onion Soup (needed cheese I am told) -Lobster -Filet -Cannoli (we’re still crunchy I am told) -Soufflé Lots of Officers and others visiting tables, generally a wonderful atmosphere. Given how busy the restaurant was, have to believe Mexican Night at the World Cafe was a ghost town.
  6. Frankly I didn’t ask them but they did say it took awhile and some negotiations to cancel it. From what I’ve heard it’s likely carpel tunnel or tendinitis, he didn’t play for several days and hoped it would resolve. But he was scheduled to play a day or two ago and when it came time, I was told he said “ I can’t feel my hand”. So better for him to not injure it any further and get it fixed. Agree with you and will greatly miss him.
  7. A while back somebody booked on a future world cruise asked for the Indian overland itinerary. Below are pictures of what our trivia team mates received initially. This is for the A group that got to go to the Taj Mahal twice, not the B trip that only went once. Our friends decided to cancel as they weren’t up to the multiple and long flights so this may not reflect the final actual trip.
  8. Sad to learn today that Mark’s rest hasn’t helped his hand so he is leaving us tomorrow. He will definitely be missed. Hope he can soon be back aboard a Viking ship and entertain others the way he has us.
  9. LOL-now I’m gonna have to go back and figure out who I stole it from-seems like a YouTuber
  10. Are you sure this was in Viking? Life jackets aren’t kept in the staterooms-at least not in V, DV, PV🤔
  11. Is it just me (or maybe it’s only happening on Sky) but is anyone else missing the chirping birds (or ocean sounds) in the public restrooms onboard? Sky now has several different sounds-one set might be whales, but there is another that sounds like rutting boar!😳 There is another than sounds like it might be some tribal sounds-but it’s mostly children it seems so a bit disturbing at best.
  12. For those who need a photo to understand, see before and after below-we do this to our V/DVs also.
  13. Beautiful picture! You beat me to it, we had been worried about the Cyclone based on earlier forecasts but just found the one below and looks like we will be well away before it gets there…hopefully it will be gone before Neptune gets there. As long as it stays a tropical storm/depression I can understand the locals not being worried, but I suspect the 11 dead folks in Madagascar weren't worried either…rain and flooding can be an awful thing. Enjoying a beautiful penultimate Sea Day aboard our 447 passenger private yacht!
  14. I’ve just been told by someone who shall go unnamed but is in the know and whose first initial is “O” that there is going to be a special fancy dinner in the Restaurant tomorrow. Just checked the app and it doesn’t show a menu but says “Naming Ceremony”. I was told Manfredi’s and Chef’s Table will be closed so that they have enough staff.
  15. According to Mr Google it’s Hagen@vikingcruises.com. Do you have something different?
  16. Delicious Indian breakfast this morning-understand some of the culinary geniuses bought authentic Indian ingredients while we were in Cochin-Kochi. Then it was laundry time followed by our third crossing of the equator-one to go!
  17. According to the new Edgar (Amon?) at Verity’s KoffeeKlatch, 141 are off on the overland so there are 447 onboard for the next five days…with 463 crew so private yacht ratio!
  18. Cochin/Kochi today-hotterenhell but interesting. Lots of guests doing the overland trip-six buses we were told. Numbers of participants has varied from 90-150. Guess we will see tomorrow just how empty the ship feels. While I hate we are missing our planned independent excursion to the Taj Mahal, I’m not sure I could deal with six days of this heat without the Sky’s air conditioning to come back to😂. Hope our Neptune friends get their yellow bindi like we did and that unlike mine which sweated off quickly, it lasts awhile!
  19. Loved seeing all the senior crew create a canopy for guests up the gangway yesterday when the monsoon season started early just as the last excursions were coming back.
  20. We didn’t see any elephants on the beach. #NeptuneGetsEverything 😂
  21. Mesh, damn wifi-couldn’t go back and correct. Meant to say as Hotel General Managsr, Mukesh is the big boss not Sam
  22. Just FYI-as Hotel General Manager is just about everybody but the Captain’s boss.
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